
Chapter 366 Dilemma and Rescue

Of course, before that, you can throw the elf out and test the many ninths outside The position of rank can buy a little time.

With a single thought, Anves’ will instantly manifested in the city. As a result, at a point below the bottom of Floating Void City, the space suddenly experienced unknown fluctuations.

At this moment, the height of Floating Void City has broken through the clouds in the sky, hovering at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and slowly rotating at this height.

The vigilant eyes of many ninth rank immediately turned to that point, suspecting some unknown attack.

However, when the silhouette of the elf appeared in everyone’s eyes, [Mystery Seeker] Olwani’s eyes suddenly changed slightly, and he was a little surprised.

【Holy Inquisition】Yorgeson’s eyes flickered, he suddenly raised his hand and gave the elf a slight grip, and a holy halo suddenly appeared, and it was about to be bound on the elf’s body.

But at this moment, a transparent magic barrier suddenly appeared on the Spirit Physique watch, blocking Yogersen’s attack.

“Olvani? So he’s your man.”

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood what was going on with this elf.

Jorgeson sneered, watching Olwani transfer the elf to the team, but did not continue to block.

“We need to share the intelligence inside Floating Void City, Alwani.”

The imperial team leader’s ninth rank limit, [Crystal Gate] Baier also looked at the same vigilantly Alwani glanced and made a request.

Obviously, the Magic Council relied on the advantage of owning a Floating Void City, and figured out how to avoid being attacked by the city’s defense system, and tried to secretly control the city or take it away in advance. Eternal Core.

But now it turns out that for some unknown reason, he failed.

Seeing this scene as well, Anves knew in his heart that if he hadn’t come here with the scepter and Claire earlier in this world, then this Eternal Core would definitely fall into the hands of the Continent Magic Council again.

His actions at the moment directly destroyed the arrangement of the Magic Council.

Thinking of the [Stargazer] of the Magic Council, the corners of Anves’ mouth twitched slightly.

Due to the numerous ninth rank limits gathered outside the city and the existence of that unknown black cocoon, the fate here has been completely messed up.

Even the only ninth rank prophet in the continent can now accurately predict the changes here.

After he successfully broke through the high-level prophet, all the high-level prophets who are connected with the Web of Destiny can perceive that they have a new companion again, but the specific identity cannot be confirmed. .

Of course, after sabotaging the enemy’s plan, it is now his turn to think about how to get the most out of this incident.

It is absolutely impossible to take away this Floating Void City completely.

Anves knows that the ultimate war weapon like Floating Void City, not to mention him personally, even for the Olivendi family, is a super hot potato to increase i trouble.

If you don’t want to start an all-out civil war directly, the only way is to dedicate it to the royal family.

But in the long run, the royal family has mastered Floating Void City, which is also not good for the Four Great Families.

After all kinds of thinking, Anves finally found that the best choice at present is actually to settle for the second best, so that all parties can not get this Floating Void City.

The decision was made, and Anves made a move to start hollowing out the city from the inside.

Although it seems to be huge, there are only two things that are truly irreplaceable and key to the entire Floating Void City.

The intelligent control center and core database of Floating Void City records the central master Tower Spirit ‘Pomiya’ of the city’s complete structure. And the endless source of magic of the miracle【Core of Eternity】

As long as he takes away these two, he can completely try to rebuild this Floating Void City in the future.

At the same time, in several secret warehouses and laboratories in the city, there are still a small part of Peak magic materials, ores, unique test items and other precious materials that are still well preserved, as well as various high-end equipment. , golems, etc.

“Pomiya, gather all the valuable materials in the city to the teleportation hall, and at the same time build a temporary Tower Spirit, ready to execute the final escape plan at any time.”

The Eternal Core cannot be moved temporarily, It can only be taken away at the last minute, but other items are now ready to start packing.

“Your will, Your Majesty the controller—”

Following Anves’ orders, the entire city immediately began to operate at full speed.

Several secret vaults and top-secret laboratories that were originally heavily guarded were opened one after another, and several specially-made constant gold carrying golems entered, and the rows of space-time constant boxes on the shelves were stored in the storage space within the body. .

At the same time, more common mithril golems began to recycle the ore and metal materials in the warehouse, and began to move through Spatial Teleportation, collecting high-end equipment and Rare scattered in private rooms all over the city Item .

The spare high-level golems that have not been awakened were also activated, and under the order of Tower Spirit ‘Pomiya’, they shuttled through space and entered the transmission area of Floating Void City to wait.

At the end of his run, most of these things will end up being smoke bombs to confuse the enemy.

The scavenging and running procedures were so skillfully arranged, Anves returned his attention to the current situation.

There are many ninth rank glare like a tiger watching his prey in the outside world, and direct teleportation will definitely be intercepted. We must find a way to make these ninth ranks have no time to pay attention to teleportation fluctuations.

Before all this, he had to figure out a way to let the ninth rank of the Empire rescue the Pamir Academy people in the ruins.

In his plan, this place is about to become a super-intensive battlefield. When the battle at the ninth rank level starts, he can’t guarantee that he can protect the people of the Pamir Academy.

“Then, it’s good to experience the savior once in a while.”

Staring at the many Pamir students gathered in the hall, Anves’s will focused on the savior in the underground hall. On the stone clock.

According to the information provided by Floating Void City’s master Tower Spirit ‘Pomiya’, the pitch-black stone clock and the huge altar in the underground cave hall were not originally facilities in Floating Void City.

It was a temporary device added by Bomya after the Purple Moon war. The effect is to transform the space form of Floating Void City, forcibly call the dream world to cover the reality, and form a special space state in which the dream and reality merge.

Everything in the fusion area exists in parallel with the outside world. Even if the Floating Void City in the dream world opens a big hole, the Floating Void City in the real world will not have any problems. Coming is the same.

Like a mirror with two sides, when the mirror is turned over, the inside and the outside change, and the original outer layer becomes the inner layer, which will have an additional protective effect on the residents of the city.

Because of this characteristic, the dream world is the best battlefield for fighting against powerful foreign enemies.

With a slight movement of his mind, Anves activated the effect of the stone clock.

(End of this chapter)

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