
Chapter 383 Memories and Changes

The living room of the Anves residence is surprisingly simple, with some relic items placed around to engrave special There are mostly bottles, jars and slates in ancient texts.

The air is filled with a faint wonderful fragrance of flowers, and the sun leans through the window of a pot of emerald bellflower, projected on many historical relic items, one can feel a kind of Quiet atmosphere.

“Of course no problem, please come with me.”

After listening to the girl’s request, Anves nodded, got up first, and walked to the underground laboratory with Claire.

Along the way, Claire’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little surprised when she noticed the projections of Anves in the laboratory that were no different from daoist.

“Those are what I’m researching, a time-space mystery called [parallel projection], which is recorded in Bomya’s database.”

Noting the girl The doubts, Anves explained intimately.

Speaking, he walked to the array in the core area of the laboratory, and entered a series of complex commands on the surface of a pyramid-shaped metal structure suspended above the array.

After receiving the instruction, a faint light flashed on the surface of the dark pyramid, the top structure slowly opened, and the dark golden scepter embedded with the Tower Spirit core crystal floated out of it again.

“Claire Senior Sister, by the way, how long do you need to borrow it?”

After temporarily putting on Thorium, and handing the Tower Spirit Pomia to Claire, Anves took a look. Glancing at the girl’s pointed ears, she asked a random question.

“I need to investigate the history of Pomia, and I can’t tell the exact time, but it shouldn’t be very long.”

After thinking for a while, Claire finally gave An inconclusive answer came.

“So, Anves, can you lend me a room for now? I’ll leave after the investigation.”

“With me? No problem, what do I need? Room, bedroom?”

A little surprised by Claire’s request, Anves could nod and asked again tentatively.

“The bedroom…it’s fine, but it’s better to use a more secure room, such as a secret room with alloy walls.”

The half-elf girl thought about it and was very serious ‘s answer.

As a result, Anves gave her the room he had previously used for breakthrough, and he immediately terminated all potentially dangerous magical experiments to prevent his home from being destroyed by accident.

This kind of investigation took about half a day. At night, the door opened again, and Claire walked out of the room with a scepter in her hand.

“How’s it going, Sister Claire Senior?”

Noticing her presence, Anves turned off the lab’s protection and walked over again.

“Okay, I’ve roughly found the clues I need.

Also, I added your imprint to Pomiya’s bottom-level authority, and now you can control it yourself. Pomia’s full power without having to rely on my blood…”

Handing the scepter back to Anves, Claire gently exhaled, took out a small crystal ball, and handed it to Anves.

“I understand, you should also be a little curious about what I have done.

This crystal ball has a small memory of me, just read it, I’ll understand.”

“Claire Senior Sister…”

Anves wanted to say something, but the girl just raised her hand slightly, preventing Anves from continuing.

“It’s okay, Anves, I understand that sharing memories with others is a risky move. But as much as you believe in me, I believe in you.”


Looking at Anves with clear blue eyes, Claire smiled slightly, suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Anves’ hand gently, and placed the crystal ball in his palm.

“That’s it, Anves, I’m leaving. I’ve found what I need, and there’s no point in staying at the Pamir Academy.

Next , I’ll probably take up the next long-term mission in the mission hall of the Academy.”

Staring at Anves’ slightly surprised face, Claire calmly described her next plan.

However, she knew very well that her inner feelings were actually far from being as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

Sure enough, I really want to travel with you.

“Then, Anves, goodbye—”

After glancing at Anves for the last time, the blond half-elf girl waved her hand, and then turned away without any hesitation.

Watching the back of Claire riding the floating saucer and disappearing among the many towers of spell shrouded in the golden sunset in the distance, Anves used his spirit strength to trigger the crystal ball.

Therefore, a memory message flows out.

A slender girl who looks like a high elf is standing in the center of the control hall, and another female high elf with a dark golden scepter and a Star Crown on her head is guiding her to drip blood on the stone tablet .

When the girl did so, the high elf held her little hand, letting her feel the control screen of Floating Void City.

‘That’s it, ***, at a critical moment, you can also manipulate the city…’

‘Why do you do this? ‘

Looking at the high elf, the girl spoke expressionlessly.

‘Just curious. ‘


‘Unknown Experiment 24’

‘A Phantom Meteor with a strange starlight, unknown origin, unknown specific abilities and properties, suspected Comes with Purple Moon Amis. ‘

‘Added: Subject 24 seems to have the ability to learn and simulate, and once appeared in the form of a female high elf hatchling, but it is still doubtful whether it is a lifeform. ‘

‘Added: Experiment 24 has an amazing ability to interfere with fate, and it seems that it can affect the net of fate of the world to a certain extent, even its fragments have this effect.

However, its fragments seem to be dissatisfied with their own brokenness, and will indiscriminately bring various disasters to the surrounding. ‘

‘Added: When the big tear occurs, the experimental body 24 is broken into eight pieces in the rays of light, and the coordinates of the landing point are…’



Itel Federation, Silver Moon Kingdom, Silver Moon City.

As the capital of one of the Federation’s Three Great Kingdoms, the prosperity of Silvermoon King City is no less than that of other big cities in the Two Great Empires.

With the development of the times, a large number of construction locomotives and airships entered the streets and the sky, galloping together with the original magic carriage, alchemy shuttle and other things.

At the same time, large-scale construction factories were established outside the city, producing a large number of various constructions day and night, and continuously delivering them to all parts of the Federation.

After years of development, all the residents of the Federation have accepted and got used to the existence of constructs.

At this time, in the outskirts of the city, in the basement of an ordinary-looking manor, the projections of many ‘Gate in the Eyes’ members gathered together.

It’s just that everyone is a little silent at the moment.

The series of changes brought about by the Meteor Remnant event made them also somewhat completely unprepared.

At the head of the long table, the leader glanced at the vacant third seat on the right, and couldn’t help but have a headache.

When the city in the sky exploded, the unfortunate Dark Abyss happened to be there, so it happened to be taken away in a wave, and now it has entered a deep sleep.

Chapter 2 gu gu

(End of this chapter)

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