
Chapter 339 Astral Stone Disk

Who is it?

He opened the door with some doubts, and what appeared in front of Fiona was a young man in a Pamir uniform with short light green hair, who looked a little sneaky for no reason.

“Who are you?”

Seeing the strange appearance of the silhouette in front of her, the girl Lake Blue’s eyes suddenly brought some doubts.

“Sorry for coming to see you so late, my name is Vent… Excuse me, are you the owner of the astral rock fragment?”

Seeing the door open, the young man’s pale green eyes swept across Looking around, he opened his mouth carefully, but his voice was a bit glutinous, somewhat neutral.

“Astral stone disk? Sorry, I haven’t heard of that kind of thing.”

Hearing the silhouette’s words, Fiona’s eyes were blank for a moment, and then she hooked the head.


The boy named Wente was also stunned, and quickly closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

“No, it’s not wrong, there is one piece right here with you.”

As if to prove his words, Venter also took out his own. .

“That’s it, I can feel it, you should have it too.”

Fiona took a closer look and found that it was a slate with a slightly curved surface and deep azure debris. piece.

What made her feel a little familiar was that in the center of the fragment was a light blue starlight gemstone.

“Is that what you’re talking about?”

Thinking of something very similar in appearance, the girl was about to get out of the ring and take herself to the alchemy store with Anves. Take out a few pieces of stone that you bought.

However, to her surprise, those few fragments had gathered together at some point, forming a piece of slate roughly the size of the one taken out by the boy in front of her.

The biggest difference between the two slates is that the gems on the slate in Fiona’s hand are white instead of blue.

At this moment, when the girl was holding it in her hands, the fragment of the stone plate suddenly lit up, and a vague sense of connection came from the fragment.

“Huh? It was still a few pieces before…?”

But halfway through, the girl suddenly fell silent, and some fragmentary information came from the gems of the stone plate, making her swallow the second half of the words.

“Mysteries and inheritance of stellar civilizations? Shadows that threaten the entire continent? Gathering astral stone disks?”

After reading the information on the stone disk fragments, Fiona suddenly felt sleepy , and even had a strong interest.

This seems to be the plot of a heroic biography where the protagonist encounters a fortuitous encounter!

“The fragment of the stone plate will choose the right owner by itself, and when you choose it, it chooses you too.”

Seeing this scene, the boy named Wente Nodded with no surprises.

“Now, you are also the shard holder, and you must understand our situation.

We have the news of the shards of the astral rock disk. If we disclose it, we will inevitably encounter Coveted by outsiders, or even chased and killed!”

“Also, it is best not to tell the people around you, especially those closest to you, the secret that you obtained the stone plate.”

As he spoke, Went seemed to suddenly think of something, and after looking left and right, he added another sentence.


Fiona was taken aback.

“This is the curse of the astral stone disk. If you don’t know it, it’s fine, but if you know it, there will be accidents due to various reasons…”

“Went? Where have you gone?”

Suddenly, a girl’s shout came from the entrance of the stairs far away in the corridor.

“Sorry, I have to leave for the time being. I will find time in the future to explain the situation to you carefully.”

Shrinking his neck, Wente waved to Fiona and hurriedly Slipped away, leaving behind a girl who was curious and excited.

Looking at the slate in her hand, Fiona didn’t go out for a walk, she went back to her room, and began to study the secrets of the slate with great interest.



“Brother, have you heard of the Qunxing Civilization?”

second day, everything Fiona, who didn’t research it, ran directly to Anves with the slate for help.

“The Star Civilization, the first civilization to leave traces on the newly born Yar Continent after the end of the last war of the ancients, is famous for being able to borrow the mysterious power of the stars in the sky.

The cause of the final destruction is unknown, and it is suspected to be related to the remnants of the final battle.”

Glancing at the girl who suddenly came to him, Anves put down the Rubik’s cube in his hand, nodded.

“Have you encountered anything related to the civilization of the stars?”

“Yes, actually…”

Hearing Anves’ question, Fiona I directly told Wente last night and got the information from the fragments of the stone plate.

“Collecting stellar rock disks?”

After listening to Fiona’s remarks, Anves was somewhat surprised to take a look at the unremarkable rock disk fragment.

In his previous life, he had heard of the inheritance mission of this star civilization. As far as he knew, there were five shard holders, two of which were players.

However, he has not seen the specific pictures of the fragments, only the restored stone disk.

Just didn’t expect that one of the holders in this life turned into Fiona.

Seeing her younger sister’s curious face, Anves couldn’t help but be a little speechless.

In fact, he had a feeling very early on that the little Anves in his previous life was like a sad male supporting role in a Mary Sue novel with Fiona as the protagonist.

The biggest role of existence is to bring out the dazzling young sister, as well as to play tricks and make a cameo on the background board.

As a big brother, little Anves can be said to have no sense of existence compared to the younger sister in every aspect.

Look at Fiona again, the double top double Legendary bloodline is awakened from birth, even if he plays all day, his strength breakthrough speed is much faster than his, and the hair will adjust the brightness according to the mood changes.

The tears don’t turn into pearls and diamonds.

If it weren’t for the existence of the wishing ball [yīn], little Anves would not even be considered a male supporting role.

Even in this life, his arrival has changed the original trajectory of destiny, and Fiona still has various new fortuitous encounters.

In addition, since the original progress was greatly advanced, fate also began to arrange various fortuitous encounters for her to quickly strengthen her strength.

In comparison, he, the ‘pseudo-child of destiny’, is much more tired, and even needs to manually arrange fortuitous encounters for himself.

Fortunately, he remembers a lot of fortuitous encounters.

“By the way, he should have said, don’t tell anyone else about this, right?”

“I just met him once, why should I believe what he said? Just because he also has slate?”

Hearing Anves’ question, Fiona asked back with a little doubt.

“No way, do you really believe me?”


For a moment, Anves was speechless.



A few days later, the Squad of the Academy grand competition is finally over.

In the end, the champions of the fourth rank and above were won by the descendants of the Marquis de Winter, but the winning squabs below the fourth rank were somewhat surprising.

It’s not the Squad where the sons of the count and the Marquis are, but a Squad that was composed of the descendants of minor nobles and commoners, and was not well-known before.

The winning team then took a symbolic challenge to the descendants of the Four Great Families, and after a few spells, it ended in a draw.

Next, we entered the highlight of this Academy grand competition.

Relic Exploration——

The two chapters grumble together

(End of this chapter)

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