
Chapter 389 The Two Sides of Everything

That overlapping ring is the body of the Rare Item, and after his time, he hastened to make it , is nearing completion.

After spending several more magics, under the guidance of high-level spirit strength, Anves finally finished engraving the last micro-rune inside the connecting assembly.

After carefully examining the final piece, which is the size of a date pit, Anves installed it between the sixth and seventh rings in the ring core.

Don’t look at its size, but it needs to be three-dimensionally engraved with tens of thousands of different runes and subtle magic circuits.

If there is no breakthrough to high-level spirit strength, and only relying on the auxiliary engraving that comes with the top-level golden stage, it will take several days for him to manufacture this component, not to mention the inscription structure is more complex. Intricate seventh layer torus.

Stretching hard, Anves spirit strength lifted the ring and tried to activate its effect.

As a result, the dark golden’s seventh layer ring suddenly began to rotate at different speeds, and the fine rune on the surface lit up by itself, emitting faint purple rays of light.

In the sky above the ring, a hole about half a fist sized suddenly appeared, in which the scenery of the dream world could be seen, and a faint dream atmosphere escaped from the hole.

The connection is successful.

Returning the effect of the ring, Anves put it away, and then left the lab to report back to the Duke that he had a second prophecy.

Duke Karrot took this very seriously, but when he mentioned it to the other ninth ranks again, the other ninth ranks didn’t pay too much attention to it, they just thought he was making a big fuss.

The prophets came up with the same prophecy again, which doesn’t mean that their plan to lure the enemy into appearing has taken effect. The enemy didn’t notice, but prepared for sneak attack as they planned.

As for the second interpretation of the prophecy, they cannot guarantee the possibility of Fiona’s safety, and many ninth ranks feel that the probability is almost zero.

In this operation, except that Duke Karrot himself needed to keep his original schedule in order to paralyze the enemy, Two Great Families dispatched a total of four ninth ranks, among which is included two ninth rank limits.

Even if the attack is a ninth rank extreme professional, under the double team of two people of the same rank, it is absolutely impossible to please.

However, out of prudence, Olivendi’s ninth rank still brings one of the family’s heritage as last layer insurance.

After explaining to Anves how safe he is now, Karrot reassures his youngest son, extraordinary natural talent, before ending the call.

Looking at the dimmed crystal ball silently, even though Anves still had doubts in his heart, he had to admit that the Duke was right.

As the duke said, if under the protection of multiple ninth ranks, the two of them can still have an accident, then I’m afraid there won’t be any safe place.

However, even with the duke’s overwhelming assurance that they won’t be in danger, Anves begins to prepare for the worst possible scenario, such as the family’s protection being broken by an enemy.

After a final inspection of the lab, Anves checked to see if there was anything left to be done.

Floating Void City core Tower Spirit Bomia has been removed by him and replaced with Thorium.

At the same time, the bloodline-like bloodline that he had previously cultivated in the laboratory to activate the Ring of Phidiers has now been basically cultivated.

Only a few specific processing steps are required later to synthesize a valid bloodline that activates information related to ancient Magic Empire treasures.

Putting away the near-finished bloodline samples, Anves checked the lab and put away several other test samples that could be moved in the middle, before erasing the records of some of the previous experiments.

With everything settled, Anves leaves the lab, rides a floating disc, and roams around the Academy.

At present, the long dark night has just ended, the time is six o’clock in the morning, and the rising sun has just appeared.

Under the golden rays of light of the morning light, students in small groups dressed in uniforms with the castle’s logo flew quickly near him.

Like birds, shuttle through the ancient Academy with a long history, immersed in the shadows cast by the magical towers that stand in great numbers.

Looking out into the distance at the tower restaurant with its white golden radiance shimmering in the sun, Anves flew over slowly, planning to enjoy a long-lost breakfast.

Originally in his expectation, he would have at least ten years before he left the Pamir Academy, and then performed the rite of passage and obtained his own territory.

During this period, the many secret studies he arranged on his island should also yield the first results.

And Orbins will become a student of the President of the Magic Council and grow strong enough to conduct more valuable research.

The appearance of this unexpected event disrupted his previous plan.

The reason is that the progress is pushed too fast.

At this point in the previous life, the prophecy had not yet appeared, the rebel army had just started to make trouble, and it would be at least twenty or thirty years before big brother Raymont was defeated and captured.

In this world, due to his intervention, the prophecy time was inexplicably advanced, and the resistance army was smashed ahead of time due to collusion with foreign enemies. The situation can continue for the time being.

However, everything has two sides.

Although the crisis is approaching, this event also brings him a special opportunity.

A chance to disappear from all eyes—

It was a bit of a risk, but Anves decided to give it a shot.

“Hi! long time no see, Lord Anves!”

Hearing this familiar voice, Anves knew the identity of the person who came before he turned around.

“long time no see, Your Excellency Harvey.”

On the double floating disc behind him, Harvey held a shy-looking winged Human Race girl, far away. Wave hello to Anves from afar.

The Pamir Academy is not limited to human admissions, but occasionally includes some rare alien students who settle in the Empire.

For example, the winged girl in front of her is a race that looks like a human, but has a pair of wings by nature.

At this time, Harvey whispered something to the girl, who nodded to him shyly, and then fluttered his wings as if to escape.

“That’s my new acquaintance, a charming bird. She’s shy, but she’s very obedient, and holds up as light and exciting as a real bird.”

Controlling the floating saucer and flying over, Harvey’s expression is still full of interest.

“How is it, dear Mr. Anves, you must have had a very fulfilling life recently?”

“I was conducting a magic experiment and I didn’t leave for a long time. Lab. So, is there any interesting news from Academy recently?”

(end of chapter)

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