
Chapter 342 Hidden vine stone gate

Inside the ruins, after reading Zero’s report, Anves was distracted and used to manipulate the metal Rubik’s cube, while thinking about how to deal with it next.

He now also vaguely understands that the purpose of Zero’s special notification to him before should be to make the Four Great Families strengthen their guard and further stimulate those marquis.

According to the information revealed in Zero’s report, when Claire, or some other lucky person, triggered the hidden conditions of the ruins and revealed the true secret of the half of the ruins, I’m afraid these empires’ ninth rank will mess up first.

However, Anves believed, the Duke and the others were impossible defenseless against foreign enemies. The current situation is just equivalent to one more enemy.

The reason why it is said to be half is because when facing foreign enemies, the attitude of the marquis is also external.

According to Anves previous life memory, maybe one or two marquis really took refuge in foreign enemies, but most of the marquis still maintained their loyalty to the empire even when the war broke out and the little Anves used the wishing ball. .

It is true that he has caused many changes to the fate line in this life, but those things he has done have not affected the situation of the empire and will not change the judgment of the ninth rank powerhouse.

As he analyzed the situation, Anves began to consider how to deal with the instability of zero.

Although there is an undercover in the enemy’s camp, and it is still undercover in the management, it feels really good.

However, this guy’s ability to get things done with rhythm is too strong.

Have to find a way to get him-

“Brother, come and see, I just seem to have discovered a brand new underground passage!”

This Fiona’s voice drifted far away.

“A brand new passage?”

Hearing this voice, Anves looked over with a little surprise, only to find that the girl had already walked down an old rock stone platform step and did not enter. the basement of the ruins.

They are currently located in the original magic tower in the city. It was Fiona’s idea to explore here. She felt that this huge white golden spire was very conspicuous, and the probability of finding the golden rune should be higher.

It can’t be wrong, but as one of the landmarks of this heritage city, many other students feel the same way.

It’s not easy to discover new channels here.

Anves followed the sound and walked down the stone steps, and found that the girl was next to a strange stone gate.

The stone gate is a rare perfect circle, and the door frame is embossed with a pattern of black vines with thorns intertwined with Blood Orchid flowers.

At this time, the two halves of the stone gate, which were originally tightly closed, were now open, revealing a dark corridor leading to nowhere.

Seeing this scene, Anves’ eyes were a little stern.

In high elven culture, the Blood Orchid is regarded as an ominous flower, like the blue star symbolizing the number of demons, and is often avoided except in some special cases.

The round stone gate has the meaning of the moon and the seal. This round door engraved with Blood Orchid is likely to symbolize that something very dangerous was once sealed inside the door.

“Brother, look, there is no such door here just now, Kate helped to find it!

When I entered the basement, she suddenly pointed at the door of the wall. Directions. I touched the bricks on the wall, and with a ‘smack’ the door came out!

Is this the kind of hidden structure that the father said, the kind of hidden structure that needs our attention?”

Seeing Anves coming over, the girl herself was very excited without him asking, and the bamboo tube pouring beans would usually explain the whole process of discovering this strange gate.

He also used the crystal staff in his hand as a stick, and pointed to the stone brick on the wall that she had just touched.

“Wait a minute, Faye, I’ll check.”

Following the girl’s direction, Anves checked the surroundings.

The surface of the yellowed stone brick has only a light decorative pattern, and there is no magic fluctuation. It is not obvious that it has anything to do with the opening of the door.

In addition, there are fresh traces of exploration left in all parts of the basement, which must have been explored by more than one group of students before.

After thinking for a while, he took out the three-dimensional Terrain Map of the ruins stored in the crystal ball and compared it with the terrain above.

Yes, from Duke Karrot, Anves has already obtained the Terrain Map, the ruins that the Duke personally explored, and Fiona also has a copy, which is also part of the student’s own equipment.

Maybe it’s not fair to other students who don’t have Terrain Map, but who let him have a ninth rank father.

After comparing the records, Anves found that the map structure recorded in the crystal ball did not have the door and the passage behind it.

That said, this is exactly the hidden structure the Duke and the others hope to trigger. Everything behind the door is unknown, and there may be opportunities, but also great risks.

“I think you’re right, Faye, you did find a new hidden passage! Good job!”

Recognizing this, Anves compliments the girl.

“Hehe, it’s just good luck… Brother, do we want to go in?”

After receiving praise from Anves, the girl was in a good mood for a while, and her tone became a lot lighter .

“No, the risk of exploring this passage is too high. The special shape and pattern of the door means that some dangerous things were once sealed inside. Sir Father probably won’t want to see you in.

” .”

At the girl’s question, Anves shook the head and briefly explained the meaning of the pattern on the door to the girl.

“You know, Phil? The reason why we came here for this grand competition is that after many ninth rank leaders have explored the ruins, there are still some very important things that have not been discovered.

In order to trigger the hidden conditions of the ruins, the Academy just agreed to let us come here, just like you just discovered this door, Fei. And all students are supervised by ninth rank throughout the process to avoid accidents.”


“I think Sir Father was watching us the whole time, including when you discovered this hidden passage.”

“Eh! Is that so? Sir Father has been watching. Us?”

Fiona understandably nodded after listening to Anves’ explanation.

“Then what should we do now?”

“Don’t do anything, just leave here and explore other places. The father should explore this place himself.”

Anves spread his hands slightly and made a gesture of leaving.

While speaking, new footsteps suddenly sounded on the steps behind the two of them. A team of students squad with an average of second and third rank walked down the steps.

Seeing the strange round door on the basement wall, as well as Anves and Fiona standing beside the door, this squad is also a bit unexpected.

“Hello, the passage over there was accidentally triggered by us. It may be very dangerous. Please be careful if you want to explore.”

Seeing the newcomers, In order to prevent them from encountering danger, Fiona kindly reminded.

“Hello, have you also discovered this kind of door?”

However, a red-haired girl in the team was not surprised when she glanced at the door. It was a question of some doubts.

gu gu gu , there will be another chapter in a while

(end of this chapter)

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