
Chapter 346 Darkness

Minutes before the gate of the real passage opened, in another mirror passage, a The student squad who tried to return has found that something is not right.

That happens to be Dame Alyssa, the square where Destiny Child Roach and Matt and the others are.

Unlike the combination of Claire and Anves, they did not encounter the mural of mutation, but they also couldn’t pass the time-space turbulence zone at the end of the corridor.

After trying various methods to no avail, they also had no choice but to go back the same way, but after walking for a long time, they still couldn’t see the stone gate exit when they came.

At this time, their position had left the area where the murals were depicted, and entered the narrow rocky passage where they came.

Judging from the time they walked, they had almost walked twice as far as when they came, but there was still a dark corridor ahead.

What was illuminated by the cool white halo of the magic lantern was nothing but darkness.

The monotonous footsteps of everyone echoed in the narrow and cramped corridor, and then gradually engulfed in darkness. No one spoke, and a faint depressing atmosphere quietly permeated the square.

“Captain Mondolo, everyone, have you noticed that the length of this corridor seems to have changed?”

After noticing this, Roach broke open and sent the team This atmosphere is broken.

“Did you find anything, Roach?”

When he opened his mouth, the crowd in the squash stopped. In the front left of the team, a tall and strong boy with brown hair and red eyes, wearing magic light armor and holding a long staff, looked over.

He is Mondolo, a student of the Change School in the middle of the third rank, the son of a mercenary group leader with brown hair and blue eyes.

What few people know is that he is also a secret member of the nascent resistance group [Spark].

Actually, the strongest player on the team at the moment is Alyssa. But because Alyssa was reluctant to take up the commanding position, the Captain position fell to him.

It is said that before Mondoro was born, his mother dreamed that a giant dragon with red eyes was thrown into her womb and gave birth to him.

And his father treated him well and didn’t abuse him because he didn’t look like him.

Mondollo is also very competitive, showing a strong innate talent. After growing up to a suitable age, he was selected by the Academy’s recruiter to join the Pamir Academy. He has been enrolled for seven years now. It is expected to break through the fourth rank before the fifteenth year and meet the graduation requirements.

“No, but I think we’ve probably fallen into some kind of magical effect, and even if we keep going like this, I’m afraid there’s no way to escape.”

Roachshook the head , expressing its own judgment.

“What about that, our mighty Lord Roach?”

But before he could continue, a mystifying voice sounded from the side. A light-green-haired teenager with strength in the early third rank was looking at him provocatively.

In the previous battle, Roach used his Second Rank Peak strength to forcibly beat a student at the beginning of the third rank and won a crucial game for Squad.

You must know that this is not the ordinary professionals outside, but the elite talents of the Pamir Academy.

Under this premise, although his current strength is only Second Rank Peak, most of the current squad members attach great importance to his opinions.

However, there is also a new teammate who doesn’t like him, and thinks that he is just good luck, and that he is invincible when he encounters the weak among the students.

His name is Pez, also from a non-aristocratic family, four years before Roach entered school. In the Pamir Academy, these students from lower backgrounds usually choose to form a group.

“…there are many kinds of magical effects that can cause this phenomenon, such as spatial confusion, Illusion Technique promenade, dream world sinking, etc.

We must first identify the current In either case, we can systematically find a solution.”

Ignoring Pez’s provocation, Roach turned directly to the others and expressed his thoughts.

He sometimes wonders why someone always jumps out to provoke him regardless of the facts.

“Don’t embarrass Roach, Pez, he’s a freshman in less than a year.”

Beside him, Matt also spoke up for Roach.

Being ignored by Roach made Pez’s face ugly. Matt’s words sounded more like invisible mockery in Pez’s ears.

Within less than a year of admission, his strength reached Second Rank Peak. It took him five years to rise to Peak and break through Second Rank, isn’t he a waste?

“hmph! I…”

Just as he was about to say something, the entire corridor suddenly began to vibrate slightly without warning. And as time goes by, this vibration is getting stronger and stronger!

“What happened?… Mihau? Gou? Kasai?!”

With this shock, the three teammates in the squad who just didn’t say a word , suddenly and silently melted into the air.

Seeing this strange scene in front of them, everyone panicked.

At this time, it is the moment when the real body of the gate opens——



With the real When the door opened, the corridor environment in all the mirror images trembled at the same time, and the environment began to produce abnormal changes.

Some of the students who were exploring in it suddenly realized that something was wrong, and from time to time, some people realized that some of their teammates had already disappeared.

It wasn’t their teammates who followed them all the way, but something else!

“Look! What is that?”

As the vibrations intensified, everyone noticed that along the direction they originally came from, a very dark and dreary Darkness gradually spread from the corridor!

It was not an ordinary darkness that could be illuminated by lights, but a complete darkness like an endless void.

Footprints, rocks, air, everything was swallowed up by the surging darkness.

Someone has thrown magic and objects into the darkness, but all of them eventually disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

Seeing this terrifying scene, everyone began to flee forward frantically. Even if they knew that there was an insurmountable obstacle ahead, no one wanted to try the feeling of being involved in the darkness now. .

In this situation, everyone quickly ran out of the narrow corridor and entered the area where the murals were depicted.

To everyone’s surprise, and to the blessing of the gods, the chaotic space-time isolation zone that originally lay in front of them has disappeared.

There was no time to think about it, and many students hurried forward to avoid being overtaken by the darkness rushing in from behind.

If they were more attentive when they were in a panic, they would find that the number of strange silhouettes depicted on the sixth mural originally corresponded to the number of people who had just disappeared in the team.

As everyone moved forward quickly, finally, a circular exit like when they entered appeared in the eyes of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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