
Chapter 384 Prophecy Interpretation

“Everyone, we are facing a major challenge.”

Raise your hands Rubbing his eyebrows slightly, the leader glanced at the silent crowd, and spoke in a low voice.

“Our arrangement in the Gloria Empire has failed for most of the time. This is bad news, but it is by no means the end. The team of prophets headed by Lord Grey Mist has made some new discoveries. .”

“Before Your Excellency Gray Mist speaks, does anyone want to report something?”

Listening to the leader’s speech, many black robed men looked at each other, but no one was there for a while Open your mouth.

The astonishing accident of the meteorite ruins can be said to have directly affected the pattern of the entire Yar Continent for decades to come. The ninth rank of the entire continent is more than one third in this explosion.

Even if they can recover in the future, it will take a long time to regain the full strength of the ninth rank.

At that time, the three ninth ranks in the gate of the pupil were also on the surface to explore the meteorite ruins, trying to find opportunities, but they were blown up by an explosion.

Fortunately, except for the unfortunate Dark Abyss, the other two ninth rank paid a certain price and managed to escape before the explosion.

But even so, in the next period of time, the two ninth ranks need to cultivate for a while, and they cannot immediately fight against their opponents of the same rank.

This made the Gate of the Eyes in a somewhat difficult situation due to being targeted by the Shinzhi Society, which made it even worse.

In addition, due to the ultra-high pressure search that was suddenly launched in the empire, almost all the previous plans were disrupted, which was a very serious blow to them.

“Then, I have some news here that I’m going to share with you.”

Seeing that everyone was silent, after a moment of silence, Gray Wu slowly spoke.

“The Stargazing Tower has entered a closed state, and I have received confirmation that the crown prince in the tower has suffered a very serious backlash of fate and has now entered a state of retreat and recovery.”


Unlike the frustration of many high-level professionals on the right side of the long table, across from them, the high-level prophets on the left side of the long table are in a good mood.

After confirming through their own news channels that the [Stargazer] was really seriously injured and not disguised, they almost made today a prophet’s holiday.

Although it was not clear why the stargazer suffered such a serious fate backlash before, but after he retreated, everyone could infer some truth at that time through the changes in the net of fate.

If it weren’t for the two victims of the explosion sitting opposite, they even wanted to hold a grand celebration for the explosion.

Without the suppression of [Stargazers] on the Web of Destiny, they will have the possibility of truly breaking through the ninth rank.

“In addition, the situation in the Gloria Empire is currently very unstable. Due to the existence of the self-proclaimed member of the ‘Ring of Truth’, but the real identity is unknown, the Empire has begun a thorough investigation of all civil resistance organizations.


I think it’s best for us to temporarily suspend contact with the overwhelming majority over there, and everyone should be vigilant recently to prevent an attack from the empire.”

“Also, about the sudden The prophecy of the star that appeared, after the joint deduction of me and other lords, there are some new discoveries–”

Speaking, Gray Mist turned his head slightly and looked at the long table beside him. The gray robe man on the second seat from the left.

“Your Excellency the traveler, I’m sorry.”

After nodding, the traveler stood up, greeted the leader, raised his hand slightly, and showed a projection in front of everyone.

“‘The shining star rises from the crown of the crystal bird’, everyone must be familiar with this. Due to the deep sleep of the majesty, after we re-deduced it, we found some new , the traces of fate that had been covered up before.

The Crystal Bird of Howling Wind refers to the Crystal Bird in the northern part of the empire, the Olivendi family.

But for the predicted stars , we finally found two possibilities.

First: The Olivendi family and the Alfred family of the Empire seem to be conducting a special Forbidden Magic experiment.

This The confidentiality level of the experiment is the highest level ever, and it is impossible to predict anything related to it, nor to investigate any information. It seems that only the ninth rank in the Two Great Families can access it.

And what this prophecy predicts is probably the future result of this experiment!”

As the traveler’s words fell, everyone present was a little surprised, and looked at each other like lightning. , the same thought occurred almost instantly.

‘Find a way to investigate clearly, and then try to capture the test results! ‘

When everyone’s thoughts were revolving, the traveler did not stop his introduction, but continued to say another possibility.

“Second, that’s her.”

While speaking, the traveler raised his hand again, and the previous projection scene suddenly changed, from the original prophecy scene to a girl the stereoscopic projection.

If Anves is here, you can tell at a glance that it’s an image of Fiona!

“Fiona Law Olivendi, the fifth descendant of the current Olivendi patriarch, was born only one year apart from her brother Anves Law Olivendi.

Also bearing a double Legendary bloodline, the true bloodline concentration is unknown, but stronger than her four brothers, entered the Royal Pamir Academy last year.

As we trace the secret magic experiment related to Olivendi, there are a few unusual traces of fate Pointing at her is suspicious.”

After introducing the identity of the girl in the video in a flat tone, the traveler ended his speech.

“It’s hard work, everyone.”

Nodding, the leader’s eyes turned to everyone again.

“This is the general situation. What needs to be done next, I believe you should have your own ideas.”

“As for the second possibility that Your Excellency Traveler just mentioned, Star , can I trouble you to go to the empire in person and bring her back? The gray fog will help you deal with all subsequent troubles.”

Said, the leader looked at the black robed man who was the leader on the right, Rarely used an egalitarian tone.

“No problem, Your Excellency.”

Xing said softly and took over the task. He didn’t seem to be taking seriously the obstacles he might encounter in this trip.

“Then, if there is no problem with everyone, then disband for the time being. Please pay attention to your own safety. Out of prudence, there should be no more such gatherings in the next ten years. ”

After assigning the task, the leader looked around the crowd for a week, and when no one spoke, he prepared to end the gathering as soon as possible.

“Please wait a moment, your honorable leader, I would like to ask, do you still need to continue the operations against the Gloria Empire?”

At this time, a black Robe’s Zero suddenly spoke, attracting everyone’s attention.

“What do you want to do, Zero?”

The leader’s gaze turned to Zero, who suddenly made a sound, wondering what his purpose was.

Because of the accidental explosion of Floating Void City, the plan of several marquis to join forces in secret was aborted. But the role that Zero played in this matter was seen by everyone.

Although I don’t say I give him a high look, at least I don’t look at him with the eyes of a pretty boy.

“It’s just a pity, if we get out of it now, isn’t our previous secret hand in the empire equivalent to completely abandoned?

I can give you all your concerns now. Understood.

Most of our layouts have been discovered by the empire, and it is indeed not worthwhile to risk the empire to find them along the line, just for the small part of the layout that may be discovered at any time— “

Said, Zero took a step forward, opened his hands, and his tone became excited.

“Well, how about handing over the remaining small part to me?”

gu gu want to declare one thing, gu gu did not gu! Just delayed the update a little bit!

(End of this chapter)

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