
Chapter 388 Emergency Preparedness

However, Anves is not as optimistic as Fiona, he is well aware of the strength of the enemy.

Anves couldn’t say there was anything wrong with the plan proposed by Duke Karrot, ‘using himself and Fiona as bait to lure the enemy into appearing’, but he always felt that he couldn’t be completely relieved.

It is indeed the best solution to lure the enemy to appear, and then pull it up by the roots to prevent more enemies from attacking again.

However, Anves did not intend to place his own safety entirely on others.

As it was confirmed that an unknown and powerful enemy would strike, Anves sorted out his existing assets and began to prepare for an enemy far stronger than himself.

Although he has obtained a lot of things before, there are not many back-ups who can deal with the ninth rank limit of this stage.

First of all, the Old Days Secret Scripture can be counted as one.

After sealing the black cocoon and officially breaking through the high-level professional with his own strength, his current strongest relied on “Old Days Secret Scripture” to unlock more abilities.

In addition to Twisted Seeds, various spell-like effects have been enhanced once again, and several new spell-like effects have been added.

One of them is the important life-saving ability [mirror replacement] that can play a key role in the situation in the eyes of Anves at present.

The emergence of this ability is based on improving On the high-level [Flesh Avatar], [Dark Side of the Moon] and [Seal].

The caster needs to construct their own Avatar in advance, and then seal it in a special blank page after the Old Days Secret Scripture.

When encountering an invincible crisis, the sorcerer can activate this ability at a critical moment, and the body will be instantly and seamlessly interchanged with the Avatar in the page.

However, this ability can only be used when you have “Old Days Secret Scripture” with you. And while his Avatar is sealed, “Old Days Secret Scripture” cannot be placed in the storage ring.

While it doesn’t sound like you’re out of danger, the spell’s greatest use is to play dead to confuse others, not to escape.

According to Anves’ tests, no matter space blockade, anti-magic force field, dream interference, etc., can’t prevent this kind of exchange from happening.

The effect of this exchange seems to be achieved through some higher-level approach entirely relying on the power of the Old Days Secret Scripture.

After leaving Floating Void City, Anves once privately approached Duke Karrot once, hoping to test the specific effect and concealment of the mirror replacement.

But when he swapped it twice, the duke didn’t react at all to the swap.

Until he took the initiative to reveal his identity and the duke was really serious, he could barely feel the difference between his Avatar and his body.

In addition, there are two very interesting spell-like abilities [Sacrifice] and [Corruption].

The effect of [Sacrifice] is to use a special ceremony array to sacrifice life to provide life force and Soul Power to the holder of the Old Days Secret Scripture.

The stronger the sacrificed life, the more power the caster gains. If the sacrifice is willing to sacrifice itself, the conversion rate can reach 90%, otherwise it is only 30%.

However, according to Spell, if the power obtained through sacrifice is too high, it will cause some unknown changes to the holder.

The function of [Corruption] is to change the subject’s life form with the alien power of the Old Days Secret Scripture, making it transform into the family of the holder of the Old Days Secret Scripture.

“These abilities are getting weirder…”

For the existence of these two spells, Anves always felt that the book was pushing him in some strange direction .

In addition to the evolved Old Days Secret Scripture, the Themis giant statue he had previously obtained from Floating Void City is also a super powerful hole card.

Although the energy source is lost, the remaining magic power in the giant statue’s core is still enough to deliver a complete annihilation rule blow.

Its formidable power equivalent to a mini-moon, even if the ninth rank limit is hit, it will be hit hard on the spot.

And the rest, basically gone.

On his overseas island, the research on man-made perfect blood and constructing synthetic troops is still in progress, a slow remedy does not address the current emergency.

Although there are still more golems, weapon systems, etc. of Floating Void City, but without the infinite magic power of the Eternal Core, it is temporarily unable to exert its true power.

The research on Orbins’ side has just begun, and I haven’t even seen the [Circle of Time and Space], let alone cracking the core of eternity.

All the problems are that this happened too early, decades earlier than the previous life.

After thinking about it for a long time, Anves finally decided to temporarily put aside other aspects of magic research, and instead started to make a special magic item that can open the door of normal space between dreams and reality.

In any case, the main gun of Themis giant statue is his strongest attack method at present.

It was originally set up as insurance when he planned to explore the dream world in the future, but now, he may need to use this hole card in advance.

After confirming the action plan, Anves spent half a month in the magic laboratory. Neglect sleep and forget about the manufacture of food. If the spirit strength is not enough, drink the spirit recovery potion. .

In this half a month, even Fiona can’t see his silhouette. I used to go to mysticism course once in a while, but now I don’t go to it at all.

Not all dream space gates are suitable. In his conception, this space gate exists as a passage for the rule to blow through.

So, its structure must be stable enough to withstand the pressure of the Oblivion gun passing through.

And his previous bad premonition has also been confirmed. Half a month later, when Anves was busy refining the last connecting component of the Rare Item of the space door, his spirit suddenly appeared in a trance.

And what emerged in the haze was the same black figure as last time. Fiona still closed her eyes, hovering beside him like she was sleeping.

The only difference is that the distance between the human figure is now closer, and it is still getting closer to him step by step.

An invisible sense of oppression and fear kept grabbing his heart.

When the jet-black figure almost touched him, Anves, who was standing in front of the golden stage, suddenly woke up with a thin layer of sweat oozing from his back.

He threw away the components on the golden stage that were scrapped due to his sudden stop, Anves raised his hand to wipe his forehead, and let out a long breath.

This situation means that the time of crisis is very close.

And, there is another explanation for this, that the Duke’s so-called protection is probably not enough to guarantee the safety of him and Fiona!

Looking at the exquisite dark golden seventh layer ring placed on the side of the golden stage, Anves regained his energy, took out a new material, and started to refine the final components.

gu gu , the pigeons are also starting school, and sometimes the code can’t be finished at night, so it can only be postponed later.

But gu gu will be added later! No gu gu ——

(end of this chapter)

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