
Chapter 380 Impact

At this moment, when the spirit is reconnected to Avatar, a part of the ontology is seen through Avatar’s eyes. In an instant, Anves froze for a moment.

From the body, he could instinctively feel a faint sense of intimacy, like his long-lost relatives, which made people instinctively feel good.

Next moment, Anves suddenly came back to his senses, and he couldn’t help but be startled.

After the qualitative change of the fleshy body and the awakening of the bloodline, there seems to be an incomparably terrifying charisma, and even his current breakthrough has been inadvertently affected his will!

This is not a common phenomenon for professionals whose fleshy body has changed qualitatively, and those special war-level professionals have not experienced such an abnormal increase in charm after breakthrough.

And although bloodline awakening will increase the charm, it is far from the current level of horror.

Because of his own special circumstances, although he has just broken through the seventh rank, his current real strength has reached the limit of the seventh rank.

Anves suspects that this is a special reinforcement that can only be obtained by professionals whose spirit and fleshy body are completely transformed during the seventh breakthrough rank.

The double sublimation of spirit and fleshy body brought him the effect that one plus one is far greater than two.

The sublimation of the spirit drives the transformation of the fleshy body, and the transformation of the fleshy body in turn leads to further changes in his spirit.

According to the balance theory of the magic world, a powerful spirit must have an equally powerful fleshy body to accommodate it.

If the fleshy body is too weak relative to the spirit, it will cause the spirit to oppress the body. Until the professional raises the fleshy body strength, the strength cannot be advanced.

“Pomiya, did anything abnormal happen during my breakthrough time?”

Putting away the Avatar again, Anves stepped out of the previously closed door to the test site. Go, while casually asking the new Tower Spirit Pomiya.

Immediately updated his Magic Lab configuration after he returned to Academy. The records in the original experimental construction spirit Thorium were fully copied to Pomia, and then Pomia was set as the laboratory’s new Tower Spirit.

Although it is a bit suspicious of using a supercomputer to play minesweeper, it is better than eating ashes in a ring.

“Everything is normal, my lord controller.”

Pomiya’s voice sounded, and at the same time, the door of the special test venue opened in front of him.

Walking into the empty metal hall, Anves took off his shirt and walked into the center of the large defensive array on the ground.

Just after he completely broke through the seventh rank, a strange impulse suddenly appeared in his heart.

So narrow…so tight…

This body is like a tight shackle…

I want to break free…I want to break free The bondage of this tiny body restores true freedom!

In the breakthrough secret room, he was always suppressing his instinctive desire, but after arriving here, he finally let go of the impulse in his heart.


Accompanied by a very penetrating phantom bird song, Anves’ body suddenly disintegrated, turning into a dazzling light of shallow golden.

In an instant, the volume of this light group rapidly expanded, turning into a giant bird with shallow golden rays of light with a wingspan of hundreds of meters.

The entire body of the giant bird is composed of materials similar to light elements, and the suppressed spirit strength fluctuations emanate from the surface of its body.

The strange thing is that this giant bird is very similar in appearance to the Howling Crystal Bird.

This is the final secret technique after the awakening of the bloodline——[bloodline real body]

With their own bloodline power, warlocks can temporarily borrow part of the power of the source of the bloodline to temporarily open a far greater The bloodline real form of its own regular strength.

In this form, the sorcerer can even briefly gain power beyond the limit.

Fluttering her massive wings gently, Anves felt the ease of her true form and the extra level of boost she had on herself.

Unlike Duke Karrot, Anves’ crystal bird is actually shallow golden, with an extra elemental attribute of light.

As the giant bird’s wings fluttered gently, a huge beam of light formed in front of Anves, and then lashed towards the Hei Yao Jing tablet that tested the damage.

The pale black crystal tablet lights up instantly, the magic column representing spell formidable power in the tablet body rises rapidly, the color also directly rushes to the rich deep purple, and finally even has a tendency to change to white!

This result means that the formidable power of this attack is very close to the spell formidable power of Eighth Rank!

Then, aiming in the direction of the crystal monument, the white golden’s giant bird’s wings flashed, and the huge body suddenly accelerated, hitting the crystal monument directly!


The entire Hei Yaojing tablet trembled violently, the formidable power at this time was even much higher than last time, and the color of the beam of light directly turned white.

Although it looks like an elemental creature, the [bloodline real body] is actually the real body of the sorcerer.

As a result of the simultaneous sublimation of spirit and fleshy body, the strength of bloodline’s real body is stronger than originally expected.



At the same time, more than half a month has passed since Anves was promoted.

In this half a month, the results of the exploration of the remaining wreckage of Floating Void City have also been thoroughly known by many ordinary professionals and players in the outside world.

The city in the sky has completely fallen, and most of the ninth ranks inside are left forever, the eternal nuclear explosion disappears, and the secret of the super ninth rank disappears.

According to subsequent exploration into the ninth rank in the fallen Floating Void City, there is absolutely nothing of value in the ruins.

In the words of those who entered the wreck to explore the ninth rank, the interior of the fallen Floating Void City wreck was as clean as if it had been explored by a hundred strangers. ‘

The so-called secret beyond ninth rank, in the end, no one knows exactly what it means.

And the only clue to this seems to be the mysterious cloaked man who directed it all and escaped before detonating the core of eternity.

In the eyes of some conscientious people, although this result is not the best, it is by no means the worst.

In any case, as long as the Imperial Household and the Four Great Families do not have access to this secret, it is the greatest good news.

At the same time, many people noticed that before the Floating Void City fell, a large wave of tens of thousands of teleportation ripples erupted.

Many people can guess that there are tens of thousands of transmission ripples, and the transmissions are most likely to be various important materials in Floating Void City.

The resources in a whole Floating Void City, relying on personal space items, are simply not enough to take them away, they can only be transported as much as possible by teleportation.

It was just that due to the existence of Themis giant statue at that time, no one dared to try to lock the teleportation location in advance.

Since that’s an obvious random transmission, it’s now possible for these supplies to be located anywhere on the continent.

As a few lucky people discovered the treasure randomly transmitted by Floating Void City while exploring the wild, the Yar Continent folks immediately set off a wave of treasure hunting frenzy.

Both the aboriginal adventurers and the players began to frantically search for the treasure resources sent by Floating Void City.

(End of this chapter)

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