
Chapter 326 The fate of another change

On the second day, Anves changed into his Academy uniform and headed to the tower of the Mysticism Academy.

After proficiently showing his Academy status token, Anves followed the guidance of Tower Spirit and headed to the teaching area of today’s Moon Bronze class.

The mysterious tower is divided into three teaching areas: Star Iron Level, Moon Bronze Level, and Mithril Level. They correspond to freshmen in the lower grades, senior students below the fourth rank, and senior students above the fourth rank.

Each division is divided into high, medium and low courses. As long as you pass the advanced magic test, you can freely choose courses that go to the first rank.

Except for some special courses where all students below the fourth rank take classes together, at other times, students of different strengths take classes separately.

Of course, for the gifted students of the Pamir Academy, leapfrogging is a common occurrence.

Everyone is very attentive to learning, because what they are learning now is the power that can be seen and touched!

Anves is currently taking the high level courses in the Moon Copper District. As for the reason…

“Anves, you are here,”

In the classroom, I noticed Anves’ silhouette appeared, and the golden-haired half-elf girl gently raised her hand and greeted him.

“Hello, Claire.”

Anves nodded her with a flash of amusement in his eyes, just as politely.

He likes the girl’s tone of voice that obviously wants to be more enthusiastic, but is a little awkward because of discomfort.

Soon, as the time hit 8:00 a.m., mentor Nancy appeared on time with a silver-haired silhouette with a strong scholarly flavor.

When the strength improved, Anves also found that this is not actually Nancy’s body, but a highly simulated magic Avatar.

In fact, all the mysticism courses in the tower are taught by her alone.



“…Okay, that’s all for today’s lesson.”

As the time reached 11:30 noon, no matter where the class was, all the ‘Nancys’ closed the heavy black book in their hands at the same time, announcing the end of the class.

“Next, I’m going to announce two other things related to you.”

Pitch black’s eyes scanned the room flatly, and Nancy used her unique, as if A hazy voice like just waking up opened his mouth.

“The first thing, the empire’s exploration of the meteoric ruins has basically ended. The first batch of mysterious items from the ruins have been classified into the mysterious library.”

“Each of you needs to choose an item according to your ability, and crack it, which will be entered into the file as one of the conditions for future graduation.

And, according to the item you choose Depending on the difficulty of cracking, the evaluation obtained will also be different.”

As Nancy’s teacher’s words fell, the people below suddenly became agitated.

Because the first exploration was completely completed by the ninth rank powerhouse, and it was still during the outbreak of the beast tide, most students did not know the information that the ruins had been thoroughly explored.

Nancy didn’t care about the thoughts of the many students either. After everyone was whispering, she looked at the different expressions of everyone and pushed down the silver wire round glasses.

“The second thing, the triennial Academy grand competition is about to start. The points system is adopted as in previous years. The best results and rankings in the grand competition will also be recorded in the file. .”

“This year’s grand competition venue is located in the Meteorite Ruins, and the specific rules will be introduced at that time. Please prepare in advance.”

After finishing speaking, Nancy’s silhouette Just as it appeared, the direct light shattered and disappeared.

“In the remnants of the meteorite…?”

Anves’ eyes suddenly changed slightly, and his eyebrows wrinkled.

He knew about the Academy grand competition, but the grand competition in the previous life was not held in the Meteorite Ruins!

Although it has been ‘explored’, the original danger of the ruins is enough to threaten the limit of the ninth rank!

Even if there are only one or two ‘good luck’ traps that have not been triggered, their formidable power is not something that students with a maximum of four Fifth Rank can withstand. Didn’t the Academy consider the potential danger? ?


Thinking, Anves glanced at Claire out of the corner of his eye.

In Academy, because there is more than one ninth rank guardian, Claire’s aura cannot affect other people temporarily.

But in the ruins, it’s Claire’s world.

In case during the grand competition, the unfathomable mystery activates some dormant defense systems…

“Anves, please don’t walk with me after entering the ruins. Together. The danger of that ruin is too high. Due to the characteristics of my body, if it is too close to me, I am afraid it will be extremely dangerous.”

As if thinking of this, Claire walked over with a serious look Staring at Anves, she took the initiative to speak with her characteristic cold tone.

“Don’t worry, Claire, it’s too early to tell. I’m not kidding about my own little life if I really have to.”

came back to his Senses, Anves spread his hands gently, looked at Claire’s beautiful blue eyes like a tranquil ocean, and pretended to be relaxed.

“Besides, the ruins have been thoroughly searched by the ninth rank powerhouse. The overly threatening trap should have been removed long ago, so the Academy can safely conduct this year’s grand competition there.

So, instead of this, let’s go to the mysterious library first and choose the mysterious item that needs to be cracked. The sooner we go, the more likely we will find the item that suits us.”

Although no one had chosen the thing in his previous life at first, the sudden change of the Academy grand competition made him not quite sure.

For this reason, he decided to go to the library as soon as possible to get the item in his memory.

“Alright, let’s go then.”

Nodded lightly, Claire stood up, raised her hand to comb her hair, and made a long strand of golden golden. Her hair was pulled behind her ears, and the tips of Bai Gu’s ears moved unconsciously.

The pleasing gesture made Anves take a second glance.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing that Anves didn’t move for a while, Claire turned her head strangely, with some doubts in her eyes.

“It’s nothing, I just think your hair looks beautiful.”


Hearing the boy’s sudden words, the blonde half-haired The elf girl was stunned.

Then, under Anves’s playful gaze, a tantalizing blush suddenly rose along her cheeks and gradually began to extend toward the tips of her ears.

“I… that… let’s go to the Mysterious Library and choose a relic item!”

The speed of the heartbeat accelerated slightly, and the blood began to rush to the cheek, it felt strange, But not annoying, and somewhat happy.

The girl who had never had such an experience changed the subject in a panicky tone. At the same time, he turned his eyes away a little, not daring to look at the azure blue eyes of the young man.

Speaking, without waiting for Anves to react, the girl walked directly to the door of the classroom.

It’s unexpectedly sensitive…is it because of being alone for too long?

Laughed silently, Anves also got up, maintaining a slightly closer distance than normal social distance, following behind the girl at a moderate pace, making her mind even more cranky.



With Claire’s faster pace than usual, the two soon arrived at the Mysterious Library.

At this time, many students have gathered here.

Many students with more flexible thinking also hold the same idea as Anves and plan to select the relic items as soon as possible, so as to prevent those items with moderate difficulty from being picked first by others.

Among the many relic items displayed individually in one area, Anves quickly found what he was looking for.

A dark golden scepter with a dull, quaint appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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