
Chapter 385 The Chameleon

“Everyone must be aware of my identity as a stranger.

Indeed , maybe my strength is very low compared to you, but it is not without merit – that is, I don’t care about any risk!”

Said, zero habitually raised his hand and pushed under non-existent glasses.

“So, when you are unwilling to take this risk, it is the most appropriate choice for me to temporarily take over the remaining resources of the empire.

Rather than giving it to the empire for nothing I will continue to arrange personnel to carry out the task of the organization against the empire. All dangers that may be encountered in the process will be replaced by me and my people.

Take it!

If you are worried that my identity will lead to the investigation of the empire, then I can even withdraw from the gate of the pupil immediately and take over these residual resources as the leader of an independent force-“


As Zero’s words fell, everyone fell into contemplation, and then had to admit that Zero’s suggestion was indeed the most beneficial solution for them at the moment.

He frowned slightly, and the leader looked at Gray Mist with his inquiring eyes, who slightly nodded to him.

“So, do you have any opinions on Zero’s proposal?”

For the ninth rank professionals in the first few seats, it is a very uneconomical thing to cause a lot of troubles of the same rank for a small part of the resources of the empire.

For those members who are not at ninth rank, although they are covetous of these resources, the risk is too great.

They don’t have the unsolvable immortality like strangers, and they don’t have the life-saving ability of ninth rank professionals. In case of being caught by the ninth rank of the empire, it would be even cooler on the spot.

“Okay, no matter what the purpose of your proposal, I can call the shots and hand over the control of all remnant forces and resources in the Gloria Empire to you for the time being. —”

Seeing that there was no objection, the leader’s eyes turned to zero again, and nodded agreed to his request.

“However, these resources are not for nothing. In exchange for these resources, you need to find a way to completely disrupt at least one province of the empire in the next fifty years.


If you accept this condition, then after the meeting, someone will bring you the ID token etc.”

“I agree, Your Honor.”

Zero nodded, should be under this requirement.

“Then, after leaving here, you’d better put together the remaining resources of the organization in the empire. Every second of the night, the probability of them being discovered increases by one point.

And I also know that although strangers can be resurrected infinitely, it is at the cost of completely abandoning their former bodies.”

Glancing at zero with a faint smile, the leader felt no pain or itch. Knocked out a sentence and looked at the crowd again.

“No one has any comments, right?…Then now, the meeting is over!”

There are no other episodes. As the leader’s last words fell, everyone’s projections faded. disappear,.

In the empty room, there is only a lonely silhouette.

“Finally, it’s successful.”

Looking at the newly added character on the quest panel [the agent of the gate in the pupil – Gloria], Zero suddenly laughed.

“As a player, but I can obtain the status of the leader of the aboriginal forces, I should be the highest position now?”


….… .

Gloria Empire, Pamir Academy.

Since returning from Floating Void City, Anves’ life has been pretty regular.

After the explosion of Floating Void City, due to the high-intensity search by the high-level empire, all influence in the empire temporarily became silent.

According to the Duke’s orders, Anves and Fiona stayed in the Academy obediently and honestly, and did not go out.

However, today, Fiona suddenly found him and reported the special situation of the small dragon Fia to him.

“Brother, this won’t do any harm to Fia, right?”

In the underground laboratory, Fiona was holding little kitty, looking at being bound in the center of the array. Fia, who was continuously injected with different attribute magic powers into her body by several thick pipes, looked a little worried.

After returning from Floating Void City, Fiona broke through again after two 3 months later, seemingly stimulated. Just a few magic hours ago, his strength had officially reached the fourth rank and he had officially become a mid-level professional.

As a result, the elemental dragon Feiya has also undergone some new changes.

It’s body can change color now!

This is not a simple change of skin color for flesh creatures. For elemental creatures, the change of color means the change of attribute.

At present, it can freely switch between blue for Water Attribute, red for Fire Attribute, yellow for Earth attribute, white for Light Attribute and azure for Wind Attribute.

Intrigued by this trait exhibited by the young dragon Fia, Anves immediately decided to check it out after hearing from Fiona.

This element of innate talent has good research value. The lossless conversion of magic attributes can be applied to various important structures such as magic engines and protective barriers.

If you can simulate the model structure of its innate talent, you can create a variety of new magic constructs.

“Also, brother, Fia, she told me that if it wasn’t for the strength feedback that my breakthrough brought her, she would need at least fifty-sixty years to grow to get this kind of switching attribute. Ability!”

Looking to think of something, Fiona suddenly came over, looking at Anves with big eyes and a smug expression on his face.

“Okay, Fei, thanks for your help.”

Suddenly hearing the girl’s request for credit, Anves zhan blue eyes glanced at the girl strangely, and then understood. Nominate.

“So, is there anything I can help you with?”

“hehe…that, brother, when Zhongyangyue Academy is on vacation, I want to meet Vent and the others. The holders of several stellar rock fragments will go together to find the treasures of the star civilization.”

The purpose was seen through, and the girl was a little laughtered.

At the beginning of the mid-year festival in June each year, the Pamir Academy also has a ten-day holiday as usual.

The girl just took a fancy to this period of time and is ready to start an exciting and interesting adventure like all the biographies of heroes.

“Of course, as long as you get the consent of Sir Father and mother, I have no opinion.”

Enter a series of commands in the crystal ball, and fine-tune the input The ratio of magic elements. Anves glanced at the girl with a high-sounding tone.

“But, I’m worried that Sir Father will disagree…so, brother, can you help me tell Sir Father?”

Stomping her feet lightly, the girl blinked With big eyes, he finally said his real request.

About the update time

gu gu is sometimes written slowly, it may be delayed a bit, but generally it will not exceed 12:30 in the middle of the night

Except for this chapter Goo

(End of this chapter)

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