
Chapter 382 Arrangement and Research

This is a major doubt, ninth rank professionals do not need to lie about this, many The investigators immediately invited a high-level prophet to continue their investigation along this line.

But in the end, investigators unexpectedly discovered that there were some obscure clues that pointed to the continent’s Magic Council!

This means that the appearance of that scepter is likely to be the handwriting of [Stargazer]!

But after getting this result, it made many imperial prophets a little suspicious. It is doubtful whether Brentz deliberately made them come to this conclusion in order to achieve some purpose.

As the only remaining ninth rank prophets of mankind, the shadow of Brunz has loomed over these prophets for so long that it has almost reached the level of stress-induced Brunz disorder.

Of course, the real situation is that, due to the unexpected backlash of fate, Brunz was not able to deal with the end of the matter completely in the future.

In any case, at this step, the thread is broken again.

No one can reversely predict things related to stargazers through prophetic magic.



After the family’s questioning about him, Anves’ daily life briefly calmed down for a while.

Because the Spark Organization was on the verge of collapse, Roach and Matt, who he instructed the intelligence organization to pay special attention to, became silent recently and seemed to have temporarily lost their direction.

Since true strength has broken through the seventh rank, now, he rarely participates in the daily low-level mysticism courses.

More time is spent in the magic laboratory, exploring the mysteries of the web of destiny, and studying the lost secret techniques of the ancient high elf civilization recorded in Bomia.

At the same time, the components of the Moonless Moon, as well as other high-value resources, were also sent to him by him to search for the Floating Void City treasure from various deserted places and transported to his overseas island.

Breakthrough weapon, this is a powerful enough card even for continent Three Great Influences.

Out of prudence, Anves did not let anyone see the complete Moonless Moon system, but arranged for the corresponding Floating Void City repair golem to be placed inside the central tower of the island. Reassemble it.

Although there is no nuclear Heart Demon power source, it is not absolutely impossible to use it with a little research.

Even at the most critical moment, at the cost of exposing their own information, the ninth rank in the family can try to act as a source of human flesh and force its operation.

And, the Eternal Core has indeed been detonated, but it is not without a replacement.

He had previously tried to recruit Orbins in advance, just for the model structure of the [Eternal Core] that Orbins restored in the future.

According to the original history, he should be noticed by Vernica [Ring of Time and Space], one of the three presidents of the Magic Council, in the next period of time, and then be accepted as a student by exception.

And then, relying on this identity, Orbins had the opportunity to get close to the Eternal Core, and finally was able to crack it.

As the Holy Land of the Yar Continent sorcerer, professionals can go to the Magic Council to assess their mage rank.

And after the assessment is completed, the sorcerer can get the corresponding level badge. Relying on this badge, you can unlock functions such as the quest hall of the Magic Council and the trade market.

Albins was inadvertently noticed by Vernica when he went to assess the grades, which led to the latter’s love for talent.

Just, there is a little problem at the moment.

Due to his series of operations, the trajectory of history has been changed beyond recognition by him, not recognizing one’s family.

If Vernica’s encounter with Orbins is missed due to his interference, his waiting for the Eternal Core crack version will be postponed indefinitely.

‘…If the time is up, Orbins still fails to be noticed by Vernica. Then we need to find a way to arrange a chance for Albins to meet with… ‘

In the underground laboratory, he listed on a piece of letter paper what he needed to do next. Anves browsed it completely and felt that there was nothing to add for the time being, so he froze it into ice dust again. .

At this time, in the spell test room in front of him, three silhouettes of ‘Anves’ were doing different things.

Some are communicating with the web of destiny, some are studying some kind of secret technique, and some are silently meditating and cultivating spirit strength.

But one thing in common is that all of the ‘Anves’ facial expressions are all frozen.

This is the high elf time-space secret technique [Parallel Shadow] that he recently discovered from Pomia’s records.

The effect can be from the long river of time, summon many projections that belong to the past. And these projections will do the same things they did at the time, and they will continue.

For example, at the time of summon, he is studying the spell model structure of the meteor shower, then the projections produced by summon will continue to study at his progress at that time.

Even if the real him only studied for 3 minutes at that time, and then went to do other things, the projection from summon will continue to study, just like in a parallel time and space, he chose another self who continued to study. .

And when the twelve magic hours pass and the spell effect dissipates, all the learning and memory related to the meteor shower will instantly return to the mind of the main body, just as he had really studied the twelve consecutive times before. Average spell knowledge for a spell.

It seems like a god skill to learn and research new spells, but this spell also has its drawbacks.

The fatigue from continuous research will also be reflected on the body. Even if the projection is accidentally injured during the research, when the spell effect ends, the body will suffer the same injury.

The biggest difference between this secret technique and Avatar is that the projection from this spell summon does not need to be controlled by one’s own mind.

Explained in the way of games, it is the difference between manually controlling multiple trumpets, and system hosting multiple trumpets.

However, as a magical civilization that has developed far beyond human beings, the magic level of high elves is much higher than that of the current magical world. Even at the level of Archmage that Anves once had, it is very difficult to study.

At present, he can only summon up to three [Parallel Shadows].

“My lord controller, it is detected that ‘Claire’ is approaching—”

At this moment, Pomia’s prompt sound suddenly sounded.


Slightly stunned, Anves immediately recalled the previous agreement with her.

The magic power surrounds the whole body, and the experimental protective robe on the body is replaced. He left the laboratory and welcomed the girl into the living room.

“Welcome, Sister Claire Senior.”

Sitting face to face on the sofa, Anves raised his hand slightly, and two cups of steaming fragrant elf black tea suddenly appeared in the on the coffee table in front of you.

“Hello, Anves, according to the agreement, I’m here to borrow Tower Spirit.”

Carefully looking at the furnishings in the all around room, the half-elf girl’s demeanor is rare and somewhat restrained .

Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)

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