
Chapter 367 The Moonless Moon

The huge bell body is slightly trembled, and a wave of spherical ripples with a faint color luster quickly Spreading around the altar, it soon completely covered the inner space of the city and even affected the nearby Celestial Phenomenon.

In the eyes of many ninth rank, a purple full moon illusory shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and the starry sky appeared deeper and clearer.

Many ninth ranks are familiar with the dream world, and while the three parties are wary of accidents, they also doubt whether Floating Void City is ready to escape through the dream world.

In order to avoid accidents, several ninth ranks immediately shot and interfered with the dream space on a large scale.

At this moment, the elf specially sent by Anves has also awakened under the healing magic.

“What happened inside, Elle? Tell me about your exploration process carefully.”

Seeing him re-awakening, a ninth rank immediately stepped forward to ask, and two other nearby Fang’s ninth rank also cast his attention.

“Your Majesty Kellers! It’s like this, according to the original plan, I used the rune stone to enter the interior of Floating Void City. At first, everything was the same as the pre-deduction, but strangely, no matter what No way to find the location of the main control room.

When I went to the Floating Void City energy core area according to the backup plan, the alarm talisman suddenly came on.

When I went to the Floating Void City energy core area After teleporting and escaping, I was besieged by a large number of high-level golems, and at the same time, the teleportation ability of the rune stone suddenly failed. I couldn’t resist, and was finally concentrated by the spell of the golem and lost consciousness.”

After listening to Elle’s report, Alwani and several other ninth rank limiters looked at each other and felt a little troublesome.

According to the experience told by the elves, it can be basically confirmed that there are unknown beings who have mastered the High Rank authority of Floating Void City.

After confirming this, because they were worried that the mysterious person would get the key item and escape by teleportation, many ninth ranks in the outside world directly blocked the nearby space, and at the same time, they no longer kept their hands, and began to step up to crack the city protection. shield.

The integrity of the outer protective wall is rapidly degrading, and it has been torn in half by now.

Noticing the reactions of many ninth rank at the moment, after opening the dream world, Anves cast his eyes on the Magic Council.

When he officially stepped into the ranks of high-level prophets, part of the power of the web of fate finally opened to him. At the same time, with the huge increase brought by Floating Void City, he also faintly noticed the handwriting of [Stargazer].

It was quite a brilliant operation. With the help of the second wave of the Web of Destiny, it moved with the trend, and through the hands of several imperial ninth ranks, the fate of many Pamir students was involved in the general trend.

During the whole process, he did not directly interfere with the fate of any ninth rank.

The ruins of the hope of breakthrough ninth rank + all the Pamir students in the school, no need for him to plan anything, this combination is enough for the ninth ranks of all forces in the continent to spontaneously gather here for their respective goals .

Moreover, as long as it is arranged properly, even if the overwhelming majority of Pamir students die due to his interference. The vast majority of this wave of fate backlash can also be distributed to several ninth ranks who arrange students to explore the ruins through the Prediction Department secret technique.

Having insight into the arrangement of some of the [Stargazers], Anves can’t help but feel a little tricky.

Although he’s not sure about the stargazer’s true goals for the time being, that 80% conflicts with his goals.

In other words, his current enemies are not only the numerous ninth ranks outside, but also the stargazers located in the distant layout.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the entire continent Magic Council and Floating Void City as a turtle shell, even if he was a ninth rank limit prophet, he would have been dragged out and killed long ago.

He clearly just wants to change his own destiny, so why should there be so many people to stop him?

Thinking about it, Anves’s thoughts locked on a veteran ninth rank on the council side.

“Pomia, switch Floating Void City attack mode, gradually reduce shield power output, and lift core weapon system restrictions.”

Before you let them in, choose one Good luck to the audience.

“Confirmation of controller permission…Warning! The final weapon system is activated! The moonless moon begins to fill-“

With the order of Anves, Pomiya’s original gentle woman The high elf tone suddenly turned into an icy metallic tone, as if to remind the orderer to make a careful decision.

In an instant, Floating Void City suddenly released its rays of light, and countless magical attacks of various types, like raindrops, shot towards the many ninth ranks that were caught off guard.

At the same time, in a huge cabin inside the bottom floor of Floating Void City, one after another incomparably huge magic power was input into the black obelisk with its four tips sloping toward the center, and the surface was densely covered with complex inscriptions. .

When a large amount of magic power was injected, the inscription on the bottom of the obelisk gradually began to turn into silver white, a tiny pitch-black sphere with the meaning of death, condensing out in the center of the four obelisks.

Over time, the height of the silver inscription began to increase, the diameter of the sphere gradually expanded, and the meaning of dead silence became more and more obvious.

In the end, when the four obelisks completely turned into silver, the huge black ball disappeared instantly in a burst of space fluctuation.

At this moment, outside the city, the ninth rank of the three-way team leader suddenly felt like he had one’s hair stand on end all over his body.

“No! It’s a level-breaking attack! Dodge it!!”

At the same time as the warning, Olwani’s staff suddenly waved, instantly attaching all of his own Multi-protection and deflection force field.

But now, it’s too late. A black ball about several meters in size appeared silently near the people on the federal and parliamentary sides, and then swelled at an alarming speed.

At the same time as the black ball appeared, the rules of the entire space-time had a strong interference, and it could not be teleported. Even if it flew directly, the flight trajectory that was supposed to be a straight line would become seriously distorted.

The veteran ninth rank locked by Anves’ mind only had time to turn on the rules and defense, and then was directly engulfed by the black ball.


Ignoring his companions, at the critical moment, Alwani forcibly opened the supermagic realm and stabilized the Time and Space Rule in a small area beside him , barely in time to escape before being swallowed by the strange black ball.

From a distance, in the deep blue night sky, on the side of the rising silver moon and Purple Moon, it looks like a huge pitch black full moon suddenly appeared.

When it expanded to almost one-tenth of the volume of Floating Void City, the black ball suddenly contracted toward the center as it appeared, and finally turned into a black spot and disappeared without a trace. Leaving a permanent area of time and space vulnerability.

Under this bleak moon, the council team directly reduced three ninth ranks.

Even if ninth rank has all kinds of bizarre life-saving secret techniques, it will be hundreds of years later if it wants to be revived when the body is completely annihilated.

However, seemingly due to the launch of the Moonless Moon, the shield of Floating Void City briefly disappeared.

“The shield is gone, let’s go in!”

Many ninth rank were a little apprehensive about the terrifying attack just now in Floating Void City.

If the same attack were to be repeated again, except for a few ninth rank limits, no one could guarantee to escape from that terrifying attack.

At this moment, seeing the city shield disappear on its own, except for a few ninth ranks responsible for staying behind, most of the ninth ranks quickly rushed into the city, preparing to paralyze the entire city as soon as possible. defense system.

gu gu gu ——

(End of this chapter)

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