Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 170 The arrival of the emperor

Long leaned on the railing and squinted his eyes, looked up at the sun, and murmured: "Is it an illusion? I always feel that the sun is much darker today."

Zhen Mu Shuo immediately noticed something was wrong, turned his head and looked upward, extending his mind power to the maximum extent. An incomparably powerful dark force appeared in his perception, and then a stronger telepathy force forced his telepathy back.

Maki Shuo's body flew up as if he had been hit hard, and hit the alloy wall outside the guys' base hard, knocking it out of a deep dent.

That incredibly powerful telepathy instantly enveloped the world, and the same voice sounded in everyone's mind.

"People of Earth, I am a native of Planet Ampera. Now I issue an order to you to hand over Ultraman Mebius. I will give you three hours to make your choice. I can protect the Earth from any harm."

Maki Shuo reluctantly stood up, the smell of blood came from her throat, and she coughed out a mouthful of blood. But at this time, his attention was not at all on his own injuries, but on looking at the sky with a solemn expression.

The Ampera people, this opponent that gave him a huge headache, finally came to Earth. Waves of severe pain and dizziness came, and the heavy blow to the mind was like being hit on the head with a stick.

The alarm in the combat command room suddenly rang throughout the Phoenix Nest. Shuo Maki ignored the severe pain and immediately ran towards the combat command room with Ryu Aihara.

As soon as the door opened, Zheping's hurried report was heard: "Impleza appeared in important cities in various countries at almost the same time. It was a space transfer."

Future gritted his teeth, turned around and ran outside. Perhaps because of the emperor's intention, Japan's Impeleza happened to appear not far from the Phoenix Nest, approaching them step by step.

As the light emerged, Mebius descended from the sky and landed in front of Implezza, taking a fighting stance.

Maki Shuo frowned and was not in a hurry to transform and challenge. Putting aside his injuries at the moment, if we had to compare their combat power, the Emperor's Impereza Legion alone would be enough to drag them to death.

Mebius, who was already familiar with Impeleza's power, had no intention of testing it. Hot light particles surged throughout his body and he directly entered the Flame Hero form.

The blazing flame light ball gathered and formed in front of the flame pattern on the chest. When pushed head-on, the surging hot energy completely defeated Impreza without leaving any parts behind.

Before he could relax a little, two golden rings of light converged from top to bottom toward the center, and another Impreza filled the previous position due to space transfer.

Mebius jumped up, lowered his right leg, and began to spin rapidly like a drill. The flames formed spiral patterns on the body surface, directly piercing through the bombardment of the destructive light ball.

Using two extremely energy-consuming abilities in succession made Mebius have to take a breather to restore the energy in his body.

But the emperor obviously didn't want to give him a chance to recover. Under the space transfer, the two Imprezas appeared again on the spot, and two golden electron beams directly hit the panting Membius.

The silver-red body was knocked back hundreds of meters in the air and fell hard to the ground. The colored timer on Membius's chest began to sound continuously.

Maki Shuo clenched her fists and opened her clothes to take out the spark prism. But the weak but firm voice of the future sounded in his ears: "Senior, don't transform."

Maki Shuo subconsciously said worriedly: "But...the endless Impeleza Army, even me..."

Membius stood up, the light particles all over his body were burning, and the gorgeous flames rose into the sky and hit Imprezza on the opposite side.

"Senior has always been helping me and protecting me. But not relying on the strength of others is one of Ultra's five major oaths, isn't it? I also want to...protect senior!"

With the gradually increasing sound, the surfaces of the two Impelezas turned red, like burning irons, and then a loud explosion sounded, swallowing up three huge bodies.

Countless light particles gathered from all directions and re-condensed into the form of Mebius. As soon as he solidified his body, he staggered a few steps and fell to his knees. ..

At the same time, the new Impeleza appeared again. Membius tried hard to raise his arms and tried to make a fighting stance, but his body refused to obey him at all. He could only kneel to the ground unwillingly, his body slowly weakening. Transform and restore to its future appearance.

Ryu and Sadaharu could no longer sit back and watch all this happen, but they were under public opinion and could not even get permission to go out at this time, so they could only be locked up in the Phoenix Nest.

The emperor's voice sounded again: "As you can see, it is so easy to defeat Ultraman Mebius. After three hours, I look forward to your wise choice."

The entire earth seemed to fall into silence at this moment, and that scene was simultaneously broadcast in major cities around the world.

In the eyes of many people, the giant of light was extremely powerful and was defeated so easily. If the other party had not shown mercy, perhaps the earth would have been engulfed in the flames of war.

In just a few minutes, the controversy over Zichuan was revived and intensified on the Internet.

With the Ultra Warriors fighting desperately to protect the earth, many people did not dare to speak out openly even if they wanted to follow the emperor's will.

But what Hirukawa said undoubtedly gave them a breakthrough, a breakthrough that could drive Ultraman Mebius away openly. All of a sudden, all kinds of distorted remarks sprang up like mushrooms after rain.

"It must have been Membius who lured the Amperaites to Earth. Didn't you realize that the monsters won't appear when Ultraman doesn't appear?"

"What you're trying to do to protect humanity is to treat the earth as a battlefield. Drive Ultraman Mebius out of the earth!"

"The people of Ampera are so strong, will there never be monsters again on our earth?"

Maki Shuo sat in Zheping's seat and slid down one by one. Although I had already anticipated the darkness in the human heart, I still couldn't help but feel angry when I actually saw it.

Looking up at the future, he quietly closed the discussion interface and couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart. With the current performance of human beings, he had to wonder whether Mebius' infinite phoenix form would appear.

The door of the combat command room opened automatically, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came into view. He was carrying a briefcase and said seriously.

"It has been confirmed that Hibino Mirai of the Guys Japanese branch is Ultraman Mebius, and I need you to hand him over. This is related to the future of all mankind, and your Japanese branch is not qualified to make a decision."

Aihara Ryuu, who was already on the verge of anger, slapped the table and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? The future is a member of our guys, how can I leave it to you?"

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