
Chapter 338 Meeting and Conversation

“speaking of which, we will meet here unexpectedly tonight, and it is somewhat of a fate , isn’t it?”

At this time, Ke Lun on the side spoke in a low voice, his tone was a little cold.

This stern youth with dark golden eyes sat on the rock guardrail on the edge of the terrace, with his hands on both sides of his thighs, and a pitch black sheathless giant sword was carried behind him.

The night wind blew his brown hair, and his strong chest muscles were exposed from the slightly open collar of his uniform, which added a bit of roughness to his temperament.

“We are from one of the Four Great Families of the Empire, and by coincidence, we both chose to come here tonight to relax.

Whether this is a true coincidence or some other reason, This result has been achieved.”

“So, in that case, let’s talk about the recent situation of the empire together, how about that?”

Casually tapping the bulge at the hand The rock, Coron’s wild beast-like dark golden eyes swept over the three.

The focus was on Anves’ light golden hair and blue eyes for a moment, then moved to Rasul Alfred, who had the same hair color as Anves.

Having rushed back to the Academy temporarily to participate in the grand competition, he had already heard that the two youngest descendants of Duke Karrot, who were carrying double Legendary bloodlines with perfect balance, finally saw the main lord.

“What do you think about the future? It’s really pragmatic. I thought you would put forward your own ideals like the plot in the biography of heroes.”

After listening With Coron’s proposal, Rasul raised his eyebrows, astonished once in his shallow purple eyes.

“hmph…the ideal this thing…what does it mean to us?”

Looking to the ruined city under the moonlight, Coron is snorted low.

His words made the atmosphere on the terrace a little silent.

If there is no accident, then after graduation, they will acquire a city and a part of the surrounding area under the control of the family as their own territory.

And then under the arrangement of the family, step-by-step cultivation, and marriage with men or women of other families. Until they break through the ninth rank, or get stuck in the Eighth rank for the rest of their lives.

“Okay, I have no problem with this, what does Your Excellency Anves mean?”

Shirlyn silver’s eyes rolled, looking at Anves.

Their three people are old students who have been in school for many years and whose strength is above the fourth rank. Anves has only been in school for more than a year, and his strength is only in the middle of the third rank. I am afraid there will be a certain gap between his eyes and the three.

“I don’t have an opinion either, but can I ask Mr. Keren to start first?”

Smiling and looking the head, Anves kicked the ball back to Keren.

“In my opinion, constructing this thing is very dangerous, and in the next fifty years, I am afraid it will have a more profound impact on the rule of the empire.”

Gaze With a sharp glance at Anves, Coron nodded and spoke first.

“The appearance of these constructs has made it extremely easy for those restless professionals to gain power.

The most important thing is that the emergence of this beast tide has brought great power to the people. Some professionals who didn’t know the concept of constructs at first now understand the benefits of magic constructs, and I am afraid that control will become more difficult in the future.”

“I don’t think so, as long as the empire continues to maintain its current state. Strict control, even if the folks introduce a large number of two new battle-type constructs during the special period of the dark beast tide, it will not help.”

hearing this, Rasul shout the head, to Keren view is not very agreeable.

“Now that the beast tide has ended, in the next step, the family will gradually recycle the constructs scattered in the province and strictly control the inflow of other combat constructs.

Maybe short There will be some turmoil in time, but in just a few years, the empire will return to peace.”

“Coron, the royal family and our family are also researching battle-type constructs, and may not be able to match the Compared to the Constructs of the Council and the Federation, the formidable power also far exceeds the combat constructs that are currently flowing into the civilian population.”

Sillin added,

“In this regard, , our soldiers are not disadvantaged. Rather than those constructs, it is the things in this ruin that are more likely to have a greater impact on us.”

“According to the feedback from the Web of Destiny. , the secret of the ruins has not yet been cracked, and we are here now for this reason.”

“In my opinion, the key is not actually us, but our family’s ninth rank powerhouse , can you grasp the secrets of the ruins before the foreign enemy.”

Listening to the discussion among the three, Anves blinked.

Indeed, from what they’ve seen, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with coming to that conclusion.

“Three, if at this time, foreign enemies secretly support our domestic resistance organizations, such as the Itel Federation or the Saint Messia Empire, wouldn’t we be in trouble?”

After Anves’ words came out, the other three suddenly looked sideways, somewhat surprised by Anves’ focus.

“What’s in it for the rebel groups that support the Empire?”

Rasul shock the head.

“Unless they want to go to war in an all-round way, but at this special time, no matter which side does it first, it will hurt the bones, and it will make other countries take advantage of it.”



While Anves was discussing with the other three, there was a special episode on Fiona’s side in the Academy float.

Lying on the bed in her own room, Fiona was boredly reading through a book of “Mar Locke’s Super Magic”, her white palms flashed a little magic from time to time, trying the skills recorded in the book. .

This is a tome full of densely packed magic words. If it wasn’t for her previous agreement with Anves, she would never touch this thing in the past.

In fact, the girl has been dragging on for a whole day before, and if she doesn’t watch it, then today will be over.

Thanks to her super innate talent, Fiona’s learning speed is fast, even though it feels boring. Just read it once, you can simply understand the meaning of the knowledge in the book.

However, no one can guarantee how long the girl’s enthusiasm will last.

Kate and Fia floated beside her, chasing each other to play.

“Hooah~~ It’s time for a magic trick!”

Looking at the magic hourglass that was leaking light next to her eyes, the girl stretched her small lazy waist seductively, The thick book in his hand was retracted into the ring.

The ring is specially prepared by Anves for the girl, and it is filled with all kinds of magic knowledge that Anves thinks, the girl may use in the future, both low, middle and high level.

Hearing the purpose of Anves’ borrowing books, Duke Karrot agreed without a word, and sent all the books on the same day, so the girl’s nightmare began.

“I really want the fourth brother’s ability to read whatever book you want…”

Muttering softly, the girl picked up the blue-gray little beside her. kitty, get ready to go out and relax.

“knock knock –“

At this moment, there was a knock on her door.

(End of this chapter)

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