When Bai Jie first came to Qingyun, she once liked Ye Feng, but after so many years, Bai Jie also understood that she would have that feeling because she was helpless, saw Ye Feng's indifferent attitude and cared for her family. Now, although Bai Jie also takes Ye Feng as a friend, she definitely doesn't like it. They need to be connected

"If your highness doesn't want to borrow my baby, you can only bother your highness to do it in person. I'll stay outside to meet you."

The transmission array is made by the whole world and is very strong. With Bai Jie's current strength, it takes at least four or five times to completely break it. As soon as Ye Feng asked her to go, Bai Jie immediately thought of killing people with a knife, and her face began to look ugly.

"Your Highness's cultivation is as good as mine. I'm afraid the transmission array needs to be broken a few times before it can be completely broken. In this case, it's the only way to use it."

Ye Feng looked at Bai Jie's face and smiled. He took out a long blue sword and sent it to Bai Jie. Bai Jie only looked at it and was so frightened that she was tongue tied.

"Qingyun sword is the first sword in the ancient world. Don't say to cut a transmission array. Even if you cut them, God will have no problem. How about I go or go to the temple?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"You give me the Qingyun sword? I'm not afraid I'll run away! There may be people from my Bai family there?" Bai Jie shouted incoherently, pointing to the barracks.

"If your highness can say so, you won't do that. I can trust you." Ye Fengxin said. You still want to take Qingyun sword. You don't understand why she killed you.

Ye Feng took out the Qingyun sword, and Bai Jie's concern immediately disappeared. Considering the interests, he took Qingyun sword and sneaked into the barracks.

Destroy the transmission array and the other party can't send more troops. If the other party has a bad heart, he will not dare to make it big. If the other party has no ghosts, and finally sue the God King, what can the God King say? Ye Feng said you went too far to protect Bai Jie? Or tell the other God directly that Qingyun star has destroyed the middle heaven world. What are you?

Ye Feng waited in the distance, watching the movement in the barracks, thinking about this kind of seed, and finally had some confidence in his uneasy heart. But people are not as good as heaven. Those calculated by Ye Feng were broken with a loud noise! And when Ye Feng was ready to rush in to meet Bai Jie, a dazzling white light rose into the sky. Before Ye Feng could launch the shield, he was swallowed by the white light and disappeared without a trace!

I don't know how long it has been, Ye Ling first wakes up. She tried to wake Ye Feng up, but Ye Feng seemed dead and motionless. Even if he was hit with a broken soul needle, he wouldn't move. Ye Ling was helpless, so she had to turn into a spirit and body to check the movement of the outside world. As a result, she was frightened by everything in front of her at that time.

What appeared in front of Ye Ling was not the desolate pan Yun world in the past, but towering trees. Ye Feng lay on the ground, the size of a leaf. Around Ye Feng, two giant caterpillars are eating leaves. Each bite can swallow a piece the size of a door panel.

Besides Ye Feng, after he was swallowed by white light, his soul was closed in the space of consciousness. There, he saw Qingyun.

"Don't you want to ask something?"

"How's Bai Jie?"

"You miss her!" Qingyun was surprised.

"As long as she is safe, no one can find an excuse to hurt my family."

"In the final analysis, you are just a wisp of dead soul. Your so-called family members are also the descendants of that skin bag. Without you, their Ye family would have perished hundreds of years ago. Don't you even understand these in your mind?"

"You've said it. Why do you ask me? If you have any orders, just say it. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse." Ye Feng smiled.

"Sometimes you really hate people, but now, some things can only rely on you..."

According to Qingyun, the white light swallowing Ye Feng is the entrance to the ancient secret place, and Qingyun sword is not the sword of the incoming God Emperor, but a key to open the ancient secret place. As long as you insert Qingyun sword into the transmission array, the wasteland can be reopened.

"What's in there?"

"Your previous life..."

Qingyun said and disappeared. Ye Feng woke up later. As a result, just like Ye Ling, she was stunned by everything in front of her at that time.

"Brother! You run! WOW! The big bug is crawling over!" Ye Ling exclaimed.

"That's a grass eating insect, not a man..." Ye Feng said subconsciously before flying up the treetop.

Looking around from the treetops, there are towering trees everywhere. In addition, there are several huge birds standing on the treetops and looking around. One of them looked at Ye Feng curiously, but he was too small. The bird lost its interest in predation and ignored him.

Ye Feng waited and confirmed that there was no danger around, so he called Mu Ling to help find Bai Jie.

"The tree is too old to be obedient..." Mu Ling whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Just don't listen... You can't see anything."

Wood spirit's magic power failed, and Ye Feng had to call Chu Ling out. As a result, Chu Ling said that this should be a closed space left by the flood and famine period, and it could do nothing. However, one thing is certain. If it is really a closed space left by the flood and famine period, there will certainly be flood and famine purple Qi and ancient spirits. If Ye Feng can find some, he will definitely increase his accomplishments.

"If it's so easy to find, the four families have long dominated the ancient world..."

Ye Feng was complaining. A beetle the size of a calf flew up the treetop. Six blue eyes stared at Ye Feng for a while, then staggered and climbed over.

Ye Ling had no previous life and had never seen a wild beast. She saw the ladybug look red and looked good. But when the goods opened their big mouth and bit Ye Feng, she had no other ideas except screaming.

Ye Feng has fought with wild beasts for hundreds of years, and his awareness of fighting has long been integrated into his bones. In the face of the sudden attack of big insects, although there were some accidents, the body instinctively jumped up, and a sword idea immediately passed.

Wild beasts are not Warcraft. In addition to their survival instinct and perception of the outside world, they have no feelings for mental damage such as mind, sword and mind. Ye Feng's sword intention contains not much real Qi. After being easily offset by the shell of the beetle, he spreads his wings to catch up with Ye Feng, and a pair of sickle like fangs bite Ye Feng again.

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