Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 239 War brought about by war

The two looked at each other again, and Fujii Takihiko said: "This is the information confirmed by Staff Officer Takayama."

Gen Tianming thought for a moment and said, "Is the Staff Officer Yingshan you are talking about located in the central area on the right?"

Fujii Takihiko hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He vaguely sensed something was wrong. The man in front of him didn't react as if he had been called by the wrong name, but rather as if he had been called by the right name.

But it was their first time meeting Ultraman. How did Staff Yingshan know that his name was Ultraman Tiga?

He immediately came to the computer and pulled out all the information about Ultraman. All the information provided by Yingshan's staff was correct without exception.

It even includes the name and some of the characteristics of the light, as well as the characteristics of the battle that can only be fought for three minutes on earth and the role of the colored timer.

Now both of them noticed something was wrong. Such detailed information was as if he had been with Ultraman for a long time.

Can you follow his behavior and get along with Ultraman day and night? Locked on the experimental table and get along day and night?

"It seems that he is the source of the alienation..." Jiana Tianming frowned. The other party's source of information could only be Ketruf, otherwise it couldn't be Gai Ying himself.

"Alienation..." Iwata Eikei muttered to himself, suddenly remembering the traces of battle he saw in the place where the abnormal energy appeared last time, and blurted out: "Flocs?!"

Gen Tianming nodded. He didn't think they didn't know about the murlocs at all. It would be even more strange if the EPU as a defense team didn't even know about the murlocs.

Iwata Eikei glanced at Nemaki hesitantly, gritted his teeth and asked, "I want to know why Ultraman protects us humans."

"We just can't turn a blind eye to lives in need, and that's always been the case."

He turned his head and glanced at the image of Ultraman on the screen, smiled and said: "We are also human beings, but we are just much stronger people. This is not the first time we have fought together with humans, we are all."

Before Fujii Takihiko and Iwata Eikei could speak, Nemoto Tianming said again: "I hope to meet the director of the Japanese branch."

Fujii Takihiko hesitated for less than a second before agreeing. With Ultraman's ability, even if he disagreed, the other party would definitely have a way to see the director on his own.

"Have you done everything you want to do?"

Maki Zhong leaned under the tree and looked at Nemoto Tianming. Although he still didn't know where Diga was going, seeing the successor of Diga's power still made it difficult for him to feel bad.

Even if we just met each other, there is almost no sense of unfamiliarity at all.

Nemoto Tianming nodded, sighed and said: "Half of the top brass in the Japanese branch have been alienated. It's no wonder there are fighter planes attacking Ultraman."

"Didn't you try to help them solve it?" Maki Zhong glanced at him curiously. He had fought side by side with humans very few times, and the earliest one was 30 million years ago.

"What humans can solve by themselves should be left to humans to solve." Nemoto Tianming said softly, "If everything is solved by Ultraman, then what is the meaning of the existence of the human race? The future of mankind is to maintain peace. companions, not pets.”

Maki Naka nodded and said nothing more, but looked at Koshizaki Rō, who was still practicing his kicking skills against the wooden stakes.

"I don't know when my brother will be able to recover. The guy may have recovered a lot now. It is also difficult to reproduce Shining Tiga's situation. Frankly speaking, even if my brother and I are at our peak, it will be difficult to defeat that guy." ..

Ji Tianming was also at a loss. Although he was already a mature Ultra Warrior, he had never faced such an enemy.

Frankly speaking, for an enemy of that level, numbers have lost their meaning. Even if he moved the entire Kingdom of Light, he might not have a chance of winning.

Maki Zhong spread his hands and said: "There is no enemy that is absolutely invincible. There must be a way." He paused and seemed to remember something, and then added, "Except for Ye Fu."

Ji Tianming was stunned. The name Ye Fu was extremely unfamiliar in his memory, even among the monsters recorded in the Kingdom of Light.

Before he could ask, Koshizaki came over panting, his clothes soaked with sweat, and he sat on the ground to recover his strength.

Unlike Rō Koshizaki, their fighting skills can almost no longer be improved by training. What they need is to gain experience from fighting with people who are good at fighting.

Maki Naka and Nemoto Tianming suddenly looked up at the sky, and it took Koshizaki Rō more than ten seconds to realize that something was wrong.

Under Ultra's gaze, fleets of different styles are constantly converging toward the center in space. These are obviously joint fleets of different civilizations.

In their previous experiences, space aliens had attacked the earth, but most of them acted alone. Such a combined fleet had never been seen before.

In the final analysis, the technological level of the earth is not advanced at all in the universe. Why are there so many civilizations attacking the earth?

In the combat command room, the scene in space has also been projected on the screen. At the same time, there was also a piece of data passed through, and the results analyzed through the Universal Language made everyone less optimistic.

The first thing that came over was a piece of information, a piece of information about the disappearance and death of the cosmonauts who came to the earth.

The distinctive characteristics of the aliens made it impossible for everyone in the Storm team to refute, and it even came with video data of aliens being dissected and interrogated.

"Humans, have you seen what kind of treatment our compatriots received after coming to the earth with the will of peace? Since peaceful means cannot connect two civilizations, the only solution is to use war."

Fujii Takihiko took a deep breath, suppressed the fatigue and lethargy in his heart and replied: "Not all humans will treat space people like this. War cannot solve the problem. I think we need to talk again."

"When the gun is pointed at others, why didn't you think of talking about it? Everything in the past has made us no longer have any trust in human beings. Since you like war, let war speak for itself."

The answer came without any hesitation. Human beings' massacre of space people had already completely exhausted their patience.

Before Takihiko Fujii could say anything, the communication on the other side had been hung up. There are no demands for compensation, no warnings of attack. This is a war between civilizations.

"Those bastards, look what they brought to the earth?" Harada Hiroki slapped the table hard, as if he wanted to vent his anger in this way.

"It is useless to say this now. We have entered a state of combat readiness and are ready to be dispatched at any time."

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