
Chapter 391 Identity

Visit at this point?

Anves stretched out the spirit strength somewhat unexpectedly to see who was so creative.

Standing at the door of the room was wearing a light white dress, holding two small Fiona tightly in her arms.

“Brother…are you there?”

Different from the lively in the past, the little Goddess has unspeakable tension in his color, looking around from time to time, and his tone is also A slight trembling.

What happened?

Something strange in his heart, Anves opened the door, let the girl in, and turned on the magic crystal lamp in the living room by the way.

“I just finished the experiment this morning, what happened, Fei?”

“…I don’t know why, I suddenly felt a little flustered and didn’t dare to stay in the house alone.”

After seeing the young man sitting quietly on the sofa in the living room, his blue eyes seemed to be a heart-demonstrative boy, Fiona’s emotions seemed to have found a breakthrough point, just like when he was a child, huddled in the next to Anves.

Light golden hair gleamed and looked nervous.

“Furious? Since when?”

Looking at the big blue eyes of the girl next to her, Anves asked calmly.

“I don’t know… but it was just before that my mind suddenly started to get nervous, as if I was being watched by something unknown.” At the same time, he held the two little ones in his arms tighter.

“Don’t worry too much, although unknown enemies are spying on us, but according to Sir Father’s plan, we are safe for the time being, and we won’t…”


Speaking, Anves was startled for a moment.

He had just thought of a very important detail that he had subconsciously ignored.

What if the enemy did not plan to attack them during the seemingly ‘weak defense’ mid-year festival, but planned to attack them in the Academy in advance?

Although in a sense, breaking the Academy’s glorious mysteries may be more difficult than robbing people from multiple ninth ranks.

But Pamir Academy’s mysteries aren’t really completely unsolved. If it takes enough time to prepare, it is entirely possible for the enemy to find a way to temporarily avoid the effect of the Mystery Lock.

No one has ever done this kind of thing, because the price of cracking the labyrinth is too high, and it is completely a worthless behavior. But now even Fiona has an instinctive warning, which is enough to prove that the enemy has approached to a certain extent.

But it’s okay, it’s not too late to realize this now, it’s just that my plan needs to be slightly ahead.

“I understand…”

After turning his thoughts in his mind, Anves stared at the girl beside him with a slightly strange gaze.

“So, are you willing to trust me, Fei?”

“Of course! Brother, why do you ask?”

Hearing some orders from Anves Fiona subconsciously nodded the question, and then looked at him with a puzzled head, and her hair stopped flashing for a while.

“It’s nothing, come with me now.”

Standing up gently, Anves took Fiona’s hand and quickly led the girl up the stairs. When he came to the door of the master bedroom on the second floor, he opened the door, motioned for the girl to go in by himself, and pointed to the wardrobe on one side.

“This is my bedroom. I have the clothes I usually change in the closet. Now immediately change all your clothing accessories, including family talismans and personal clothes, and then find a set of mine to replace. , just put the changed clothes on the bed.”

“Eh?! But…”

“Don’t ask anything, be fast!”

The girl’s brain couldn’t turn around for a while, and she instinctively wanted to ask why. But Anves was uncharacteristically serious at the moment, his expression urgent and urgent.

“Oh…good, good.”

Shocked by the look and tone of Anves’ completely different from the past, Fiona was nodded in a dizzy manner, and walked into the room obediently. inside.

It wasn’t until the door closed behind her that the girl realized what she had promised.

Slightly flushed, Fiona let go of the two little ones, and with a guilty conscience for no reason, opened Anves’ closet like a thief.

The interior of the wardrobe also expands the space structure, and a set of different clothing is suspended in it, among which is included lining, outerwear, accessories and socks. Its arrangement is extremely neat, with a faint nether aura of ice crystal bluegrass.

He took a set at random, and with the help of magic, in less than a minute, the red-faced girl dressed in Anves walked out of the room again.

“Don’t move now, don’t resist, I’ll explain the specifics later.”

Seeing the girl walk out, Anves glanced at her dress, raised his hand gently to her Holding her hand, a magic power flowed into her body.

As a result, Fiona suddenly felt that, where Anves’ magic power reached, her body seemed to be undergoing some kind of change!

The skin and muscles wriggled as if brought to life, moving away from their original positions and heading for new ones. Pigment particles in the iris begin to increase, making the eyes darker.

Because of Anves’ advice, the girl endured some strange feelings, stopped her urge to resist, and let this change happen.

For a moment, an ‘Anves’ like looking in a mirror suddenly appeared in place.

This is not just a change in appearance, but even a change in Spirit, Soul and Qi’s breath and magic breath. Except for the difference in clothing, everything else is completely the same as Anves himself.

After casting the spell, Anves took a girl’s light blonde strands and entered the room directly, letting the girl in the corridor slowly study her changes.

Looking at the clothes in the bedroom that still had the girl’s body temperature, Anves’ thoughts moved slightly, and an Avatar emerged from the shadow behind him…

For a moment…

“Brother, you…”

In the corridor, Fiona, with a confused expression, looked at the two pets floating beside her, and the calm ‘self’ in front of her. I don’t know what to say.

“Put Fia back in your summon space, don’t let her out for the next few days. As for Kate…put it in my lab first. If the past few days don’t go wrong, I’ll give it back to you.

After five days, the magic effect on you will be automatically removed. During this period, please remember not to reveal your identity except when you are alone with Sir Father. “

The tone returned to its former calm, Anves looked up at Fiona in front of him slightly, and there was no emotion in his blue eyes.

“Also, my family talisman and this ring are for you.

In the ring are some things I prepared in advance, the crystal in the green box. The ball is the instruction manual I recorded.

If there is a corresponding situation, you can use them to disguise my identity.”

“Brother…why do you want to To this extent? Can’t we go to find the help of His Majesty the Dean now?”

While Anves was changing clothes, Fiona also figured out the danger they were in.

At this moment, listening to Anves making a series of arrangements in a calm tone, the girl suddenly felt a strong sense of panic.

Different from the previous nervousness, this sense of unease was the first time she had grown up.

Even when she was discovered by the Duke after long-term fishing in class, and when she accidentally damaged the high Spirit King crown that the Duke kept, it didn’t make her as uneasy as she is now.

“I don’t do things for no reason, Fei.”

Anves shook the head, explaining a little.

(End of this chapter)

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