
Chapter 349 Race against time

You must know that their role as guardians outside the ruins is to ensure the site of the ruins security, as well as dealing with all kinds of surprises that may arise in the grand competition process.

And now, right under their noses, such a big ruin with all the students, slap, gone!

This went beyond even the unexpected and turned into a total disaster.

The mages can’t even imagine what punishment the royal family and the Four Great Families will do to them if they suffer large-scale casualties.

“Don’t panic! Ladies and gentlemen, keep calm! Your Excellency the Vice-President and His Excellency the Royal Family are still in the ruins! They will definitely find a way!”

Seeing everyone in the field The mood was a little flustered, and the leader of the Academy ninth rank hurriedly spoke out to appease many sorcerers.

However, his tone barely fell, and the space inside the crater suddenly became unstable and distorted.

As a distorted space ripple in the shape of a hollow sphere spreads out, dozens of silhouettes are shrouded in suppressed magic fluctuations, appearing slightly embarrassed from the center of the ripple.

Including Vice Dean Hughes, all the professionals above the ninth rank who had entered before were all sent out by this seemingly irresistible space ripple!

In fact, at the moment when the entire city suddenly glowed, they were briefly exiled into the deep space where the time and space constants were chaotic. The coordinates of the upper surface space were not reconnected until the relic city was teleported away.

However, the ninth rank who were out of the chaotic time and space did not immediately come to trouble these guard mages outside.

There are twelve ninth rank powerhouses appearing at this moment, while the empire ninth rank that entered the ruins before, only about nine…

After a brief pause, three of them were ninth The figure of rank disappeared in a flash, and the ninth rank of the empire directly separated out six and chased after him.

The remaining three ninth rank flew in the direction of the ninth rank mage leader from the outside world.

“What happened here, Yager? Where is the ruins?”

Looking around with some doubts, Pamir Vice President Hughes looked at the Academy Chief in front of him -In-Charge, hopefully he can give an explanation.

“We are currently facing a serious accident, Hughes! The relic has suddenly teleported away! Although our people have tried hard to intervene, they have not been successful in the end.”

Chief-In-Charge named Yag shook the head with a sad expression.

“However, under the urgent positioning of our sorcerer team, the current location of the ruins has been locked–”

He walked aside and pointed to many sorcerers The central positioning array.

In the Sea Territory in the lower left corner of the illusory Yar Continent Terrain Map, in an area very close to the forbidden area of life, a bright red dot is flickering slightly.

“Wait…that location is within the range of possible locations for the other half of the ruins?”

After seeing the position of the red dot, several ninth rank’s The complexion darkened.

“In other words, due to some reason, the mechanism that triggers the automatic restoration of the ruins?”

Hughes said with a serious face and said the greatest possibility.

The warp exile just now, although there is a slight suspicion of sneak attack, but its formidable power is real.

At that moment, all the space-related trigger spells and protective magic items attached to him were triggered, but he was still exiled into the deep space without any resistance.

It was not such a subtle exile spell, but a pure torrent of space magic that was as huge as the ocean and sky.

The spell on him did have an effect, but it was as pointless as a ship trying to anchor itself in a tsunami.

“Damn… this Academy grand competition is urgently suspended! Yager, immediately! Immediately ask the royal family for help! You must truthfully report the current critical situation, ask as many ninth ranks as possible to go to support, and apply for use The power to break the limit!

The disappearance of the ruins cannot be concealed from anyone, and the top priority now is to bring all the students back to the empire as safely as possible!”

Quickly confirmed After the current situation, Hughes made a decisive decision and immediately tried to remedy the situation as much as possible.

Copying a location map, the three ninth rank of the empire set off immediately and rushed to the endless sea.

Now, the ninth rank rescuers on the Empire’s side, face one of the toughest problems.

The current location of the ruins is located on the high seas——

Different from the half ruins that fell directly into the empire before, the other two major countries can only quietly send ninth rank to sneak into the empire at most. Try to get the secrets of the ruins without just and honorable sending people in.

The reason why the Three Great Influences can maintain the continent’s three-legged confrontation is precisely because each empire holds cards whose lethality exceeds the limit of ninth rank.

Thousands of years ago, after the collapse of the ancient Magic Empire, at the end of the Years of Blood, the continent’s emerging Three Great Influences signed a truce out of mutual jealousy.

The agreement clearly stipulates that any country is prohibited from using its own trump card power in the territory of the other two countries, otherwise it will be regarded as a declaration of war.

But if you switch to the open sea, there is no such problem.

Especially at this moment when the students of the Pamir Academy are all lost in the ruins. If they can stay in seabed forever, then it will definitely deal an incomparable blow to the Gloria Empire.

Therefore, several ninth rankers knew in their hearts that this rescue operation would likely turn into a big melee fight against each other’s cards!

At this point they can only pray that the other Two Great Empires will get this information later, later.



At this moment, inside the ruins, in the underground cave hall of the source of change.

The anomaly just now seemed to be just a moment, and the solidified air resumed its flow.

“I’m looking at… the stone clock.”

Anves’ lips parted, continuing to speak what he had not been able to say before.

“Just now, did you feel it, Anves?”

Claire’s voice returned to normal, Anves turned her head and looked at the half-elf girl with a dignified face.

“Some kind of change has taken place, and the source comes from the clock on the altar.”

The same solemn nodded, Anves gestured to the stone clock.

Although the description seems to be long, the moment when the stone bell emits rays of light, lighting up the entire ruins, is actually only a very short moment.

“It just flickered for a while, and it’s not yet certain whether it has changed…”

But as he spoke, his words suddenly paused, as if he suddenly knew what.

“There are two things. First, the deputy dean disappeared and I don’t know where to go. Second, the sky outside the ruins has changed and it has become completely dark.”

“Your body is now on the surface of the ruins?”

Hearing this news, Claire Biblue’s eyes turned slightly and glanced at Anves.

“Yeah, I think, we’ve probably triggered something amazing.”

Glancing at the side of the altar, still confused as to what’s going on As for Renn, Anves looked at the head helplessly.

Wrong time, wrong place, wrong people, but have the right triggers assembled?

The power of destiny is really amazing.

In the past life, according to the information that Anves learned, after the entire group of Rennes triggered the mechanism in the ruins, they were sent into the seabed ruins, only their entire group themselves, not the entire ruins packaged and ascended.

(End of this chapter)

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