
Chapter 364 Return to the Sky

“Claire Senior Sister? What’s the matter with you?”

Noticed her immediately No, Anves raised his hand and applied a healing magic.

“Wait… Anves, I seem to have some impressions of this…”

Still covering her head, Claire suddenly stood up staggeringly and walked to the square. Next to the obelisk, he gently scratched his fingertips and pressed the bloody finger on the diamond-shaped rune.

When the dim inscription was soaked by the girl’s blood, the soft silver light suddenly lit up from the depths of the lines, and gradually flowed, overflowing the entire rune.

“Anves…here, take my hand…with your scepter, make a connection to it—”

“I see.”

Nodding, Anves thought for a while, then gently took off the glove on his left hand and held the girl’s slender hand in the palm of his hand.

The touch from the palm of the hand is damp and cold.

The next moment, a soft but lifeless synth sound, suddenly sounded in his Divine Sea.

“This is Pomia, the comprehensive self-examination has been completed, and after 7,623,000 years, you are welcome to come again, Your Majesty the controller——”

At the same time, a detailed three-dimensional map of the city in the sky suddenly appeared in his Divine Sea, with much more details than the projection in the center of the hall.

Including the hall where the Academy gathered at this moment, various defense devices inside the ruins, the specific damaged parts of the ruins, and many ninth ranks outside the ruins.

The details of all things are transmitted to Anves’ spiritual space in real time in the form of miniature stereoscopic images, as if opening the perspective of God.

And, when Anves’s mind is focused on all parts of the projection, he can zoom in on it alone, and perceive what his authority can do.

In order to test the authority ability, Anves thought slightly.

At the same time, a strange silhouette shrouded in pitch-black cloak, with his face covered by a hood, and without a trace of breath all over his body, suddenly appeared in a corner of the control room.

The moment this silhouette appeared, he immediately reached out and pointed to Anves, sending out a miserable green ray.

In an instant, Anves collapsed into a cloud of ashes silently, and the dark golden scepter was directly sucked into the hand by the strange silhouette.

This short-lived incident caused a dramatic change in the expressions of everyone in the hall. Stronger than Anves were wiped out without a fight back, so what’s the point of them being even more impossible.

But after being shocked, Roach, Matt, and Alisha directly showed hatred and took a fighting stance. Mundoro and Ren’s eyes flashed, a little hesitant.

But next moment, they don’t have to worry about what to do.

The unidentified silhouette raised her hand slightly, and several huge pitch black tentacles suddenly entangled everyone present.

As soon as the tentacles touched it, a strange and dissonant whisper suddenly murmured in the hearts of everyone.

Slowness, paralysis, darkness, dizziness, hallucinations, mental weakness, divergent thinking…

If you use the player panel to detect, you will find that everyone is directly stacked A large list of various negative buffs. Not to mention fighting, he couldn’t even maintain his consciousness, and he fell to the ground quite simply.

However, there are two exceptions in the street.

Although Claire and Xia Yeyinghuo also had tentacles wrapped around them, they were unscathed.

Next moment, the silhouette floated over and re-held Claire’s hand.

So, except for Claire and Xia Yeyinghuo, everyone else disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already in the hall where the Academy camped.

Seeing several students appear across the space, several leading mages were startled and thought their ninth rank powerhouse had come in, although they came in lying down.

After a few people woke up and asked carefully, they learned the truth about the ruins, and they couldn’t help but look at Anves sitting in the corner of the hall with some surprise.

At the same time, after listening to the remarks of several students, the royal family and other descendants of the Three Great Families also gave Anves a somewhat surprised look.

Although I know that Avatar of Anves is exploring somewhere mysterious, but didn’t expect it to be so fierce that he almost took control of this Floating Void City!

Fortunately, someone stopped Anves in the end, otherwise, if Floating Void City fell into the hands of the Olivendi family, the situation in the empire might really change.

However, while they were secretly rejoicing that Anves’s success was over, they were also secretly guessing the true identity of that mysterious person.

According to the descriptions of several people, with the ability to forcibly shuttle into the main control room, there is a great possibility that that mysterious person is the ninth rank of an unknown force!

And according to his actions of teleporting several people back to the hall, it can be seen that he seems to have goodwill towards the Gloria Empire or the Pamir Academy.

At this time, in the control room of Floating Void City, which everyone was worried about at the Academy, Anves’ body held Claire’s hand and really began to try to control the city.

He had already passed the permission of Floating Void City and told Claire the truth in advance when he was testing the permission.

As for the reason why Xia Ye Yinghuo didn’t move…it seemed that she was simply frightened.

The performance of pretending to kill himself Avatar is entirely for outsiders to see, to prevent others from focusing their attention on him and the Olivendi family prematurely, so that he can do things secretly.

The cloak is a good thing from the power dragon’s treasure, which can isolate all the information emitted by the wearer from the outside world, except for the physical reflection.

And he still has the effects of [Old Majesty], [Flesh Manipulation] and [Dark Side of the Moon] on him at the moment, Anves is not worried that anyone will see through him.

At this moment, after temporarily taking control of this Floating Void City, he finally has enough power to control the situation.

First, the many students of the Pamir Academy must be rescued. Otherwise, the future of the empire will be hit hard.

And then, the black cocoon that Old Days Secret Scripture is interested in, it’s time to feed it.

Thirdly, there are many enemy ninth ranks outside, maybe you can take this opportunity to temporarily control Floating Void City, and keep some forever. While weakening future enemies, interfere with the direction of fate again. .

Looking at the many ninth rank silhouettes in the outside world, there are several hostile ninth ranks who have had impressions in previous lives. Anves smiled silently, and with the help of the highest authority of Floating Void City, the spirit strength suddenly spread to the extreme, covering the entire ruins in an instant!

In this brief moment, with the vicissitudes of history and the glory of the past, in this final battlefield that is about to erupt, let’s return to the sky!

Pomeranian, Stairway to Heaven—

Under Anves’ will, the entire ruins trembled.


At the top of the tall altar in the cave hall of the ruins, the stone bell body lying on the side of the altar suddenly sounded a slightly illusory bell.

The sound of the bell was ancient and desolate.

As soon as the bell rang, Anves felt a sudden lightness all over his body, as if some invisible shackles had been opened. The prophet rank, which was originally imprisoned at the limit of sixth rank, was quietly broken.

The Web of Fate produced faint ripples, as if to celebrate the birth of a new high-ranking prophet.

But at the moment, Anves doesn’t care about his own strength.

He felt as if he had suddenly become this splendid city, experiencing everything it saw.

Chapter 2, gu gu

(End of this chapter)

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