
Chapter 356 Black Cocoon

The limit of the ninth rank led by the royal family this time, [Crystal Gate] Bayer Station came out, staring coldly at Jorgeson.

“It’s just a normal test, you didn’t do the same thing just now.”

But Yorgeson didn’t care about the anger of the empire, he just lowered his head slightly and stared at the holy book in his palm. .

“Then what about the members of the Council? What do you think?”

As Jorgeson’s voice fell, on the other side of the sea, another group was wearing various robes professionals also showed up.

Somewhat peculiarly, there is a huge cuboid metal cabinet floating among them, the cabinet is dark golden, and the surface is covered with the magic Magic Talisman text.

“Your Majesty Jorgeson, Your Majesty Bayer, it is a great honor to meet you here.”

A black haired and silver-eyed man dressed as if he The youngsters of the robes woven from the stars and the sky came out more and more, standing at the top of the many mages, facing the powerhouse of the Two Great Empires, and performed a standard magistrate.

A gentle wind of magic carried his words, echoing across the Sea Territory.

“[Mystery Seeker] Alwani! Are you here too?”

Seeing his appearance, Jorgeson’s expression became slightly serious.

“There’s no way, this is the request of Your Excellency [Stargazer], and I have to make a trip in person.

Of course, from my personal point of view, I am also the same. I am very curious about this relic from the outside of the Zenith Wall. But the thought of needing to fight with you is always unnerving.”

Showing a slightly helpless expression, Austria Elwani shrugged, speaking in a consultative tone.

“So, I have a proposal, can you please leave quietly? It’s good for everyone.”

“Your style is still so hot, Olwani. For your proposal, I am going to return it to you as it is.”

To his words, the people on the Holy See side did not respond, but it was Baier snorted.

Seeing the appearance of many ninth ranks from the Parliament and the Federation, the Empire also calmed down at this time.

There is no doubt that the metal cabinet that only exudes special fluctuations and cannot be stored in the space ring is the federal trump card.

They have just confirmed through the magic item in the Academy that the students of Pamir have not experienced mass deaths. The Divine Punishment had no other effect than testing out the city’s ability to heal itself.

And everyone couldn’t even enter the scope of the ruins at this time, and it is really unwise to start fighting with each other now.

“Then, everyone, since you don’t agree with my first proposal. Why don’t we join forces for a while and study how to crack the city’s protective devices?”

Originally Giving up on his first suggestion, Alwani spread his hands and suggested a compromise.

People have long been accustomed to his style, and this is indeed the best solution at present.

The three parties sent representatives respectively, and after a little discussion, they decided to join forces temporarily. Before breaking the shield and entering the ruins, it is strictly forbidden to attack each other.



At this time, deep underground, the three of Anves followed the passage inside the huge stone gate and gradually explored to the deepest part.

The inside of the corridor is full of scratches of huge dark creatures, and occasionally a few dim-blue crystals emerge from the rock walls on both sides.

Anves and Claire knocked down a few sticks and found that they were just ordinary fluorescent magic crystals, so they threw them to Xia Ye Yinghuo to play with.

Somewhat peculiarly, after extending forward for a while, the passage inside the stone gate gradually began to slope upward, and the slope became steeper and steeper.

The three walked very cautiously, but there was no danger in this tall passage.

At the end of the corridor, there is a tall stone gate that is tightly closed. There are many twisted and weird patterns carved on the gate, and it is impossible to understand what it is carved.

Ren, who was missing before, also appeared in front of the door at this moment, facing an eye-shaped symbol in the center of the door, thinking hard.

Hearing the footsteps of the three, he just raised his head slightly, and then continued to turn around and look at the door.

When he was on the altar before, Ren suddenly felt a faint sense of calling in his heart.

Following this feeling, he came to the front of the gate, but unfortunately stopped there.

Here, he could clearly feel that the thing that attracted him was hidden behind this gate.

But he couldn’t open the door!

Ren felt faintly that there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

This caused him to not pay much attention to the arrival of the three of Anves. After his eyes stopped on Claire and Xia Yeyinghuo for a while, they looked towards the stone gate again.

Glancing at Ren, Anves stepped forward and touched the stone gate lightly, thinking in his heart as well.

Obviously, Mr. Wren was blocked by the stone gate.

Forcibly destroying it obviously won’t work. He has already tested it. Although this stone gate looks like an ordinary stone, its anti-magic coefficient is surprisingly high, and its texture is extremely hard, making it difficult to shake.

He also didn’t know how Ren in the previous life opened the door. But it is nothing more than requiring permission, token, bloodline, or something else…

Since the original trajectory of fate has been changed by his face, he must rely on his own ability at this time to find a way to unlock The door in front of you.

Wait, that scepter—

Thinking about it, Anves suddenly moved.

Although it is the authority key to control ancient weapons, it is related to Rennes after all, and maybe it can also be used to unlock this door.

Because some areas are inconvenient to explore by himself, he has always let Avatar carry the golden scepter with him.

Sure enough, when the golden scepter appeared, the eye symbol on the door suddenly closed, and then stood upright, and the two doors slowly opened.

After giving Anves a surprised glance, Ren quickly rushed into the door.

‘The confidence of Destiny’s Child is different from that of ordinary people…’

Glancing at Ren, who was not vigilant, Anves and Claire followed silently.

Just after entering the door, something that almost filled the room attracted the attention of several people.

That is a huge black cocoon——

The dark cocoon shell glows with a black light similar to metal, and the circles of edges and corners and dark purple protrusions spread all over the cocoon body. , looks very oppression.

As soon as he entered the room, Anves felt the invisible pressure gushing from the cocoon.

That is the oppression force derived from Life Level, which can only be felt when facing professionals whose ranks are much higher than themselves.

80% of the dark beasts that rushed into the ruins and disappeared before have become part of this giant cocoon.

To be honest, the presence of this cocoon made Anves very uncomfortable.

But at the same time, “Old Days Secret Scripture” once again came with a feeling of extreme longing.

Two updates

(end of this chapter)

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