
Chapter 387 Take the initiative

In the room, after getting out of the sudden prophecy state, Anves exhaled and began to analyze the prophecy again. content.

Although Fiona seems to be following the shadow, he has a strange feeling that the shadow seems to be coming at him.

In other words, Fiona wasn’t his only target.

According to the crisis prediction, the terrifying oppression force of the black silhouette, the strength of the unknown enemy is probably at least above the ninth rank.

Also, before the connection to the Old Days Secret Scripture, there was still that strange fog of fate that shrouded him, making him, the seventh rank extreme prophet, unable to immediately see the prophecy screen, which requires at least Eighth Only the prophets of Rank can do it.

This is no longer something that ordinary ninth rank can do, ninth rank powerhouse plus Eighth Rank prophet, can create such a battle force, looking at the entire Yar Continent, only those really top Power can do it.

While the real source of the threat is uncertain, Anves already has some guesswork in mind.

The Gloria Royal Family, the Door in the Eyes, the Continent Magic Council, the Holy Splendor Holy See, the Federal Council…

Able to use Eighth Rank or above prophets to take action, and have the confidence to deal with the Olivendi family There are only a few of them in the aftermath of the search and revenge.

However, the most important thing right now is to determine where the enemy is and how much time they have to be safe.

After calming down, Anves analyzed the current situation and realized that the best solution was to not run around and seek help from Duke Karrot immediately.

Pamir Academy’s protection is still very strong. Due to the existence of the Academy’s brilliant lock, and the Academy has more than one ninth rank stationed all year round, even if it is the limit of the ninth rank, it will be very difficult to attack. difficulty.

Therefore, as long as they do not leave the Academy for the time being, the probability of encountering danger in the near future will be very small.

The solution was determined, and Anves immediately contacted Duke Karrot to explain what had happened.

Duke Karrot is now taking the prophecy scenario described by Anves very seriously.

In several previous incidents, Anves’ predictions were proved correct, and they actually helped him avoid a life-and-death crisis.

After hearing what Anves said now that he and Fiona may be facing a threat of ninth rank and above, the Duke thought for a moment and asked Anves and Fiona not to leave the Academy for the time being.

At the same time, he himself will immediately communicate with the other ninth ranks of the family to have an urgent discussion on how to ensure his and Fiona’s safety.

Because this matter involved the safety of Fiona, after ending the contact with Anves, Duke Karrot not only contacted the senior Olivendi, but also contacted the Alfred family in his own name.

After ensuring that the source of the information was correct, there was a heated discussion about how to keep Fiona safe.

There is a proposal to bring her back to the family’s secret realm for cultivation strength, and release it after her strength breaks through ninth rank.

There is also a proposal to use Fiona as a bait, take the initiative to let her leave the Academy, lure the enemy ninth rank to appear, and then swarm the friendly ninth rank ambush beside it, surrounding and annihilating it.

The two factions argued endlessly, but in the end the proactive faction prevailed.

I can escape the first day of the first year, but I can’t escape the fifteenth day.

If the enemy is determined to attack Fiona, then the secret and safe secret realm may be infiltrated by the enemy.

Only by taking the initiative to attack, confirm the identity of the enemy, and cut off the enemy’s claws, can you deter other forces to the greatest extent.

Of course, this result has a certain relationship with the maximum number of ninth rank supporters who support the active attack side.

Once the course of action was determined, Duke Karrot contacted Anves again with the news.

“I have discussed with the other ninth ranks, Anves, the family’s final decision is to take the initiative to lure the enemy to appear, and then capture or destroy them according to the situation.”

In the crystal ball, Karrot stared at Anves and said the final result.

“In the near future, you will try to take Fiona away from the Academy once, try to lure out the unknown enemy you foresee, and the ninth rank of my family and I will hide in the vicinity to protect you. .”

“Have you left the Academy recently?”

After hearing the Duke’s words, Anves nods.

“father, you should know about Fei’s acquisition of the astral disk fragments.

She had just come to me and wanted to go to the Academy when she was on vacation next month. Gather the stone plate with Vent and the others, try to find the lost inheritance of the astral civilization, and hope that I can explain this to you on her behalf.

Just in time, father, can you see this time?”

“A mid-year festival? Yes, when the time comes I and other lords will hide in the dark, and as soon as the enemy appears, we will capture him.”

Thinking about it , Duke of Karrot nodded agreed to this time and identified specific steps of action.

Ending the contact with the Duke, Anves put away the crystal ball and fell into memory.

In the past life, Fiona was also caught once, but the time was much later than this life.

At that time, various resistance organizations, the Glory Alliance and other forces had already made a violent riot. A small half of the Gloria Empire had already fallen into their hands.

Although the family frantically searched for it, it was still not found until Duke Karrot died in battle and the Olivendi family was on the verge of collapse.

In the end, she came back by herself. What happened in the process is still unknown.

In this world, the resistance organization was contained in advance due to Anves’ relationship.

The Gate of the Eyes, the Continent Magic Council and other forces that provided resource support for their turmoil behind their backs have also encountered sanctions from the empire.

As a result, Fiona’s arrest seems to have been greatly advanced?

Although somewhat confused by the change of fate, Anves told Fiona about it immediately.

For the purpose of hiding his identity as a prophet, he made a small change in his statement.

I predicted that there would be an enemy attack, and changed it to the Duke who discovered the secret enemy and decided to use them as bait to lure the enemy to appear.

For this reason, her previous request to go on a treasure hunt with Venter and the others during the Academy’s vacation has been approved by the Duke.

Although Fiona had some doubts as to why the enemy wanted to do it on her own, she still didn’t question anything.

Because she has no concept of the incoming enemy, the little girl is not worried at all, but is very excited that her father agrees to go on an adventure.

In her heart, with the protection of the Sir Father, there should be no enemy that can threaten her.

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(End of this chapter)

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