
Chapter 365 Accidents

At the moment when Anves’ mind took control of Floating Void City, many ninth rank outside the city , and found an exception.

They are just trying to disintegrate the city shield structure through special high frequency force field magic. But at a certain moment, the aura of this relic suddenly changed.

It was an illusory, but very clear feeling, as if the whole city suddenly ‘lived’.

“Wait, the situation seems to be wrong…”

As soon as a ninth rank opened his mouth, a deep bell rang suddenly from the depths of the city ruins.

The ninth rank led by the three parties had mixed reactions when they heard the strange bell that suddenly hummed.

【Holy Inquisition】Yorgeson frowned, this bell reminded him of the bell of the Stone Tower of Destiny.

[Crystal Gate] Bayer tightened the scepter in his hand, and was a little worried about the many Pamir students who were trapped in the ruins.

[Mystery Seeker] Alwani expression moved, and a faint expectation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Under the puzzled and shocked gazes of many ninth rank powerhouses in the three parties, the whole city trembled violently, and then its height suddenly began to rise slowly!

Because the surrounding sea water has been separated, everyone can clearly see at this moment that this huge city ruins with a diameter of dozens of kilometers, with a twisted magic shield, slowly floats like weightlessness. Rising—

seabed The sand and silt deposited by the seabed slid off the shield at the bottom of the ruins, leaving a huge pothole with slightly irregular edges.

In the afterglow of the golden sunset, the metal minarets at the four corners of the city shine with dazzling golden light, and the beautiful buildings with elegant texture give a glimpse of that splendid corner of the ancient golden age. .

“That’s… Floating Void City! A well-preserved Floating Void City!”

Although I had already guessed in advance, when I saw the huge ruins, it was really in front of me. When slowly floating, many ninth ranks still feel a little illusory.

But in the next moment, the eyes of most ninth rank are full of fiery and greed.

It doesn’t need to be explained too much, everyone present is very clear about what a new Floating Void City that can rise represents.

That is the treasure of the cutting-edge magical knowledge of countless ancient high elves, as well as the unrepeatable miracle creation that symbolizes the supreme attainment of magic—【Core of Eternity】

At this moment, Staring at the ruined city that is gradually lifting into the sky, the three leaders ninth rank have the same thought in their hearts——

Even if it is completely destroyed, it must not fall into the hands of other forces. !



In Floating Void City, Anves is adjusting to this novelty right now.

In this wonderful state of synchronization, Anves could clearly see himself and Claire standing together in the control room, holding hands.

And next to Xia Yeyinghuo, who really wanted to reach out to touch but didn’t dare, with a cowardly expression on his face.

When he took full control of the Floating Void City and ordered the Floating Void City to rise again, the progress of the [Pomiya’s End] task on this guy’s panel increased to 40%. five.

Anves also told her who she was after a little chastisement for her previous surprise attack.

However, he did not tell the player girl the real situation, but told her that he was Anves’ friend. The situation just now was that he and Anves had colluded in advance and played a scene for the outside world.

Lorna also ran out at this time, visiting the control room of Sky City with some novelty. But after noticing Anves in a strange dress, he became a little wary. Under the explanation of the player girl, she relaxed.

As Anves zooms out, he can see the Pamir Academy in his ‘body’, with the subtle expressions on everyone’s faces.

The daze of not knowing what to do, the optimism of believing that the empire will come to the rescue, the anxiety about the future fate, the sadness of losing a close partner…

At this time, the other Three The descendants of the Great Families were conversing with Avatar, who he had left in the hall, to learn more about the city, and Anves was forging an idea to deal with them.

Fiona stood aside, holding little kitty and listening to the deeds of her big brother, her blue eyes full of surprise and admiration.

However, in the current state of synchronization, Anves has also discovered a little surprise that he hadn’t noticed before.

When his huge thoughts at the moment swept across a corner in the center of Floating Void City, a silhouette of unknown identity suddenly appeared there.

It was a green-haired nature elf holding a staff and wearing a robe. For some reason, the defenses inside the city did not attack him.

And based on his current location, he is very close to the core energy room of this Floating Void City, but for unknown reasons, he can’t go any further.

The importance of the energy room is self-evident, the core energy room is protected behind the layered space-time turbulence protection belt. Except for those who possess enough high-level privileges, all elves are strictly prohibited from approaching.

When Anves’ thoughts swept across him, a triangular magic talisman on his chest suddenly lit up with a swiftly flashing scarlet light.

When the rays of light lit up, the elf complexion greatly changed, suddenly crushed a stone engraved with silver high elf spirit talisman, and disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he was already located in another living area of the city, in an ordinary room.

What’s interesting is that this time, he also used the permission of this Floating Void City, but the permission level is much lower than that of Anves.

Discovering this, Anves moved his mind and directly ordered Bomia to freeze his authority, and at the same time mobilized the still intact golem guards in the city to capture the elf.

He’s not quite sure which side this guy is from, but there is a very simple way to tell the difference – throw this guy out, and there will definitely be someone who knows him among the many ninth ranks waiting outside.

When many golems went to capture, the elf also broke out a small resistance, and he also seemed to be an Eighth Rank professional.

However, in the face of the numerous Floating Void City defensive golems that are enough to fight ninth rank, his counterattack is quite weak.

Once this accident was captured, there were no other special circumstances in the city.

Temporarily ordering the golem to imprison the elf in the city’s prison, Anves watched the numerous ninth ranks outside the city, not immediately attacking.

After all, he is not the high elf Legendary who once controlled the city, not even the ninth rank. Since he has not mastered Rule Power himself, he cannot fully exert the strongest power of the city.

Besides, before he took control of the Floating Void City, the state of the city was far from can’t be called intact.

The first is that it split in two directly during the fall. Although it seems to have recovered, there are still many areas that cannot be repaired.

Afterwards, due to the two level-breaking attacks, the overall inscription structure of the city was damaged to a certain extent. Relying on Pomia’s own emergency repair mechanism alone cannot fully achieve the degree of recovery.

Besides, in Three Great Influences, the federal level-breaking attack has not yet appeared.

At this moment, many ninth ranks from the outside world have not entered the Floating Void City for a long time, just because they are jealous of each other and do not want to be the first to reveal their trump cards.

If he launched an attack directly, under the strong attack of many ninth rank regardless of the cost, this Floating Void City may not be able to stop the strong attack of many ninth rank.

He needs to figure out a way to try something else.

(End of this chapter)

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