
Chapter 369 Seal and sight

On the other side, in the corridor of the dream space, the anxious Duke Karrot and the other four ninth rank quickly Moving forward, spreading out the senses as much as possible, searching for the location of the amulet on Anves and Fiona.

After the defense system of Floating Void City is fully opened, the space-time here produces a lot of confusion, and the positioning of the family talisman also becomes abnormal, and the position moves around in all directions.


Suddenly, a huge gap opened in the wall on one side, and a strange creature like a huge amoeba gushed out from the gap and suddenly wrapped towards the corridor. five people inside.

Somewhat strangely, it seems to be completely imperceptible to the terrifying ninth rank coercion emanating from several people.

Already familiar with the existence of this thing, Duke Karrot waved his hand, and the frost with regular power directly covered its body, instantly turning it into an ice sculpture.

Then, the ice sculpture automatically shatters into scattered, shiny ice dust.

Along the way, they have encountered more than one such strange thing, the strength is very average, only about seven to Eighth Rank, but it does not have any valuable spoíls of war, it is a complete waste of time.

The current patriarch Duke of the Enoch family tried to capture one. During the on-site dissection, it was found that although its size was huge, its internal structure was extremely simple.

Like the earliest seabed giant creatures in Dark Era, only the most primordial system of life-sustaining activities, and the behavior pattern is also like a real amoeba, with only very simple instinctive reactions.

Easy to wipe out the amoeba blocking the road, Karrot was about to continue to explore the depths, but at this point, his movements suddenly stopped.

A message from an unknown source suddenly touched his mental barrier.

Not feeling that there is anything bad in the information, Karrot carefully separated out a trace of spirit strength and touched the surface of the information seed.

Therefore, an illusory shadow of Anves suddenly appeared in his essence Divine Sea.

“Sir Father, the situation is critical, I used the city’s authority to leave this message.

If you enter the city and see the message, please go to this coordinate quickly. I, Fiona and other Pamir students are currently located here.”

After this brief message, there is a miniature stereoscopic projection of part of the city. The projection clearly marked the location of the hall where the Pamirs gathered, as well as the current location of the Duke and the others.

“Karrot, what’s wrong with you?”

Although the Duke only paused slightly, in the eyes of several other ninth ranks, this was already a very obvious and clear abnormal situation .

“Just now, I received a message about the specific location of the current Pamir Academy people.”

I was worried that Duke Karrot would explore the Floating Void City too deeply. , Anves only shared directions to the Academy’s public locations, not maps of other key areas.

So the duke didn’t hide anything at the moment, and directly shared the map with the other four ninth rank.

However, for the sake of protecting Anves, he did not specify the source of the message.

“Is this credible? Could it be left on purpose by the mysterious person who currently controls the ruins to lure us into some prepared trap?”

Looking at each other, several ninth ranks were somewhat suspicious of this, and the ninth rank of the Enoch family directly pointed out the doubts of this information.

“…I’m still going to have a look there, at least it’s a clue.”

After a little hesitation, Duke Karrot finally made a decision.

“That’s it, I’ll go ahead and explore the way, you can follow me further behind. If this is really some kind of trap, we also have time to react.”


“I’m with you, just as I’m about to go there and see, it’s much safer to explore together. In this dangerous Floating Void City, any downsizing will make our situation worse. It becomes more unfavorable.”

At this time, the ninth rank of the Alfred family spoke in a deep voice and decided to explore with Karrot temporarily.

“Okay, let’s go, the environment here always makes me feel bad. It’s better to find our target as soon as possible and get out of here.”

Simple negotiation After a while, the other three ninth ranks finally agreed to the plan, so the entire team turned to the location of the sign.



At this moment, Anves, who re-entered the dream level, returned to the dark cave i once again.

As time was running out, he quickly activated the true form of the Old Days Secret Scripture, and let it rush towards the black cocoon in the center of the room like a cat seeing delicious food.

Like the absorption of the dark seal last time, dark green’s thick book turned to a blank page on its own. out.

In the shroud of rays of light, the seemingly incomparably powerful black cocoon in the center of the hall is still unable to resist and gradually begins to blur, the color begins to gradually become transparent, and the sense of existence becomes getting weaker.

The sealing speed is very fast. According to the current momentum, the whole sealing process will be completely finished in less than five minutes.

But at this moment, Anves suddenly felt a sudden chill all over his body, and a shivering sensation swept across his body like an electric current.

This is not a real cold, but a crisis warning brought by high-level spirit strength!

Something was watching him——

He quickly looked around for a week, and then his eyes locked on the rock wall on the side of the cave.

On the ancient rock surface of black, several pitch-black tentacles protruded out of nowhere, swaying slowly like seaweeds, which seemed to be harmless.

But he had a faint feeling that the line of sight with unknown identity came from that direction.

Anves lifted the golden scepter slightly, an unstable space-time ripple swept across the area directly, and several tentacles snapped and disappeared.

But after removing a few tentacles, the feeling of being stared at not only did not disappear, but became more intense.

No, in the earliest days, that strange sight only came from that one direction. Well now, the direction of sight has become all directions!

Anves even wondered if he had entered the body of some kind of giant creature.

Tightening the scepter in his hand, Anves’ vigilant gaze swept across the hall quickly, analyzing the source of the problem in his heart.

Seal the black cocoon, feel the sight, cut off the tentacles…

The tentacles…then where is the origin of the tentacles?

Thinking about in an instant, Anves immediately separated his thoughts and communicated with the temporary Tower Spirit, trying to observe the entire Floating Void City at the dream level.

But Anves couldn’t help but startled when the picture came to his mind.

In the controller’s perspective, the entire Floating Void City is almost completely wrapped in a large number of pitch black dream tentacles.

Centering on the core energy room of the entire Floating Void City, countless pitch-black tentacles that are huge and unimaginable protrude out like blooming crinoids, wrapping the entire city.

And the damage caused by the many ninth ranks entering the city at this time does not seem to have much effect on these tentacles.

Anves unimaginable, the body of these tentacles, will be a what kind of existence.

At this point, Anves’ gaze seemed to trigger some kind of chain reaction. The pitch-black tentacles, which were originally silent, suddenly began to wriggle.

A large number of tentacles began to shrink slowly, refocusing on the direction of the core energy room.

And in the center of all the tentacles, among the countless intertwined dark tentacles, a huge blood-colored one-eyed opened!

About Themis giant statue, I haven’t written there yet…

(end of this chapter)

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