
Chapter 368 Planning and Departure

“It’s already in… Unfortunately, there’s not enough time for a second post-“

Anves in the heart shook the head, sensing the large area of the city that was rapidly darkening.

As Pomia’s final weapon, the Moonless Moon has formidable power, but it takes about ten minutes to recharge and cool down.

In order to ensure maximum attack effectiveness, he did not choose any ninth rank limit, but took a step back and chose those old ninth ranks as targets.

Due to the limitation of Nine Steps to Heaven, the ninth rank limiters could never go further, so almost all skills were focused on life-saving ability.

“Two veteran ninth rank, one ordinary ninth rank, not sure if Avatar, but it’s okay. The next step is to guide the ninth rank professionals of the empire, and put the Pamir students Take it away.”

Confirming the result of the attack, Anves stopped paying attention to the movements of several ninth ranks outside Floating Void City for the time being, and focused all his attention on the ones that rushed into his ‘body’. Numerous ninth ranks.

Although many ninth ranks are reflected in his spirit, almost all of them are pitch black, but he can still clearly perceive the difference between the three sides.

The Holy See side is divided into several squads, and while they go, they destroy a large area, but there is no clear goal.

The parliament and the federation are also undermining, but they are divided into two groups, the direction is very clear, and they are almost heading towards the core energy room and the control area with the shortest distance. To stop them, Anves also has the most guards mobilized.

The Empire was divided into three teams, but the ninth rank’s attack was somewhat restrained for fear that an unintentional attack would affect everyone at the Pamir Academy.

Even though Anves deliberately mobilized some of the guard golems, they were the slowest to explore.

According to the current situation, it is still the ninth rank of the council that can reach the key area first, but it will take at least fifteen minutes.

Confirming the situation, Anves’s mind locked on the Duke of Karrot, who also entered the ruins and is currently in a team with the other two dukes and two marquis.

The defense system in the city can hold back many ninth ranks for a certain period of time, but it cannot be delayed for too long, and some ninth ranks are already looking for a way to break through the dream layer.

He needs to finish what he has to do before the defenses of the teleportation chamber and the energy chamber are broken.

“Pomia, package the current picture in the central square of the sixteenth living area, the specific structure diagram of the ruins, and their current location, and send it to this…”

After saying ‘this’, Anves suddenly stopped, not knowing what to say.

Ancient Era has no such creatures as human beings, nor does the word human exist in the Bomian database or in the Old Elvish language.

But fortunately, since it is the mind that transmits the information, even if Anves didn’t finish his words, Pomia understood his instructions.

“The delivery is complete, my lord the controller.”

“Disassemble the Moonless Moon system components, divide them into multiple transport golems, and also go to the teleportation hall to stand by. Execute the final escape The plan is to switch to the temporary Tower Spirit to take over the city, and the main body enters a state of disengagement.”

After the information was passed, Anves immediately issued the final disengagement order, and at the same time did not forget to dismantle the city’s core weapon system.

Although Anves isn’t sure if the Moonless Moon will still work without the power of the Eternal Core, he doesn’t want it to fall into enemy hands.

“The controller permission is confirmed…confirmed – start the exit process.”

Pomiya’s voice returned to the previous high elf female voice again, at the same time, Anves’s eyes slowed down Slowly darkening, the perspective returned to the hall.

“Ann… it’s over?”

Almost calling out Anves’ name, Claire temporarily changed her phrasing, and at the same time released her hand on the diamond-shaped rune, and turned her eyes to reopening her eyes. Anves.

“It’s over, the ninth rank of the Empire has entered the city, and I have just passed on the positions of the Pamir students to them.

After confirming that the students are safe After the rescue, it’s time for us to disengage.”

Nodded lightly, Anves released Claire’s hand and turned his eyes to the center of the control room.

The miniature Floating Void City projection, which was originally slowly rotating, has now become somewhat incomplete, with a large number of black gaps representing damage, like one after another scar, deeply penetrating into the interior of the city.

Just above the projection, the ceiling of the silver suddenly opened a hexagonal hole.

A hexagonal prism-shaped crystal with a length of about one meter and a thickness of about half a meter, with countless colors changing on the surface, slowly descends from the hole and floats on the top of the projection.

When you stare carefully at the light on the surface of this crystal pillar, you seem to be able to receive countless knowledge and information.

Sensing the existence of the scepter in Anves’ hand, the crystal pillar suddenly turned into a stream of light again, converging on the head of the dark golden scepter, condensing into a 12-body crystal about the size of a human head.

Meanwhile, Anves once again felt connected to the city. But unlike Pomia, the temporary Tower Spirit’s control over the city is obviously much more rigid, like the difference between AI life and weak artificial intelligence.

“Well, it seems that the temporary Tower Spirit can be controlled independently through this scepter. In that case…Claire, you should also return to the hall where the Academy’s people gather now.

The Empire’s The ninth rank is about to arrive there, and leaving the ruins with their help is the safest way to leave.”

Aware of this, Anves suggested. Since he can now control the city independently, there is no need for the half-elf girl to take a huge risk and wait with him until the end.

“So, what about you?”

The beautiful blue and clear eyes turned slightly, and Claire stared at Anves, not refuting anything, but asking a rhetorical question.

Even though the latter has changed shape and appearance at this moment, her eyes are still clean and fiery. It seems that he can penetrate the cover of his appearance and see the boy behind the mask.

“Remember my status as mysterious person now, I will control the Floating Void City defense system here to ensure that all students will not be attacked by other hostile forces ninth rank before they are successfully rescued by the imperial ninth rank. Interference.

And, apart from this, I have other things to do. With the control of Floating Void City, I also have other ways to get out of here, don’t worry.”

There was a slight smile on the face under the hood, Anves explained.

He is going to seal the black cocoon first, and find a way to leave a few more ninth ranks of the hostile forces.

Compared to the outside world that can evade through space at will, the time and space inside Floating Void City is highly solidified. With the infinite magic power of the Eternal Core, as long as the defense system inside the ruins is properly controlled, it can also protect the ninth. rank poses a huge threat.

For every ninth rank left, his situation will get better in the future.

“Okay, but I’m hoping to borrow Floating Void City Tower Spirit for a while after I get out of here. I need to investigate something.”

Seems satisfied with the teenager’s answer, Claire Nominate. Anves lifted the scepter lightly, and the girl’s silhouette disappeared into the hall.

“Wait, what about me? Is there any danger here? Can you send me away too?”

Seeing Claire’s silhouette disappear, Xia Yeying Huo hurried over and showed a pleasing smile.

She was terrified of death.

“You? Don’t worry, I heard that Stranger can be resurrected—”

Glancing at her, Anves sent a quest by the way.

“By the way, don’t move here, wait for me ten minutes, I can give you a Copper Coin as a reward.”

As his voice fell, the game of the player girl The task prompt pops up immediately on the panel.

D-Rank tasks, no rank restrictions.

Seeing this, Anves waved his scepter with satisfaction and entered the dream world level.

“How, how could this be possible!”

In the empty hall, only dumbfounded gamer girls were left.

(End of this chapter)

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