
Chapter 363 The Four Girls Group

Confirming the location of the environment at the moment, Anves observed the indoor environment a little, and then held his hand The dark golden scepter, concentrate your mind, and return to the special space layer just now.

At this time, everyone in the cave hall was still in shock at the sudden disappearance of Anves, thinking that there was some kind of new danger.

“Anves, where have you just been?”

Seeing his silhouette reappearing, Claire looked at Anves nervously, making sure there was nothing wrong with him. place.

“Don’t worry, Sister Claire Senior, I just suddenly found a way to get out of here—”

After looking around for a week, Anves smiled and said something that made everyone overjoyed.

“There is a special unstable point here, through this space point, we can leave this dream space and return to the normal world.

And those monsters, They don’t exist in the real world either, they only exist on the level of this dream-“

“Anves, then you can take us away!”

Listen To this news, the most excited person is Xia Ye Yinghuo. She always felt that this dark hall made her whole body a little hairy, and when she heard that there was hope of leaving, she immediately asked.

“It is indeed possible, so please stand within three meters of me.”

Nodding, Anves said the way to leave, and everyone followed suit.

But after coming over, Xia Yeyinghuo made a very bold move – in the eyes of everyone’s surprise and envy, she suddenly hugged Anves from behind, and posted the whole person. go up!

“Respect yourself, Vivi Young Lady An…”

Feeling a soft squeeze behind her, Anves’ eyelids twitched.

In “Mysterious Era”, if you want to have more intimate contact with NPCs, you need to achieve a certain degree of character favorability. This girl relied on doing several of his tasks, and the character’s favorability was high enough, and people began to drift.

The player’s psychology is very clear to him, she is definitely holding him as a proportional figure now!

Besides, Claire’s blue eyes narrowed slightly, feeling a little unhappy. But the next moment she reacted, and she wondered why she felt this way.

Probably, worried about Anves being plotted.

After thinking for a moment, the half-elf girl used this reason to convince herself.

“I’m sorry!”

Quickly letting go, Xia Yeying quickly apologized.

“Forget it, Sister Claire Senior, please stand behind me, let’s get out of here first.”

shook the head, Anves swung his scepter, and everyone’s silhouette disappeared immediately in a dark cave. When reappeared, the surroundings have been transformed into a mysterious silver hall in magical style.

“Wow, Anves, where is this?”

Observing the surrounding environment in amazement, Xia Yehuo rushed to the center of the hall with great interest, trying to touch the suspended air in mid-air. The Floating Void City magic projection.

“If I’m not mistaken, this is the core control room of the former city in the sky, [Pomiya]. And judging from the devices here, it still has at least some functions, It can function normally—”

Anves opened his hand and generously answered the doubts of the player girl.

“Wait! Did you just say City in the Sky? Are we now in the ruins of an ancient Floating Void City?!!”

After listening to Anves, the firefly in the summer night There was no response yet, Alicia was startled.

She knows all too well what a new, working Floating Void City means.

Continent Magic Council can gain a detached status among the Three Great Influences. A very important reason is that Magic Council controls the only well-preserved Floating Void City of mankind.

That is a super war weapon that can resist the limit of multiple ninth ranks, and can even kill a ninth rank in seconds! If you can control it in your hands…

Thinking of this, Alyssa shook her head suddenly.

No, I’m afraid it’s not her turn, not even anyone in the ruins at this time, that should be the honors of the ninth rank outside who are qualified to compete.

“Anves, what should we do now…?”

Some fascinated observation of the one after another inscription array on the wall, Claire also came back to his senses at this time , raised a question that accelerated the heartbeat of everyone present.

For some reason, after entering here, the half-elf girl has always been a little absent-minded.

In the vague expectant gaze of everyone, Anves smiled slightly.

“Since we’re all here, then, why don’t we think of a way to try to gain control of this Floating Void City–“

As his voice fell , everyone’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated a bit.

“Your Excellency Anves, can we explore here at will?”

After thinking about it, Ren carefully asked a question.

It can be seen from the series of changes just now that Anves is undoubtedly the strongest among the few people in the hall at this time, and his background is even more crushing.

If you explore on your own without asking for his permission, if Anves throws him back into the cave just now, it’s really a shame.

“Yes, as long as it doesn’t destroy the things here.”

Glancing at him, Anves nodded in the eyes of everyone who was so excited that he couldn’t believe it.

In fact, he was also secretly observing everyone at the moment.

In just a short exploration, Anves discovered that although the hall did respond to the scepter, he could not use it to control the equipment in the hall.

In other words, he’s missing something key.

Leading everyone here, it is also hope that with the help of the power of several Destiny Children, he can help him make up for the final missing link of the Floating Void City authority.

It seems that due to the inertia of fate, the people in the hall at present are still barely able to make up the Ren Squad of the previous life.

Sexy and gentle Knight girl – Alyssa.

I am not mature and charming, nor is Yujie’s summer ambassador – Xia Ye Yinghuo.

The girl elementalist who brought disaster – Claire.

The unfathomable prophet girl…

cough cough…Since the fate has been changed, it doesn’t have to be a girl, anyway, it can bring together several of Ren’s former teammates Occupation is right.

After a while, Xia Ye Yinghuo was the first to discover the problem.

I don’t know what she did. A black obelisk with a mysterious rhombus rune was engraved on it. Grows from the ground as a whole.

Of course, she can only do this step, and then the system panel prompts that her knowledge level of high elves is not enough to meet the event triggering conditions.

The moment she saw the rune, Claire suddenly hugged her head, a look of pain appeared in her blue eyes, and a thin layer of sweat oozes from her forehead.

But at the next moment, a clear comprehension flashed in the depths of the girl’s eyes, as if she suddenly recalled something that was sealed in the corner of her memory.

There will be another chapter in a while, gu gu

(end of this chapter)

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