
Chapter 347 The Unexpected Ending Point

Seeing the light from the exit, the people running frantically were like drowning and dying, suddenly grabbed a Like a life-saving straw, a strong hope suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the speed of escape couldn’t help but be a little faster.

Soon, before the darkness behind them caught up, all the students who were able to escape rushed out of the corridor.

Fortunately, behind them, the darkness in the corridor did not pour out, but stopped moving forward after engulfing the entire corridor.

As if blocked by an invisible wall, a vague circular black spot was left behind on the stone wall behind everyone.

“Everyone, are you all right?”

Looking at the subdued darkness behind, Alisha exhaled and began to confirm the status of her teammates.

“It’s okay… it’s just that the magic power is consumed.”

Mondoro, Roach, Matt and the others responded, but the number of squads has been relatively recent. There were three less, and only six remained.

After observing for a while and confirming that they were out of danger, everyone finally had time to look at the surrounding environment.

They are now in a vast underground hall. Unlike the environment on the surface of the ruins, there are not many traces of artificial carving, but it is more similar to a huge natural cave.

The surrounding is extremely quiet, the air has a strange smell similar to wet soil, and the top of the cave exudes a faint blue glow, which seems to come from a strange glowing moss.

The door behind him did not open on the wall on one side of the hall, as everyone imagined, but a huge black stone pillar surface.

The shape of the stone pillar is somewhat similar to stalactites, but the volume is hundreds of times larger. Previously, the round gate was four or five meters high, and the surface of the stone pillar was not crowded at all.

And looking around, there are hundreds of stone pillars of the same size in this ‘hall’!

And some of the stone pillars have been broken, and there is still a trace of terrifying magic power left at the fractures, as well as the torn marks of huge devil beast claw marks.

Obviously, at the time when the dark beasts were raging before, this hidden place may have been entered by many powerful devil beasts.

At this time, at the root of other parts of the stone pillar, including Claire and Anves, some sporadic students also appeared.

When they saw each other, everyone was surprised at first, and then more or less disappointed.

I thought this secret passage was only discovered by myself, but it turned out that there was more than one secret passage leading to the final location.

It’s like hearing a beloved boyfriend/girlfriend say, ‘You are my only one’. It turned out later that the so-called unique is the same as the name of a group.

But soon, everyone’s eyes were attracted by a huge structure in the center of the hall, shaped like an altar, with a diameter of several hundred meters.

The material of the altar is similar to the wall of the cave, and it is also a black rock structure, but with a slight obsidian-like vitreous luster.

At the top of the altar, a huge black ancient stone clock with rough surface is lying on its side on the altar, like a toy abandoned by a giant.

Neither the altar nor the body of the stone bell radiated any magical power fluctuations.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the Vice President of the Academy, Hughes, who presided over the grand competition, is standing on the altar, facing the stone bell.

In fact, there are more than one ninth rank in the cave at the moment, but the other ninth ranks are hidden from many students.

The exit of that passage leads to here?

Slightly frowning at the stone clock, all the ninth rank were a little puzzled.

Although the location of this hall is indeed quite secluded, it is not really a secret room, but has a normal main passage leading to the rest of the ruins.

Those dark creatures rushed into this huge hall through that passage.

The last traces of them also disappeared here. But those traces did not rush to the altar, but seemed to evaporate directly in this cave.

Many ninth ranks looked at each other and were a little undecided. Then, it was the vice president of the Academy who spoke and told the current situation to the many students in the hall.

“Students, you have broken into an unexpected place.

Previously, those passages were not actually discovered by the explorers, and the traps in the passages were not triggered. , resulting in a great increase in the danger of exploration. I am sorry to see the attrition among you.

As a compensation and reward for arriving here, the score of all squares will increase by 500-“


After saying the words that lifted everyone’s spirits, the Vice-President’s staff lightly lifted, and a ball of light suddenly condensed and floated to the side of the cave.

“You now have two choices, one, leave here from the main passage marked by the light ball over there; two, explore here first, there may be dangers, but all the gains you have obtained still belong To the discoverer.”

As his words fell, many students quickly made choices with actions.

Explore the cave——

With the assistant dean of ninth rank watching over it, if you don’t take the opportunity to explore this cave that seems to be related to the fortuitous encounter, it’s simply an impossible task. Forgive the waste!

Soon, the crowd dispersed and began to search all over the cave.

Of course, the huge altar in the center, which was obviously extraordinary, received the most attention.

Many students are on the altar immediately to see if they can try one’s luck and accidentally trigger something.

However, Claire and Anves did not choose to investigate the altar, but first began to study the surrounding environment to see if there was any information related to this rock hall.

In the passage just now, there was an unknown thing that intended to attack Anves, but was scared away by the faint breath of Old Days Secret Scripture on him.

On the contrary, Old Days Secret Scripture seems to be interested in that kind of stuff. But since the main body was not here, the breath of Old Days Secret Scripture flickered in vain, and could only be reluctant to be quiet again.

It seemed to Anves, though, that it had picked up the scent of the thing just now.

While observing the cave environment, Anves also looked at the students in the cave.

It has to be said that, as the highest professional Academy in the empire, the quality of Pamir’s students cannot be compared with any other Academy in the empire.

For the children of destiny alone, there are five or six here.

With a glance, Anves even saw the silhouette of a certain silver-haired girl [Summer Night Firefly] in the crowd.

Although her mouth said no, her body still remained. Come in honestly.

While looking at everyone in the cave, Anves’ eyes gradually locked on one of the boys with blonde hair and green eyes.

That was the Child of Destiny who triggered the secret here in the past life, Ren.

As if destined, he still came here decades earlier than in his previous life.

After a little sense, Anves immediately judged Renn’s current strength.

The true strength is only around Second Rank, and the only two teammates around are male.

gu gu , compared to writing novels by myself, it is really cool to read other people’s novels javascript:;

( End of this chapter)

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