
Chapter 345 Shocked

Glancing at the completely blocked passage ahead, Claire tried to control an empty The alchemy flask slowly approached the blockade area.

In the eyes of the two, the front end of the empty bottle was instantly involved in the distorted time and space, and then disappeared without a trace. The other part was directly transformed into white sand grains, which were scattered all over the place.

“Anves, do you have a way to get through here?”

Without trying, Claire shook the head, her blue eyes turned to Anves, indicating that she was powerless.

“If we want to crack it, it would be very difficult for us to do it alone.”

Staring at the space-time isolation in front of him, Anves also felt a little tricky.

“Also, Claire, there seems to be a problem with this passage.”

After carefully looking at the walls of the passage on both sides, he lifted his right hand and cast a third rank Earth fissure.

But when the brilliance of magic flashed, the spell, which was enough to open a large crack in an ordinary stone wall, had no effect on the walls that seemed to be ordinary rocks on both sides.

“Although the wall looks like a stone, it doesn’t seem to be a real rock, but a mirror image of a warp. Like last time, the way of digging holes in the walls on both sides is also here. It doesn’t work.”

Not surprised by this result, Anves concludes with a summary.

“That is to say, we are not in reality, but in an area like a mirror space?”

After listening to Anves’ words, Claire immediately understood what he meant. .

“Well, Anves, let’s look in the vicinity to see if there is an array that can close this defense. If we can find it, then move on. If not, then we can only go back. “

Of course, there is actually an uncontrollable way, that is, relying on Claire’s Legendary explorer trait, to find a way to make some accidents and make the isolation layer stop working.

“Well, then let fate decide our way forward.”

Anves shrugged, pun intended.

So, the two searched carefully in the vicinity for a while.

But today, fate doesn’t seem to be on the duo’s side, and they get nothing.

“Let’s go back first.”

After a while, at Claire’s suggestion, the two returned to the same path.

But before she went far, the girl noticed the details of a send cold shivers down one’s spine.


Along the direction of Claire’s finger, where the sixth mural was originally located, now there is only a blank wall left!

No need to say more, the hearts of the two suddenly lifted, and they clenched the staff in their hands in unison.

In the far distance of the tunnel, beyond the range illuminated by the lantern, in the deep and thick darkness, unimaginable malice seemed to be surging.



When Anves and Claire were exploring the inadvertently opened passage, the many ninth ranks observed outside the ruins have begun to carefully research on this emerging stone gate.

According to the feedback from the ninth rank who monitored the situation of the ruins, there have been dozens of such doors throughout the ruins, and their internal structures are highly consistent.

A ninth rank has already entered and explored in person, and tried to break through the isolation layer by force to explore the things hidden behind it.

But in the end, he didn’t get anything at all. Except for more chaotic time and space behind the seal layer, there is nothing at all.

After walking for about thirty minutes, the ninth rank gave up this futile act and re-exited from it.

When three magics appeared on the stone gate, the mages of the Imperial Family Magic Research Institute gave an analysis conclusion:

The dozens of stone gates that appear at present are just the original ones. The mirror space of the stone gate corridor, and only the part in front of the isolation layer, there is nothing behind it.

According to their specific calculations, there is only one real stone gate, and it is not included in these opened channels.

At present, they are passing a special detection ceremony, according to the location of all newly discovered stone gate mirrors in the city ruins, urgently calculate the coordinates of the stone gate body.

After hearing the news of these strange stone gates, the marquis and the ninth rank of the Four Great Families also gathered here, waiting for the result.

“How is it, are there any results?”

On the side, watching the Archmage of many Imperial Research Institutes surrounding a huge array, nervously calculating the results, Pamir deputy Dean Hughes asked.

Although most of the students did not enter the door, there are still some students who are confident enough, and those who are simply ‘fearless’ who choose to enter and explore.

Not all students can resist the temptation of such a fortuitous encounter like a biography of a hero.

‘Maybe many people died on the way to find fortuitous encounters, but I am different from them! ‘

At some point, everyone has this idea.

After all, this strange round door that suddenly appeared does look like the beginning of a fortuitous encounter.

Academy has not stopped these students who choose to explore.

They already have a choice, and now that they have made a choice, they are responsible for their choice.

“It’s coming soon, at most one magic hour or so before the real coordinates can be locked.”

Glancing at him, one of the mages, nodded, reported the latest progress.

Gradually, with the joint work of many academicians from the Imperial Family Magic Research Institute, the true location of the stone gate was finally determined.

“I found it, in the underground Fourth Layer area of the Ruins Platinum Tower, on the left wall of the underground laboratory!”

Finally, the miniature ruins 3D picture suspended in the center of the Formation In the middle, a dark red light spot appeared in the lower corner of the model.

When the true orientation of the gate is determined, how to make it appear will not be able to stumped the ninth rank.

However, before heading to the underground laboratory, several marquis exchanged glances in a very secretive way.

Soon, everyone came to the laboratory.

“Wait a minute, in order to prevent accidents, I will inform those students who have entered the mirror tunnel to come out.”

Suddenly a question came to mind, and Deputy Dean Hughes spoke quickly.

Others had no opinion on this, so Hughes spread out the spirit strength of the ninth rank and prepared to notify all the students in the corridor temporarily.

“Wait…something’s wrong, they’re not daoists!”

But when he really started to notify, Hughes suddenly noticed something abnormal.

In his spirit strength gaze, those students who are exploring the corridor are not their body, but the same space mirror as the corridor!

Hauston was surprised when he discovered this.

“Don’t worry, the disappearance of the students is bound to have something to do with this door. Open it as soon as possible, and maybe you can save some.”

Facing the empty space On the wall of a thing, an old mage from the research institute came out. A symbol representing the royal family of the High Elves was painted on the wall, and an unknown Gumani incantation was recited.

As a result, an unknown force began to move, lines appeared on the walls, and a new door appeared, which slowly opened in front of everyone.

Different from other gates, the carved Blood Orchid petals on the door frame of this stone gate show a rich red, as if soaked with thick blood-

(this chapter end)

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