Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 169 The Indestructible Bond

Mebius extracted a light particle from the timer and injected it into the colorful timer that was constantly flashing. A burst of light came on, and the timer stopped flashing and returned to blue.

Alutera had consumed a lot of energy due to his recovery just now, and the hunger in his body made him uncontrollably extend his tentacles to the child who had not yet escaped. Gai Ying immediately gathered light energy with his hands and prepared to attack.

Before he could launch an attack on Alutela, Mefilas suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the opposite side. He raised his hand and a bolt of lightning fell on Alutela, engulfing her in flames.

Alutela was writhing in pain in the sea of ​​​​fire, but the water in her body was constantly losing under the high temperature. Her bloated body became shriveled up, and she completely stopped moving in the flames.

Even until his death, Hiruchuan never expected that he would die at the hands of Mefilas, who had tried his best to help him from beginning to end. While Gai Ying was vigilantly guarding Impreza, his eyes were fixed on Mefilas.

Under this situation, even if he and Membius join forces, it is definitely not optimistic. But Mefilas didn't attack them, but grabbed the children who were not touched by Alutela's tentacles from the sea of ​​​​fire and put them aside. .

At the same time, the disc-shaped spaceship landed in the sky above the Phoenix Nest. People who were a little frightened when they saw Mefilas' strange appearance were inexplicably changed by a force.

The memory of Hirukawa saying that he received help from Mefilas suddenly became clear, and it overlapped with Mefilas protecting the child in front of him.

Their inner resentment against the Ultra Warriors due to negative public opinion began to expand rapidly. The middle-aged man who once threw banana peels into the future was the first to muster up the courage to shout.

"Ultra warriors, get out of the earth! It's enough for us to be protected by Mefilas."

The people around him suddenly became excited, and they all echoed the shouts. It only took Mephilas a short moment to offset the results of Mebius's long battle.

Gai Ying saw Mebius's hesitation, and said without looking back: "Leave Mephilas to me, and you will handle Impelaza."

Membius didn't answer, but he still made a fighting stance towards Impreza. Gai Ying sighed secretly in his heart, and took the lead in hitting Mefilas with a Gai Ying beam.

Mefilas flew away from the place in an instant, suspended in mid-air and said to the guys below: "Everyone, what are you still hesitating about? The culprit who brought the earth to this day is right in front of you, attacking Ultraman Geying and Meng Ultraman Beyonce!"

Aihara Ryu half-knelt on the ground, the concepts in his consciousness were constantly distorting, and seemed to be converted into completely different concepts following Mefilas's words.

"How is it is it possible to forget the future!!" Ryuu Aihara growled and stood up, his strong will actually allowing him to offset the influence of Mefilas.

The memories that had been constantly distorted became clear again. They were bits and pieces of time spent with Membius-Hibino Mirai. Every question Maki Shuki asked him came to mind.

"Yeah, don't underestimate us humans." Sadaharu also stood up straight, pointing the gun in his hand directly at Mefilas, and three winding rays of light flew towards Mefilas from three angles.

Mefilas raised his hand slightly, and the light exploded in mid-air without causing any harm to him. Looking at several people standing up one after another, he said in confusion.

"It's just a human being, why would..."

Gai Ying took a step forward and said: "Mephilas, you have already lost. When you can only control human beings by rewriting memories, you have already lost."

Gai Ying didn't know what Mephilas actually said to Membius. He just made a guess based on the original work in his impression. Playing with people's hearts is his favorite method.

Just as Mefilas was about to release the lightning, he paused, then retracted his raised hand and said calmly: "So that's it, I understand. It turns out that our Four Heavenly Kings lost to your so-called bond."

He turned to look at the guys' team members and continued: "I lost, but this does not mean the end. I will still continue to challenge you and challenge you."

Gai Ying stood up straight and watched silently as Mefilas flew into the sky with two Impelezas, and then disappeared from sight.

As Mephilas left, the memories he had modified gradually recovered. The conversation just now reminded many smart people of the general story of the matter, and they couldn't help but lower their heads with a guilty conscience.

Gai Ying and Membius also crossed their arms, and their bodies quickly shrank and solidified in place, turning into the future and Maki Shuo who was half kneeling on the ground.

Although Membius helped him recover part of the lost energy, the damage caused by successive creations cannot be recovered in a short time.

Maki Shuo opened the clothes on his chest, and his chest was covered in blood and flesh. This time, the blood did not soak into the specially made clothes. It looked like it was just too much physical exertion.

Zhen Mu Shuo looked at the people running in the distance and wanted to stand up, but her legs went weak and she almost fell down. Future hurriedly supported him and said worriedly: "Senior?"

Maki Shuo shook his head and stood up straight. His face was a little pale but he still showed a smile and said: "I'm fine. Such an injury will only take a day to recover."

Future lowered his head, not daring to face Maki Shuo's gaze. He didn't know how to explain his hesitation to the other party, and his simplicity of character prevented him from lying to Maki Shuo.

"Let's talk about it when we get back." Zhen Mu Shuo was the first to see the hesitation and guilt in Future's heart. She patted him and reluctantly moved towards the Phoenix Nest.

If it weren't for the mess Mephilas left behind, he should have had a good sleep to recover his strength.

In the combat command room, Zhen Mu Shuo's wounds had been disinfected, medicated and bandaged. He was sitting in his seat looking at the future opposite him as if he was standing still.

"Now you can tell me, what happened?"

"Senior...I..." Future hesitated and couldn't speak. Senior's expectations were weighing heavily on him, but he failed to do so.

Aihara Ryu pulled Mirai away and said, "Let me tell you, those bastards were easily deceived by Mefilas into thinking that Mirai was an invader with ulterior motives."

After Ryuu Aihara's excited explanation and Teppei called up a few pictures, Shuki Maki finally understood what had happened. He raised his fingers and pressed his temples and sighed.

"I have long said that human beings have two sides. As a partner who fights with them, we cannot only see the dark side of human hearts. In the future, human beings will also have light in their hearts, right?"

In the future, when he thought of the guys who had struggled to support themselves under Mefilas's memory modification, he felt a little comforted in his heart and nodded heavily.

"Yes, senior. I will protect those who are worth protecting!"


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