
Chapter 390 Before Parting

Resisting the desire to roll his eyes, Anves explained a little about the reason for his disappearance, and asked Take a look at the recent Academy situation.

“Nothing special in general, but there is one thing. The ninth His Highness the Prince asked me about your recent whereabouts. The specific purpose is unknown.”

After thinking for a while, Harvey whispered. .

“The Ninth Prince? I see.”

After a little thought, Anves nodded.

“So now, dear Harvey, before I entered the lab, Fiona asked me about the Katee party, what else do you want to say about that?”


Mentioning this, Harvey’s face suddenly turned bitter.

“Oh, Anves, it was just an accident, and I didn’t want to!

It just happened to be seen by her when I was handing out invitations. So she also asked I asked for an invitation to a bubble party and asked me what else is there to do in the capital.”

“I would definitely not dare to ask for those special parties that are not very suitable for ladies. She introduced it. So I introduced some gatherings that many noble ladies of the capital often attend, such as ‘Fate Astrology’, ‘Touch Mysterious’, etc.

But she thought those were boring, so she wanted to watch it Look at those invitations I’ve been holding and look for other fun parties.”

“You know, Anves, I’ve been a little scared of her ever since I was turned into a frog when I was a kid. , so I had to show her the invitations.

And after reading all the invitations, for some reason, she was very interested in the Katee Party, and kept asking me what kind of party it was. But I didn’t tell her in the end, and I didn’t give her an invitation.”

Glancing carefully at Anves’ face, Harvey ended his words.

He knew very well how much the man in front of him cared about Fiona.

For the sake of his younger sister, he even had many frictions with the Ninth Prince Lannuo in public. If Fiona awakens some strange hobby due to his mistake, he has absolutely no good fruit to eat.

“…well, dear Harvey, I’ll let you go this time, please don’t let the same thing happen again.”

For this explanation, Anves indifferent The nodded of expression is not pursued further. At the same time, he raised his hand, and a faint magic ripple swept across Harvey’s body.

“Hey dear Anves…what did you do to me?”

Harvey checked himself in surprise, but found nothing in the end.

“It’s nothing, just removing a little magic effect for you.

Don’t worry, for the next fifteen days, your adorable little bird will be in all your perceptions. , both ‘won’t’ turn into burly, hairy wingmen, and neither will your other female companions turn into muscular brawny men.”

With a kind smile, Anves reassured Harvey , with emphasis on the word ‘won’t’.

“Ah! Lord Anves!!”

Harvey exclaimed.

“Also, although I don’t want to interfere with your lifestyle, it’s almost time for you to improve your personal strength. Even though you entered school a year earlier than me, your strength is not yet third rank.

There may be some special accidents on my side recently, don’t worry about it, and don’t try to contact me. If something happens, I will take the initiative to contact you.”

However, Anves didn’t care about Harvey’s Respond, but each minding their own business is commanded.

“Finally, I have a piece of advice for you, watch out for Lewis, watch out for the Eleanor family.”

Leaving Harvey confused, Anves headed to the Tower for a hearty meal. After breakfast, depart for the residence of the Ninth Prince.

He had checked the magic mailbox before he went out, and there was no letter from Prince Lanuo. This means that the purpose of Lan Nuo Prince looking for him is probably something that cannot be declared in the letter.

Leno Prince is currently preparing to go out, seeing Anves coming, after exchanging a look, he just nods to Anves with a cold face, and then each minding their own business takes the floating disc to leave.

According to the previous agreement between the two, Anves obstructed Prince many times in public, so Lan Nuo also impossible to give Anves a good face on the surface.

Anves didn’t care about this either. According to the way the two had agreed to communicate privately, he went under a black oak tree at Fiona’s residence and really found a one-time phonographic crystal ball.

Back at his place, Anves activated it, and a brief message from Prince Lanuo came out.

“The prophet of the royal family has made some new discoveries recently, and it seems to be related to your younger sister. But on the 18th of the Radiant Moon, there was news from the royal family, and I no longer need me to continue. Trying to get close to her. (May)

This is a bit abnormal, you better prepare in advance.”

After the message was over, the crystal ball dimmed on its own, and the The last bit of magic dissipated.

The royal family…

Anves is a little lost. Could the source of this crisis come from the actions of the imperial family?

Indeed, this can well explain why he has a second crisis prediction.

If other foreign powers want to sneak into the Empire to arrest people, they must first find a way to avoid the sight of the royal family and the Four Great Families.

But if the imperial family wants to target him and Fiona, then there is no such concern at all

Although there is a certain probability, this speculation is too much, and Anves does not dare to Make rash assertions.

In any case, all he has to do now is to try to arrange everything that may go wrong, assuming that he disappears.

He went to the overseas islands, and even if he disappeared, the original research project would continue normally.

For the research of perfect blood, Anves teleported a piece of high-level bloodline including two Legendary bloodlines on him, and a space ring that was enough for him to study for decades. to Ogman.

And through the messenger function of the Twisted Seed, he told him about the special situation he was currently facing.

Then, he prepared some ghost crystal balls and began to record some scenes with himself as the object in advance. Prepare to use it as a temporary response in case he really disappears unexpectedly.




Having arranged everything for the time being, Anves lay on his back on the sofa by the window in the living room, quietly looking at the ceiling above his head, his thoughts were completely empty.

A layer of gauze-like silver-white moonlight shrouded him, making his face glow with a hazy soft light, like a profile of a beautiful teenager in a famous masterpiece.

No matter what happens next, he has done everything he can.

The crystal ball and some other items recorded earlier, Anves put it into a ring alone, ready to be handed over to the Duke through the family Chamber of Commerce before the mid-year festival.


At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

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(End of this chapter)

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