
Chapter 327 The Golden Scepter

The scepter was cluttered with many other relic items in the intermediate level area Together, it doesn’t look very conspicuous.

While most of the surrounding students were looking for targets in the low-level area, a few old students who were checking the mysterious item in the intermediate level partition didn’t notice it for the time being.

Actually, this is the normal situation.

Under normal circumstances, most relic items only need to be swept away by high-level professional spirit strength to confirm their specific use.

But there are always some unrecognizable things, which need to be carefully tested by mysterious scholar to finally confirm their functions.

These mysterious items excavated from ancient ruins also have great differences in the difficulty of cracking according to different types.

Below the fourth rank, relic objects that emit low-level magic power fluctuations are less difficult to crack than objects that have no magic power fluctuations at all.

Items with more common shapes, such as bottles, beads, mirrors, etc., are less difficult to crack than those bizarre things that cannot be distinguished for their purpose.

Usually, the easiest types to crack are those that emit low-level magic power fluctuations and have obvious magic power transmission structures.

The hardest is those weird Rare Items. They don’t have any magic circuits, but just cause all sorts of mysterious effects.

Confirming the target, Anves picked up the dark golden scepter and checked it carefully.

When he picked up the scepter, Anves’s hand sank slightly. The weight of the scepter was heavier than expected.

When you hold it in your hand and observe it carefully, you can see that the true color of the scepter material is actually dull black. The color of dark gold from a distance comes from the countless extremely thin and precise golden secret pattern circuits on the surface.

Anves tried to inject a touch of magic into it, and the golden pattern on the surface of the scepter lit up slightly.

However, it only lights up slightly, and there is no more text. Even if he continued to increase the Great Demon’s power injection, there was no change.

According to its division into the middle-level item area, it should be able to exude a magical atmosphere equivalent to the fourth rank and above and the seventh rank below.

Not continuing the test, Anves held the scepter in one hand, glanced at the other items at random, and then turned to Claire.

At this time, the half-elf girl was also wandering in the middle-level area, picking and choosing among a lot of strange things.

In the end, she chose an ash-gray mutilated slate. Above is a distinctive spiral text with very smooth lines and no sharp horns, which Anves has no impression of.

“Anves, have you chosen it too?”

Noticing the boy’s gaze, Claire looked towards Anves while holding a slate slightly larger than her body.

While staying with these relic items, she returned to her normal state.

“Yes, I chose it.”

Anves laughed, showing the maiden the scepter.

Looking at the scepter in the boy’s hand, Claire didn’t see anything special, so she stopped asking.

After registering the selected item with the old mage ‘Guardian’ in the Mysterious Great Library, the two said their goodbyes to each other.

On the way back, Anves accidentally bumps into Harvey.

“Hey, Anves, you’re still so self-disciplined! As a gentleman, isn’t it a little gracious to let those ladies who are complaining about being empty because they don’t get your love stay alone? “

This guy walked over with a petite blue-haired girl, his expression and tone couldn’t pick up anything wrong, but he just felt inexplicably dedicated a beating.

“Heh, Harvey, how does it feel to be selected as the new Pamir playboy by Moon Shadow Magazine?”

With a deliberate sneer, Anves glanced at him. new girlfriend.

Blue hair and blue eyes, with a little baby fat on her cheeks, she was a little shy when Anves looked at her, she seemed to be a ignorant junior sister who was newly enrolled this year.

Every time I meet this guy, the girl around him is always different.

Of course, in his words, he wasn’t fussy, just…

“As a bright and fiery flame, there are always some poor little moths who don’t realize it. The word playboy doesn’t suit me, I just can’t bear to put out their light-“

Telling the sentimental confession in a tone like a stage play, Harvey suddenly He hugged the girl beside him, and in her small exclamation, he gently blew a breath in her ear.

The girl’s body shook like an electric shock, her cheeks were red as if it were about to drip, and she leaned softly against Harvey’s embrace.

“…if you’re just here to waste my time, while you can still talk, tell me, do you want to be a frog or a lizard?”

Silver-grey Rubik’s Cube Emerging in the palm of his hand, Anves Zhan blue’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and at the same time he opened his pocket watch and glanced at the time.

“Sorry, Anves, I’ve come to see you for other reasons.”

Harvey immediately put away his sullen look and turned serious.

“As you already know, this year’s Academy grand competition is in that meteor remnant, right?

And what I’m saying is, let’s unite! That way, we can Get a good place in the grand competition!”

With an exaggerated gesture of raising his hands, Harvey concealed his spirit strength and conveyed the real message to the Anves elite Divine Sea.

‘Originally, this year’s grand competition venue was expected to be the ruined city of the Kovanka Basin, but the meteorite ruins were used as the venue for temporary changes to the Academy’s high-rise for an unknown purpose. ‘

‘The person who made the decision to change was [Psychedelic Light] Hughes Doman, one of the vice presidents of Pamir. ‘

‘It was once suspected that he was connected to a special unknown force in the Federation, but there was no evidence to prove it. ‘

The transmission of the spiritual message only took a short moment, and then Harvey put down his hands and waited expectantly for Anves’ reply.

“It’s a pity, Harvey, if you want to cooperate, I’m afraid you’ll find the wrong person. I won’t really participate in the grand competition.”

Nodded to him without a trace, Anves waved his hand, showing no interest in collaborating.

“Well, if you don’t want to, then pretend I didn’t say it.”

Harvey shrugged, hugging his girlfriend and walking away each minding their own business.

Watching him gradually leave, Anves pondered the information he had provided, while returning to his quarters.

Obviously, Lord Harvey also has his own special intelligence channels.

Putting this aside for a moment, Anves entered the lab with the scepter, ready to charge it up.

Yes, that scepter needs to be recharged to function.

It is not actually a separate weapon or magic item, but a special activation key used to activate and control the super ancient forbidden weapon [Themis giant statue].

That’s also a relic of the Golden Age of High Elves, originally the ultimate magical unit guarding the Floating Void City.

When the energy is sufficient, it can play a battle strength that is no less than the limit of the ninth rank. The annihilation rule armed on it, even if the ninth rank is facing the limit, one must be very afraid and dare not face its front.

Specifically, something like the Ultimate Enhanced Alchemy Golem or Magus Construct.

Today’s second update, gu gu gu

(end of this chapter)

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