
Chapter 329 Incitement

After finishing speaking, Gray Fog fell silent and looked at the leader of the theme mysterious.

“Did you hear it?”

The leader, nodded, swept his icy gaze across the crowd in turn. Obviously not the real body here, but everyone still felt a little stunned.

“The overall change in the Web of Destiny cannot be concealed, and the other high-level prophets of the Two Great Empires will not ignore this.

This means that the Gloria Empire The higher-ups will soon find out that there is still a problem with the ruins.”

“And now what we need to do is to figure out in advance what is hidden in the half of the ruins before they react.”

“But boss, the amount of defensive power in the ruins is becoming more and more serious, and it is difficult for us to explore secretly.”

The second black robed man on the right spoke, saying The biggest problem facing everyone right now.

Maybe because of the next grand competition at Pamir Academy, or something else. Although the exploration has ended, the ninth ranks of the Empire did not leave immediately, but were temporarily stationed in the vicinity.

At the same time, with the fading of the dark beast tide, the Gloria royal family issued an order: to expel foreign enemies with all their strength, and if necessary, allow the use of the heritage left over from the ancient Magic Empire period.

Because the meteorite falls in the province of Magna in Gloria, it is completely in line with the rules of the game for the empire to use the power of the heritage level in its own country.

If the other Great Influences also use the background meet force with force, they will be equivalent to completely declaring war on the empire.

With the size of the continent Three Great Super Influences, if there is a war between the Two Great Empires, it must be a continent-level war.

Such a tragic result is something that no force on the continent wants to see.

At least, no one wants to go to war until the preparations are really done.

As a result, in such a situation, the empire cleared out many foreign ninth rank professionals in a short period of time.

Perhaps some ninth rank have used magic to make a facelift and quietly lurked in the empire.

But until the next change in the meteorite ruins, I am afraid that no ninth rank is willing to jump out to be the first bird, and touch the bad head of the empire at this sensitive time.

At this point, when someone starts, others can’t help but begin to express the difficulties they have encountered.

Listening to everyone’s negative remarks, the leader wearing a dark golden mask could not see his anger and anger, but his eyes became a little impatient.

“hehe…I’m sorry, but folks, I think the problems we’re facing right now can actually be summed up in one sentence.

That is — the empire isn’t messy enough! “

At this time, at the last position on the left side of the long table, Ling, who had been listening silently until now, suddenly smiled, interrupting everyone’s words, and he continued to speak in shock.

As soon as Zero’s words came out, the room suddenly fell silent, and everyone couldn’t help but look at him.

The issues pointed out by Zero are well understood in the minds of most of the people present, but no one took the initiative to bring them up.

Putting it up means taking responsibility for his own words, but Zero doesn’t care, or that’s his purpose.

The leader also looked at Zero in surprise. This time it wasn’t his intentional arrangement, it was completely his own actions.

“Why are you looking at me like this? Is there anything wrong with what I said?”

“The empire’s counterattack is fierce, and the amount of defensive power in the ruins is very strict, isn’t it precisely because The empire is not chaotic enough to let them take care of other things?”

Glancing at the crowd, Zero’s words suddenly brought a hint of enthusiasm.

“Since the empire is not chaotic enough, let him become chaotic enough!!”

Under his fanatical gaze that doesn’t care about life and death, many high The rank professional was a little stunned for a moment.

Ignoring everyone’s eyes, Zero suddenly stood up, took two steps uncharacteristically, and walked to the other end of the long table, far away from the leader.

Although he was standing at the end of the long table, his awe-inspiring attitude seemed to be standing at the top of the long table.

“Support the independence of the rebel organizations and let them attract high-level attention. Incite the small and medium-sized nobles to take the opportunity to form alliances and compete with the big nobles. We are not doing these things before?”

Said, Zero opened his hands slightly.

“Before this, I had carefully studied the institutions of the Gloria Empire.

The Four Great Families followed closely from behind, then the Nine Marquis, and beyond.

Hundreds of thousands of counts, viscounts, etc. under it.”

“And each of the nine marquis is ninth rank, even the limit of ninth rank. But whether they are territory or resources, they are far away. Lower than the Empire’s Four Great Families.

I haven’t been able to gather more information about them, but from normal logic, will their hearts really be reconciled to this status quo?”

Looking at the many members who seemed thoughtful and surprised, he waved his hands with zero force.

“So, now they have a wonderful opportunity.

There is still a problem with the ruins, and the news will soon be known to everyone. Under normal circumstances, even if they are excavated Come out, the greatest benefit will also be taken by the Royal Family and the Four Great Families.

But now, the Royal Family and the Four Great Families have not been able to immediately find the key, so they have a chance.

If a certain marquis is allowed to obtain the secrets in the ruins, their strength may be instantly enhanced to the level of Four Great Families. Who can refuse such a temptation?”

“hmph, if Your opinion is this, zero, then I have to say, your vision is much more superficial than your previous performance!

Even if they get the secrets of the ruins, they are not afraid of the Four Great Families and the Royal Family The sanctions that follow? Even more how, what if the things in the ruins can’t be turned into battle strength immediately?”

Listening to Zero’s words, Dark Abyss, third on the right side of the long table With a snort, he opened his mouth and dismantled the platform in a disdainful tone.

“Your doubts are very reasonable, Your Excellency Anyuan, your question just now is much smarter than your previous image.”

Nodded to him politely, Then, in the strange eyes of the crowd, An Yuan gave a specific explanation.

“The marquis may usually be afraid to show it out of fear, but now, when the Web of Destiny has a clear revelation, it is enough for them to gamble.

If one or two Marquis cannot compete with the Four Great Families, then they can unite in secret for the time being.

Not too much, as long as four or five Marquis who want to go further are enough to join forces with the Four Great Families The Four Great Families can compete with each other.”

“As for the sanctions between the royal family and the Four Great Families, according to the information, the imperial family may have already had the idea of weakening the Four Great Families.

If a certain A marquis can really successfully obtain the secret of the ruins, as long as he is willing to share it with the royal family, then the royal family will come forward and resist the pressure from the Four Great Families for him.”

Zero’s tone gradually increased, And full of delusions.

“So, what we need to do is to secretly contact the Marquis of the Empire and ‘help’ them to unite temporarily.”

“It is very simple, all contradictions originate Because of the imbalance in the distribution of benefits. Then we can convince those who get less benefits to join forces to fight against those who get more.”

“At that time, the Four Great Families and the marquis will be at odds with each other. Small nobles form alliances to fight against the rule of big nobles, the royal family is busy checking and balancing the intensity of domestic rivalry, and the rebel army rampages looting and chaos in the territory.

By then, how much power will the empire have to defend the outside world? By permanently maintaining a neutral professional Academy Alliance?”

Said, zero laughed, but because of the projection, everyone could not see it.

“The defense of an empire is like an extremely fortified fortress. But if every brick and stone that composes the wall has its own ideas… Then no matter how strong the fortress is, it will be self-defeating. !”

(end of this chapter)

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