
Chapter 381 Family Inquiry

After the situation has reached this step, the past life trajectory in Anves’ memory has basically been changed beyond recognition. .

Many adventurers have learned the news due to his previous actions to transport most of the more mundane supplies in Floating Void City to the edges and corners of the continent.

News about the Sky City treasure quickly overshadowed everything else, sweeping every tavern in Yar Continent. Everyone is asking if there is any information about the treasure’s whereabouts.

Although it’s unclear why the mysterious person chose random transmission, that didn’t stop them from searching for it.

As a legacy of the ancient golden age, many rare and common resources in that era have become extremely precious today.

As long as they find any teleportation treasure, the resources they get will be enough for them to break through to middle-level professionals and above, and bid farewell to the original level directly.

As folk treasure hunts intensified, a whole bunch of fake Treasure Maps were born.

Many young professionals and players were deceived, were trapped to death in dangerous areas, and then revived to find sellers to settle accounts, resulting in a sudden increase in civil violence.

At the same time, the top leaders of the empire have also really begun to pay attention to the threat of the rebel army. Please move a number of ninth ranks to personally take action to destroy their secret strongholds, as well as secretly constructed magical fortifications and ceremony venues.

Instead of like previous life, completely based on the idea of letting the rebels fend for themselves, just let the middle and small nobles at the bottom handle it themselves.

Because of the premature attention of the high-level empire, the completely unprepared ‘Spark’ organization suffered heavy losses and was almost on the verge of perishing at any time.

At present, except for some high-level members of Xinghuo’s core who escaped in advance with the help of the Fang in the Eyes, almost all of the rest have been captured or killed.

Following the investigation, more exact evidence of the connection between Xinghuo and the Door in the Eyes was uncovered.

There is evidence that the Gate in the Eyes seems to want to use the cover of the Starfire Organization to hold some evil ceremony in the Gloria Empire, but now it has been smashed by the Empire ahead of time.

According to the information searched in the memories of the members of the Starfire Organization, the top management of the empire also discovered a group of forces that had secret contacts with the rebels, as well as several other rebel organizations that were hidden in the dark, so they went along with them. destroy it.

The civil forces of the empire ushered in a major reshuffle, and some newly-born forces on the territory of the original forces hurriedly expressed their loyalty to the empire, for fear of being liquidated together.

The sudden change in the situation made the Gate of the Eyes party originally prepared, and the next series of plans to make the empire chaotic were directly aborted.

Faced with repeated serious provocations by the organization ‘Gate in the Eyes’, Gloria III has begun to arrange manpower to let him experience the Empire’s Iron Fist once.

The majesty of the empire cannot be provoked, even a secret organization with many ninth ranks must pay a painful price for what they do.

However, the most important point is that for the mysterious person who appeared in Floating Void City, and the legendary ‘Circle of Truth’ organization, the Empire still did not find anything related to it. intelligence.

There are even conspiracy theorists who suspect that there is simply no resistance that has captured the hoards of the ancient Magic Empire.

The mysterious person was also disguised by people from other forces, and just to confuse their eyes, he casually made up the name of a resistance organization.

This guess is possible, but no one dares to gamble.

takes part or not, just continue to wait, as long as this force really exists, it will eventually appear in the eyes of everyone again.



“…Yes, I don’t know either, I just randomly chose a relic that looked good item .

As a result, after entering the meteorite ruins, I suddenly felt that the stick reacted and seemed to be pointing in a certain direction…”

“Yes, because I was worried If there is danger, let my Avatar take it to the location where the investigation is directed.

I encountered some students who were accidentally scattered during the exploration, so I led them back to the team by the way.”

“After entering the black hall, there was a sudden feeling on the scepter, and I waved it according to that feeling, so I entered the hall that seems to be the control room.

There I tried the scepter and immediately left a message about where we were at the time. But just as I was about to explore other features, the Avatar died suddenly…”

“…Yes, I understand, father.”

A few days passed, and after finishing the communication with the family, Anves watched the rays of light of the crystal ball go out, and at the same time gently exhaled.

For him, the current situation is not bad.

The impending rebel turmoil, directly due to his proclamation, aroused the Empire’s high attention, and was subsequently snuffed out in the bud.

Following imperial civil strife and the establishment of the Glory Alliance, not to mention the disappearance, at least the time will be greatly delayed, the family can get a temporary respite,

At the same time, [Stargazer] Brunz’s serious injury has given him decades of safety from being threatened by fate.

However, more critical foreign troubles still exist.

The secret research of Holy Splendor is still like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, which may be cut at any time.

He also needs to figure out a way to improve his own and his family’s strength as much as possible before the enemy’s breaking-level powerhouse really arrives, so that he has enough cards to deal with.

At the same time, at this time, the official inquiry from the senior family members finally came.

Just now, the top management of the family asked him carefully about the details of his previous manipulation of Floating Void City, and whether he had discovered the identity and origin of the mysterious person.

Before, due to the suddenness of the incident, the energy of the upper management of the empire was basically on the wreckage of the city in the sky, and it was only a simple appeasement for many students.

But now, with the in-depth investigation of many high-level professionals, after repeatedly asking many students about the situation at that time, many people have noticed the doubts in Anves.

According to the descriptions of several students who ‘survived’ from the mysterious person at the time, before the mysterious person appeared, Anves was able to control the space inside Floating Void City with a peculiar golden scepter , transport them from the dream world to reality.

And that mysterious person also immediately took the golden scepter after annihilating Anves’ Avatar.

This shows that Anves should have known the function of the dark golden scepter very early on.

The origin of that golden scepter has been ascertained, and it seems to have originated from an operation of the Mysticism Academy.

The Academy side threw all the relic items that were produced in the relics with weak magical aura into the mysterious branch, and let the students choose one to crack.

But when they investigated the specific discoverer of the golden scepter, the investigators were surprised to find that there was no ninth rank who explored the ruins, saying that they found it from the ruins. It seems that it appears out of thin air in many relic items!

Yesterday’s card text, this is to make up for yesterday, there is probably a chapter in the middle of the night

(end of this chapter)

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