Ye Feng had a similar battle, but after hundreds of years, he changed his body. Naturally, the reaction was a little slower, and the beetle's fangs took the opportunity to pierce his trousers and bite on Ye Feng's lower legs.

A sharp pain in his right leg made Ye Feng wake up a lot. Stabbing the beetle's eyes with a sword, he jumped onto the beetle's back with his body method while it was eating pain. He carried all his Qi and stabbed a sword into the beetle's head.

The wild beast has strong vitality. It was pierced in the head by Ye Feng's sword and struggled to fly high until the fire on the fire sword cooked the whole thing and fell to the ground.

"Elder brother, what insect is this? It's too powerful!" ye Lingfei came out and shouted when Ye Feng was detoxifying and healing.

"The most common insects are no different from those who steal fairy grass in the fairy grass garden."

"Can ordinary people grow so big? Besides, even if you don't open the body protection Qi, ordinary swords can't hurt you!"

"These things are called savage beasts. They feed on savage Qi. Their existence cannot be viewed from a secular perspective. For them, prestige and soul attack are not as effective as swordsmanship and strength."

"What do you mean?"

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, a huge bird fell from the sky. Although Ye Feng dodged in time, the cooked insect was caught by the bird. Ye Ling was startled, but she didn't take Ye Feng seriously. But Ye Feng was robbed of the booty. He didn't intend to recognize it like this. He stretched his body and jumped on the forehead of the big bird. He directly performed the Seven Star chopping, only cut five swords, and split the brain bag like a hill into two parts.

"Brother, why do you still have the same experience with a big bird..." Ye Ling looked at the tragic death of the big bird and felt a little distressed.

"Hum, you know what, although these wild beasts have no mind, their bodies are the most precious. Claw bones can be refined into secret treasures, and flesh and blood can improve cultivation. The most important thing is..." Ye Feng said, jumped into the bird's head, poked a few times with a sword and picked out a pink meat bag the size of a head. "This is called manbao. This is the attribute of fire. You can refine it into a savage pill by collecting five attributes. You can ignore your qualifications and directly increase your accomplishments. For those with low qualifications, it can be said to be the best treasure of cultivation."

"What savage Dan, why haven't I heard of you, and where did you know that?"

Ye Feng has played these all his life in his previous life and knows nothing more about wild beasts, but he won't tell Ye Ling about them. He just said they looked at them in the Longevity Palace and fooled them.

"Brother, didn't you say to protect Bai Jie? Now that we have been taken to this strange place, Bai Jie doesn't know where to go. What should we do next?"

"You've been following me. Don't you understand this?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"You mean, this is a wasteland?"

"According to the records in the book, it should be here. Otherwise, where can we get so many wild beasts?" Ye Feng said, waving his sword to cut off the fur of the big bird, cut off the leg meat piece by piece and put it in the ring.

"According to the ancient book, the reason why ancient practitioners are so powerful is that they feed on these giant animals all year round. Hey hey, brother, I'll try some fresh this time to see if I can further improve." Ye Feng said. He couldn't help but recall the scene of eating wild barbecue and drinking in a big bowl with his men after the war against wild giant animals. For the war of previous lives, On the contrary, I forgot.

Ye Ling doesn't know Ye Feng's previous life, but he looks like a butcher cutting bird meat and smiling. He can't help recalling the scene of living together in the tree house in the past. At that time, Ye Feng went to sell pills for the first time and brought back some cooked meat and fruit. Ye Ling also hid under the quilt and ate secretly

Although the giant bird is big, it has thick flesh on its legs. Under the cutting of the fire sword, the two bird legs quickly became bones. Ye Feng was busy for a while, but also a little tired. He simply lit a few leaves and sat in place to roast the bird meat.

Ye Ling gave up her flesh and couldn't eat anymore. Looking at Ye Feng's barbecue, she was also greedy. She simply returned to Qingfeng Baojia to practice, leaving Ye Feng to eat and drink there and think about the next step.

The ancient secret place is opened on the enemy's transmission array. Even if the enemy is not affected, he will certainly enter the secret place. The four families who got the news will soon come to the Panyun world to search for treasures in the wasteland. In contrast, Bai Jie's safety as a line of vision is of no great importance to the white family. Even if she really died outside, it is estimated that no one will care about her.

As for Qingyun stars, they don't have much resources, and people from the big world don't care about their things, so the worst thing is to be caught as cannon fodder, but Qingyun also said that even if there are experts in the middle world, their strength will be suppressed. Will someone really attack the battlefield overlord with more than 20000 people in order to catch a few cannon fodder?

After understanding all this, Ye Feng also understands Qingyun's intentions, but his strength is too low. The only thing he can do is to improve his strength. And this wilderness is absolutely dangerous for people who don't know the truth. But for Ye Feng, who has been immersed in it all his life, it is a real treasure land. More importantly, here is Ye Feng's heart knot. Ye Feng believes that as long as he breaks through here, he can put down the hatred of his previous life and understand the Tao at ease.

"Qingyun, Qingyun... Thank you."

Ye Feng tidied up his mood and naturally had a new plan. This time he doesn't want to find anyone, but to hunt wild beasts to improve his strength.

At the beginning of the day, Ye Feng used the corpse of the big bird as bait and ambushed the giant beast in the nearby tree. With the help of the earth fairy level strength and the secret skill of Qingyun sword respect, these giant beasts that have plagued Ye Feng all his life are simply vulnerable. However, with the increase of giant beast bodies, a hill like scavenger appears in Ye Feng's sight.

The scavenger looks like a wild dog. Its body is covered with all kinds of sarcomas and is full of all kinds of highly toxic drugs. Even if you don't touch it, strange smelly venom will flow out of the sarcoma from time to time. What's more, these venoms are refined by scavengers from their food. No one can tell what toxins are in those tumors. Once poisoned, there is no way to cure them, just waiting to die. In those years, once Ye Feng and his men met the monster, they had to run for their lives.

But now, no better than that day, Ye Feng has royal jelly beside him. He is protected by Qingfeng treasure armor. He is not afraid of its venom. When he sees the scavenger running over, he directly stands on the branch and launches a sword attack on the scavenger's eyes.

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