
Chapter 330 Variables

“Dear Leader, I have finished what I have to say.”

Watching Everyone fell silent because of his words, Zero finally bowed to the leader of the long table, and then returned to his position.

After getting along for a while, he basically understood the leader’s intentions towards him.

To say things that offend people, and things no one wants to say—as it is now.

Others were afraid of being isolated, of being hacked, but he wasn’t.

The most important thing is that he is weak enough. Weak enough to not be able to turn a wave of waves, weak enough to be pressed to death with a single finger.

Therefore, the leader has a very high tolerance for his actions. As long as he doesn’t do something out of the ordinary and go against the leader, his seat here will be very secure.

“So, what do you guys think about Zero’s opinion?”

A glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and the leader spoke again, breaking the silence in the hall.

“Who are we going to arrange to contact the marquis of the empire and convince them to join forces?”

Everyone looked at each other, and finally, the [star] at the top of the right side was soft and gentle. Open your mouth.

“About the Marquis of Draka…my people are already in contact with him. If we need to join forces, he will agree.”

At this time, Gray Fog spoke flatly. , took one of them.

“On Marquis Wendy’s side, I have a little personal friendship with him, and I can try to persuade him.” over the talk.

When his words fell, the task of wooing the third and fourth marquis was taken over in turn.

But after that, the room fell into a long silence, and everyone’s eyes were looking in the direction of Zero.

This is not only due to the difficulty of the task, but also has some intentions to make it difficult.

Zero’s strength and qualifications are too shallow after all, except for a few people, most of the people still have a mentality of rejection and dissatisfaction with him.

The leader knows this, but he is not ready to speak, but wants to see how Zero himself will respond to this situation.

Ask him for help?

Under the eyes of everyone with different meanings, Zero spoke slowly.

“Everyone, does anyone want to take over the task of pulling the rest of the marquis?”

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, after looking at the silent crowd, Zero took the initiative to take over. task.

“Then, I can find a way to win over at least one remaining marquis! But there is one condition. I hope you can support me and my people when necessary.”

Although the words are all of you, when Zero speaks, his eyes are always on the leader.

“Yes, if it is really necessary, then they will assist you.”

Said, the leader’s eyes glanced around the room. Under his majestic gaze, everyone could not help but bow their heads.

“Then, if nothing else, this will end today’s meeting.”

“Please wait, Your Excellency, I have just received a special message.”

After the leader’s voice fell, at the first place on the left side of the long table, Gray Fog suddenly spoke.

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, as if he had glanced at something in reality.

“The reason for the temporary change of venue at Pamir Academy is suspected to be related to the secret chess game in the Magic Council. That is to say, it is likely to be the handwriting of [Stargazer], and its purpose is temporarily unknown. “

“However, due to the special source, I can’t be sure of the authenticity of this news. Whether you choose to believe it depends on your own will.”

Listening to the gray fog There was no ups and downs in the words, everyone’s eyes were different, and they didn’t know what to think.

What is the reason for stargazers interfering with the venue of the Pamir grand competition at this time?

“Anyone else have something to say?”

nodding”, the leader looked at the others, but no other episodes appeared.

“Then, I declare that this meeting ends here—”



Silver Sands Over the Sea, Floating Void City, Orahian.

The stargazing tower, which has not been opened for a long time, welcomed a rare guest today.

It was a youngster with black hair and silver eyes, wearing a robe that seemed to be woven from stars and the sky, holding a silver white void-like staff.

The gentle magic wind surrounds him, and the various elements in the environment seem to have gained life. They swirled and danced around him with joy, making the surrounding elements active like a super-magic environment. .

“Brentz, what happened? Did something happen to the web of fate? Vernica and I are worried about you.”

But at this time, this Youngster, who is like the god of magic, frowned and asked suspiciously about the old man in the gray robe in front of him, whose figure was illusory as if he was isolated from the world.

He was a former traveler on the magic road, and now the strongest prophet in the continent [Stargazer].

“Is it necessary to pay such a huge price just to change the grand competition location to that ruin?”

Pamir Academy grand competition location change, not a ninth rank The vice dean can change it if he wants to.

Because of the descendants of many imperial aristocrats in the Academy, such a change needs to be given sufficient reasons first, and then it needs to be judged by a jury composed of multiple ninth ranks to judge its danger.

It’s not that the majority obeys the minority, but even if any ninth rank fails the review, the original plan cannot be changed.

In a big way, Brunz’s previous actions were almost equivalent to simultaneously intervening in the fate of most of the future top executives of the empire.

“A variable, Alwani, a special variable has appeared in the Web of Fate.”

Still with his eyes closed, Brunz’s face turned to him, a strange chin on his jaw. His translucent spiral beard twitched slightly with his words.

“I can’t see it, but since last year’s Hearthfire Month… no, the direction of the Web of Destiny has suddenly changed since last year’s Newborn Moon.”

“At first, this change was small, still within the normal range, and I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

But over time, the magnitude of this change was not repaired by the power of fate correction, It’s getting bigger and bigger, and if it continues like this, the future will go in a completely different direction.”

“You should also know, Alwani, those things… I’m no longer capable. , to run the world game again.

I can only make sure that the future is turned back on the only hopeful path I see.”



Year 2461 of the glorious calendar, the second day of the first bud month.

It has been a month and a half since the beast tide receded.

During this time, the situation of the empire became calm and tranquil on the surface, and the reconstruction work after the beast tide raged proceed in an orderly manner.

With the help of magic, various fortifications previously destroyed by the war were quickly repaired.

At the same time, rows of simple but sturdy stone houses rose from the ground outside the major cities. Previously, a large number of homes were destroyed by the beast tide, and the homeless victims were resettled.

People went to the granaries in an orderly manner to collect relief food, and everything seemed to have temporarily restored order.

And in this month and a half, Anves is trying to do all kinds of preparations for this grand competition.

He always felt that the sudden change in the location of this grand competition might mean some huge changes.

With the experience of exploring the overseas island last time, he also has more experience in preparing for the expedition equipment.

For example, the magic nuclear bomb is best placed in a ring alone, otherwise there will be no time to look for it at the critical moment.

With the secret arrangements of all parties, the time for the Pamir Academy grand competition is finally approaching.

Today’s and Yesterday’s Shares

(End of this chapter)

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