
Chapter 341 Trust or not

Marquis of Arke, the tenth marquis of the previous empire, has the shortest time in office. The name of the youngest marquis and the grandfather of the Knight girl Eliza.

The news announced by the imperial family is that he disappeared after exploring the forbidden area of life.

But according to the private intelligence sources of these marquis, Ark simply did not take the initiative to explore the restricted area of life, but was chased by the powerhouse and forced into it without a way to escape.

You must know that no matter how weak the Marquis of the Empire is, it is a ninth rank powerhouse who has mastered the rules. A ‘mysterious powerhouse’ that is enough to hunt down the Marquis of Ark is also enough to hunt them down.

As for the true identity of the ‘mysterious powerhouse’, there have been many speculations within the marquis, but no one dared to reveal it.

The current situation he is facing involves a very delicate question: Is the Four Great Families trustworthy in the face of the interests of the relics?

It’s not that Marquis Winter didn’t think about it, so he took the initiative to test the tone of the Four Great Families and see what they thought.

But after some thought, he finally gave up this option.

According to the secret information he obtained from a certain high-level prophet at a huge price: this time, the things hidden in the ruins are secrets related to surpassing the limit of ninth rank!

The authenticity of this news has been verified by special magic, and it is indeed true.

And if even he can get this news, the Four Great Families and the imperial royal family, which are stronger than him, must also receive this news.

This continent has no Legendary time, it’s been too long.

In the face of the temptation to break through the Nine Steps to Heaven, even if the people of the Four Great Families told him clearly that they would not do anything to him, and they would not do anything to any Marquis.

But can he believe it?

And vice versa, for the Four Great Families.

The Marquis of Winter asked himself, if he stood on the position of the Four Great Families, he would not really do anything to them as the ‘Zero’ said.

But they will definitely monitor these unstable factors closely, and secretly intervene when necessary to prevent them from preemptively obtaining the secrets hidden in the ruins.

In other words, the probability of the Four Great Families attacking him is not high, but if there is any accidental discovery of the ruins, I am afraid it will not be his turn.

And the ninth rank of the Enoch family pays attention to him, but also to monitor him and cause trouble for him at critical moments.

The more Marquis de Winter analyzed, the more he felt that this should be the real fact.


Out of the corner of the eye glanced at the ninth rank sorcerer of the Enoch family in the distance, Marquis Winter was coldly snorted.

He is also a ninth rank after all, as long as he doesn’t make any changes, Marquis de Winter believes that the Four Great Families will not tear him apart.

But this involves another question, the temptation of breakthrough ninth rank, is he willing to give up like this?

Is it necessary to watch the Four Great Families and the royal family obtain the secret of the ruins, and then break through the ninth rank, pressing on their heads forever? !

Thinking about it, Marquis Winter’s dark red eyes could not help but pass a trace of haze.

Like most ninth rank professionals, he also has a bloodline, and is a rare ninth rank ocean devil beast [Blood Eye Green Dragon], known for his ability to control thunderstorms and ocean vortex.

But at the same time, the powerful devil beast bloodline also influenced his character under the influence of unnoticeable influence, making his character cold and stubborn, and would not allow any offense.

It seems that relying on personal strength, I am afraid there is no hope of meddling in the ruins.

Then it’s time to get in touch with those ‘colleagues’.

Maybe they had a normal relationship, but now, they have a common enemy.

Thinking, Marquis Winter held his left hand behind him, and couldn’t help feeling an unremarkable ring on his tail finger.

This ring was sent by the Marquis of Draka, and can communicate with each other over long distances without being detected by outsiders.

It’s just that the person who brought him the ring is also a stranger.

Although not in the same camp as the ‘Zero’ who sow discord, Marquis de Winter still doesn’t like these strangers very much.

Although it came from a distant continent sunk in the endless sea, he always felt that these people and them were two completely different races.

Finally, he glanced at the ninth rank of the Itel family who was vaguely watching his movements in the distance, and the Marquis of Winter turned to leave.

At the same time, his fingers gently rubbed the ring at a specific frequency, sending out a special signal.

At the same time, in a pub in a small city on the edge of the crater, a black robe’s zero-hand wine glass suddenly stopped, looking at the panel beside him.

At the top of the task menu on the panel, there is a certain S-Rank that hangs at the top of the task to be completed, and the status is suddenly updated again.

The number of people who have been attracted below has changed from zero to one.

People are always more willing to believe their own conclusions through ‘rational analysis’ than what other people tell them directly.

It’s just that the so-called analysis can also be guided.


I glanced at the status bar of the panel, and there was a large list of various hidden surveillance effects. Contemptuous smile.

He lingered among the many nobles and descendants of nobles in the empire during this time. Although no one really did anything to him, it was inevitable to secretly leave some surveillance magic on him.

It just doesn’t make any sense to him. Not to mention the inability to monitor the game panel, if you really need to clean up these states, you only need to die once and then resurrect.

Putting down the wine glass, he called out the carrier pigeon system, and briefly sorted out the mission and story progress report this time, ready to send it to those in the club.

‘The task of wooing the marquis has just progressed. The panel does not show which marquis it is, but according to the character models of several marquis, 70% of them are Marquis of Winter, and the second is Marquis of Reg . ‘

‘Next, the tacit alliance of more than five marquis is enough to truly pose a threat to the Four Great Families. The Gate in the Eyes will definitely take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and the turmoil in the ruins is a foregone conclusion. .

Take advantage of the ruins to attract the attention of the overwhelming majority, and arrange personnel as soon as possible to join the rebel camp, and pay attention to choosing the ‘regular’ rebel.

Take advantage of this good opportunity to just start, try to concentrate resources on one person, gain a higher status in the resistance army, and strive for the authority to lead independent troops, which will be very useful in the future. ‘

‘I will continue to guide the situation on the door of the pupil. With these achievements, the leader will definitely value me more.

Next, I should be able to initially use the resources of the Gate of Pupils to try to further influence the internal situation of the empire. ‘

After writing the letter, Zero’s body relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair, folded the system’s virtual letter at will, and put it into the container on the pigeon’s leg.

I am passing information in front of you, can you see it?

Afterwards, Zero Thought moved slightly, so the high level carrier pigeon quickly disappeared into the void with the written letter.

“Boss, have another cup of ‘Spiritual God’s Dream’.”

He placed two gold coins on the table, and Zero picked up the wine glass again, shaking the glass with a hazy eye. Light blue wine, and then drank it.

To be honest, he likes this world more and more.

Although it is only a virtual world, it is a very real world——

It’s just that Zero, who is in a happy mood, didn’t think of it.

He’s got a surveillance spell from someone and does see the game panel.

(End of this chapter)

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