
Chapter 348 Midnight Crystal and Relic Teleportation

However, although the scepter was taken away by Anves in advance, from Ren’s eyes Judging from his calm look, he seems to have obtained some new fortuitous encounters before.

This is a very interesting feature of Destiny Child, if the fortuitous encounter they should get is lost due to some accident, Destiny Web will re-arrange a new fortuitous encounter for them after adjustment .

And then in a long time, try to correct their fate line to its original trajectory.

The manifestations of this correction are different, and sometimes some high-level prophets will take the initiative to arrange it.

During this process, the power that the Web of Fate originally needed to correct the Fate Line will be converted into a proportional Fate Feedback to the Prophet.

“Anves, look here, the inner core of these stone pillars seems to be somewhat different from the surface.” root stone pillar.

The root of the stone pillar has a huge tearing claw mark, and the tip is deeply immersed in the center of the stone pillar.

Under the brilliance of candlelight, the black rock at the bottom of the paw print groove shimmers like a crystal, and has a clear dividing line with the surrounding rock on the outer layer of the stone pillar. .

Anves threw a magic light ball at random, but after the white light ball was attached to it, it dimmed at a very fast speed.

In contrast, in the pitch-black color of the spar, there were suddenly some tiny white stars, exuding a faint glow and aura of magic.

“That’s Midnight Crystal, a special high-grade Dark Attribute material, with no magical aura on the surface, but it can absorb the magic of the seventh rank level at the highest level. It will only work in dark enough environments and with natural crystals. It can be generated in the environment of ore veins.

It can be used as a casting material to assist in casting some special dark magic, or absorb magic items that weaken the attack of light elements.

Because the use is relatively unpopular, although It is rare, but the value is very common among high-end materials, and the market price is about 5,000 gold coins per unit.”

After a simple test, Anves immediately roughly confirmed the true face of the spar.

“However, it is relatively rare to have such a large-scale complete midnight water crystal pillar as in this stone pillar. If this entire pillar is full of them, the market price may reach the same level. Nearly one million gold coins.

Of course, for us it may be…”

Tapping on the stone pillar with a staff, Anves casually called the stone pillar based on his own knowledge The spar in the evaluation was made.

However, when he saw the rays of light in the girl’s blue eyes, he instinctively swallowed the word ‘not much use’ back.

Forgot, Claire wasn’t him.

“…Nearly one million gold coins?”

Hearing this number resounding like gold, Claire’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Although she is usually not short of money, but supplementing various high-end expedition equipment, alchemy vehicles, portable houses, etc., is also very expensive.

even more how, sometimes she also needs to buy some fancy ancient relics at the auction, which is a huge expense.

In order to raise these funds, she not only sold most of the treasures she had obtained during the expedition, but even in order to save money, the food she carried during the expedition was mostly ordinary low-level devil beasts. Jerky and wild mushrooms.

“Then, will there be more of these stone pillars around?”

After calming down a bit, the half-elf girl did not immediately dig it out, but immediately Looking at the hundreds of other stone pillars in the hall.

Is this a midnight crystal mine?

“It’s possible, but Sister Claire, it’s not easy to get them out.”

Anves shook the head and dropped one.

“This kind of black rock is very hard and has a certain repulsion to magic power. I want to use magic to dig out the crystal in this stone pillar completely, even if it is a real fourth rank professional to dig, It will also consume a lot of money.

Besides, the probability of the existence of crystals in these stone pillars is actually not high.”

Speaking, Anves pointed out that the other two pillars were also huge. The paw print is torn, but there is no stone pillar exposed by the black crystal.

“So, let’s dig out the crystal in this pillar. In such an unknown ruin, even if it is temporarily protected by ninth rank, it is best to save enough mana to prevent it from appearing. Accident.”

“Well, Anves, what you said makes sense.”

Some regrettable nodded, Claire also understands that the current situation is actually not suitable for large-scale mining mine.

Pressing her left hand on the rock, Claire’s magic power radiated out, gradually softening the rock and pushing it aside, Anves was doing the same.

After a moment, after consuming a lot of mana, the two of them worked together to dig out a complete huge pitch black water crystal pillar.

The entire water crystal pillar is nearly half a meter thick, crystal clear and near-transparent, but the height is much shorter than previously guessed, only three or four meters long.

Claire suggested that the two of them get half each person, but Anves, on the grounds of dividing this complete piece of material waste, paid 410,000 gold coins for the rich and imposing to buy the half that belonged to the girl. .

At the same time, Anves’ eyes swept across two distant squids that were also digging something.

Judging from their actions, they should have also discovered the crystal in the stone pillar.

One of the squads is the team of Roach, Alyssa and the others.

It’s just that their speed is much slower than the Anves duo.

After all, the students who choose to enter here are usually from lower backgrounds or less favored in the family, so they choose to take risks to explore the corridors.

And those Destiny Children have more or less hidden their strength, resulting in a low overall strength.

The Destiny Child Ren, who was particularly concerned by Anves, and the player girl [Summer Night Firefly], all rushed to the surface of the altar together with others, curiously studying the big clock .

When Anves looked over, Xia Ye Yinghuo was talking to Ren, who was standing beside her.

At this time, Xia Ye Yinghuo’s panel suddenly jumped out without warning, attracting Anves’ attention.

At the top of the panel, a reminder of the latest task appears.

[You have triggered the special story mission ‘The End of Pomiya’]

“Anves, what are you watching?”

Claire came next to him A slightly puzzled voice, for some reason, this voice is slightly illusory and distorted.

“I’m looking…”

Anves opened his mouth and tried to turn his head, but the air seemed to freeze and he couldn’t move at all.

At the same time, the huge stone clock on the altar, which was originally like an ordinary handicraft, suddenly exuded a faint white radiance.

This light is like a source of infection. Under its reflection, the interior of the huge cave hall also begins to emit white light.

And this kind of brilliance also began to rapidly spread to other directions of the ruins.

“Wait! Look!”

Outside the city, a yawning mage inadvertently noticed this scene, and could not help but keep his mouth open and his fingers hard Point to the direction of the ruins and signal to the nearby colleagues.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and under the warm golden sunset, the Ancient Ruins, which was lying in a huge crater, suddenly began to glow by itself.

Sky Clock Tower, Magic Library, Platinum Tower, Magic Research Institute… all the buildings in the ruins are now shrouded in a hazy white light!

The next moment, the brightness of this white light suddenly increased countless times, and in a violent flash, the entire ruins disappeared in an instant!

“What’s going on?!”

Seeing this shocking scene, the ninth rank and many Academy mages who stayed outside the ruins were shocked. In particular, many middle and low-level Academy mages are even more ashen-faced.

This year’s Pamir Academy grand competition was held in the ruins, and the overwhelming majority of Pamir students are currently in the ruins! These even include the descendants of the Royal Family and the Empire Four Great Families and Marquis!

If something goes wrong in this grand competition, causing thousands of students to lose contact, the royal family will probably be the first to let them go.

“Relocate the location of the relic immediately!”

Many mages rushed to locate the location of the relic in a hurry, but the final location made everyone feel a little cold.

The location of the ruins…in the endless sea!

I wrote a little more, and it turned out to be late…

(End of this chapter)

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