
Chapter 355 Divine Punishment

“It’s here again, I don’t know why.”

Some worried look up After a glance, several leading mages decided to camp in this large underground hall after a discussion, waiting for rescue.

They have left a special secret technique mark all the way here. As long as a student arrives at a certain distance nearby, their Pamir status token will automatically read the message in the imprint and issue a fluctuation reminder.

In this way, the remaining students who are still alive can be gathered as much as possible.

After the return of the students led by Anves, the total number of students gathered together has exceeded 93% of the total number.

And the most distinguished students have all gathered here. As long as the empire mobilizes the ninth rank powerhouse to rescue, they can quickly lead all the students to evacuate.

But until now, he has been unable to get in touch with the outside world at the Academy.

What is going on outside? Couldn’t even the ninth rank be able to shake the protective cover of the ruins?

Are the previous shocks caused by the attacks of the Crown Princes?

What should I do?

When the leader mage was secretly worried, many students were still relatively optimistic.

As the situation is not quite clear, in the minds of most students, given their importance, the Empire absolutely cannot abandon them, and it is only a matter of time before rescue arrives.

It’s just that they’re not quite clear that it’s so important that other Two Great Empires are eyeing them as well.

If one is bad, including several leading mages, everyone has the same chance of surviving.

For ninth rank professionals, if any rule is spelled down, everyone here will understand what All living things are equal…

Oh – except for the royal family and the Except for the descendants of the rest of the great nobles and the children of destiny, others are equal.

However, a small number of people who have received enough information to really see the situation keep silent.

Telling these students the truth will not help the situation, but will easily cause mass panic. It is better to keep them as innocent and optimistic as they are now.

Sitting casually on the side of the hall, Anves did not choose to enter the portable alchemy house, but simply sat on a raised rock, remotely sensing the situation on his Avatar side.

It appears to be an underground plaza in Ancient Era, part of the living quarters, with a top that magically simulates natural light, and the space has been extensively expanded to easily accommodate thousands of people.

Fiona sat beside him, holding little kitty in her arms, looking at the many students present with some anxiety.

As a member of Olivendi, she is also aware of the current situation, and Anves has nothing to hide from her.

“Brother, will we be in danger?”

A little nervously, he pulled Anves’ hand, and the big blue eyes of Fiona Lake looked at Anves, his eyes were like some kind of expression. Like insecure animals.

“Don’t worry, Fei, our situation isn’t particularly dangerous.”

Shook the head gently, Anves calmly reassured her. The calmness in her tone calmed the girl’s emotions unconsciously.

“Currently, the ruins are being protected by a shield. This prevents Sir Father from coming to rescue us, but also prevents the enemy from entering.

And once the shield is broken, , Sir Father will definitely teleport over immediately and lead us away…”

“Then, what if the enemy directly attacks with super strong force and destroys the entire part of the ruins where we are? “

However, Anves tone barely fell, and someone nearby suddenly interjected.

The siblings both turned their heads and found that it was Shirlin from the Itel family.

Although she knew the situation was dangerous, she didn’t seem to care.

“That’s impossible, please don’t make some exaggerated assumptions at will, Miss Shirling.”

Anves shook the head and squeezed the Fiona wrapped lace lightly. The small hand of the glove calmed her down again.

“This ruin can block the ninth rank for so long. Even if the outer shield is cracked, the interior will be absolutely defenseless when facing an attack. As long as you wait patiently, you will definitely be rescued—— “

“hehe…do you really think so? Your Excellency Anves?” change.

“You have a good Avatar secret technique, but I don’t know… Now, who is standing in front of me, is it your real body or Avatar?”

“Of course it is your real body. .”

Glancing at the girl with silver eyes who smiled like a fox, Anves’ expression remained unchanged.

“Also, I believe in the Empire, how about you, Miss Shirlin?”


At this time, the entire hall of ruins once again A tremor, and the tremor amplitude was significantly stronger than the previous two times.

The light at the top of the hall suddenly dimmed, and after a few violent flashes, it stabilized again.

Anves: ……

Shirleyn: ……

After a moment of speechless gaze, Shirlyn felt that Anves had no weak spot. Breath, suddenly a little unsure of his true situation.

“…Well, Your Excellency Anves, I hope I can borrow your blessings.”

Glancing at him deeply, Shirlyn walked away slowly.



At this moment, on the sea of ruins, the Three Great Influences have entered the state with swords drawn and bows bent.

The cause of everything stems from the second arrival of the Holy See power.

After seeing the current situation clearly, [Holy Inquisition] Yogersen said nothing, directly aimed at the center of the relic shield and activated a Divine Punishment spar.

Divine Punishment is different from the extreme destructive power of dimensional cutting, the effect of Divine Punishment is to assimilate everything where it is placed into pure light.

It was recorded in the holy scriptures, ‘God sent an angel of judgment to come to earth, and that angel held the holy spear of light to purify the darkness of the world. ‘

To purify all the filth in the world with holy light is quite in line with the concept of Holy Splendor.

At the landing point, a little starlight suddenly lights up, and then spreads rapidly, assimilating everything into a world of pure light. A faint holy sound lingers in the air, just like the place where the gods descended in the mythology.

The whole ruins trembled violently, and the incomparably amazing magic power overflowed from the depths of the ruins, and the madness was consumed with the power of Divine Punishment.

When all the brilliance faded, the ruins seemed to have been bitten by some kind of huge creature, and a huge semi-circular gap appeared.

But in front of everyone, a large number of blue magic crystals suddenly grew out of the gap. They are like flesh and blood tissue growing out of wounds, reconstructing the urban structure at an astonishing speed.

“Do you really want to start a war now, Jorgeson?!”

The people on the empire’s side were furious at Jorgeson’s sudden attack.

(End of this chapter)

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