
Chapter 337 Talent

As a triennial large-scale event, the Pamir Academy grand competition was particularly enthusiastic.

In particular, this year’s grand competition venue is located in an unprecedented meteorite ruin, and has received far more attention from ninth rank powerhouses than in previous years, which adds to the symbolic and commemorative significance of this grand competition.

Many freshmen have used their trump card trump cards one after another in the battle. From time to time, a side with strong apparent strength is overturned by the opponent’s unexpected trump card due to carelessness.

The preliminary round took a total of seven days, and hundreds of teams finally decided 84 teams, directly entering the rematch five days later.

The remaining teams will enter the resurrection, and the top ten percent of the final points will advance.

Due to the passage of seven days, the logistical members of the many teams responsible for manufacturing equipment have initially refined magic equipment with a relatively simple structure. The intensity of the resurrection competition is much more intense than the preliminary competition.

5 days later, with the end of the resurrection, the grand competition officially begins.

Compared with the preliminary round and the rematch, since the rest are the most elite teams, the rematch is much more enjoyable to watch.

Various kinds of temporary Rare Items, magic items, simple magic armors, etc., add more uncertainties to the battle situation.

In addition, among the many teams fighting against each other, the use of special tactics has also become more frequent.

Some teams gather all the magic equipment and one-time Rare Items, equip them to the most powerful house, and then rely on the crushing strength to do it quickly.

There are also teams who plan to arrange weaker combat members to put on protective magic equipment and bring multiple large-scale, high-damage magic scrolls before going out to battle.

Using the ninth rank powerhouse to protect the students, the rules will not really appear mortal danger, and launch a self-destruct attack against the enemy’s powerhouse.

Under this exchange tactic, even if the opponent can hold out, he will waste his cards, or consume a lot of mana.

And then take the stage with a powerhouse full of their own, and will be defeated by the opponent who is severely exhausted.

Those who have been focused on by Anves before, such as Albins, Eliza, etc., have performed very well in the grand competition.

Three days later, at six o’clock in the evening.

The semi-finals are completely over, and the 40 teams with the highest team points will enter the quarter-finals.

After a day of competition, many students returned to the Academy floating boat hovering at a low altitude on the side of the ruins.

The ship’s restaurant has already prepared a large number of delicacies for the many students who have experienced the battle to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

At the same time, many students in charge of logistics also take advantage of this time to try their best to repair equipment that was damaged during daytime combat, refine new stronger equipment, and manufacture consumables such as magic scrolls and alchemy potions. .

After dinner, I watched Anves at the half a month grand competition, left the floating boat leisurely, and wandered in the ruins at will.

So far, it’s not a good time to explore the ruins.

The Web of Destiny fell into a brief silence, and many ninth rank also did not move. It was basically useless to explore on his own.

At this time, the sky has entered twilight, and since the time is just March, the sun sets very early.

The clear sky presents a beautiful deep blue, and among the sparse silver white icy stars, a huge silver-purple double moon hangs high in the sky.

A dim two-color moonlight casts a veil over the run-down Ancient Ruins.

At the end of his walking direction is the white clock tower on the side of the city ruins.

That is the tallest building in the half of the ruins. Since the fallen ruins themselves are not horizontal, the bell tower is also slightly inclined.

Without using magic, Anves, like an ordinary person, walked up the steps and walked slowly to the top of the clock tower.

Along the way, there are small arched windows on the heavy, weathered rock facade.

Through these windows, you can see different parts of the city.

The top of the bell tower is a small terrace, standing on it and looking out, you can have an unobstructed view of the terrain of this half of the ruins.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, the high elves who lived here also enjoyed the scenery of the city here.

However, just as they were about to reach the top terrace, some muffled conversations gradually entered Anves’ ears.

There seem to be other people with the same idea as Anves.

“…the team’s Duran is not bad. He can challenge the third rank continuously with the strength of Second Rank Peak and win. He has a lot of potential. Even if he signs a contract with Academy, he will just wait for a hundred years. That’s enough.”

“I think that Knight named Alisha has great potential in the current Ranked Tenth team. After she graduates, she should be able to try to win over…”

Stepping out of the narrow stone staircase, Anves immediately saw three young men and women.

They also wore Pamir uniforms, and he knew all three of them well.

Enoch is now the seventh daughter of the patriarch, Shirleen Enoch; the seventh son of the Aslade patriarch, Coron Aslade; and the Alfred family The ninth son, Rasul Alfred.

At this time, the three of them seemed to be discussing the various bright talents that appeared in the previous grand competition.

“Aren’t you all concerned about the person in charge of logistics?”

At this time, the only girl among the three raised a question.

“I feel that the guy named Albins in the Ranked Ninth team is a good one. The various special demonic path tools he made are of great value.

And the 11th-ranked team, the girl named Emily, who made the kind of lights that make people unconsciously fall into the dream world, is also very useful.”

At this time, Hearing Shirlin’s questioning, Rasul couldn’t help shrugged.

“Your news doesn’t seem to be well-informed. Albins is indeed valuable, but unfortunately, he has already been acquired by someone and signed a high-level contract.”

“Really? By whom?”

The girl with black hair and silver eyes was slightly stunned and asked unwillingly.

“…Of course it’s me.”

At this moment, Anves’ voice came from the entrance of the stairs.

All three turned to look at the fourth guest who came here tonight.

“Wow! Your Excellency Anves, you are here too! Tonight is such a coincidence-“

Seeing him coming, Rasul was a little surprised. A hello, and the other two greet him nodded as well.

“Also, Emily also has a guest official contract with me. At present, I am responsible for full reimbursement of her research funds.”

Politely nodded to the three people, Anves turned to Shirrin, but the words she said made her raise her eyebrows.

“You’re quick to start.”

Glancing at Anves a little unwillingly, Shirlin muttered.

“Forget it, Shirlin, talent is endless, especially when we are located in the Royal Pamir Academy.”

Glancing at her, Rasu Er finally ended the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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