Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1099. Fighting and running away when meeting?

Night has come.

In the Northern Federation.

Yuan Zhi looked gloomy as water and looked at Sima Dong in front of him.

"It was Sima Xi who caused the incident. Now the people from Oil City are coming to our door. Your Sima family must bear the responsibility."

Sima Dong also heard many rumors in the past two days, but he did not expect that his brother would cause such a big trouble.

What he didn't expect was that the people from Oil City would be so difficult to deal with and could even control zombies, although it was not yet known whether the people from Oil City could do this.

But no matter what, since the people from Oil City were able to find them, it meant that they must be confident.

After being silent for a long time, my brain was working rapidly.

After half a minute of silence, he spoke:

"Governor Yuan, no matter what happened in the past, the Sima family is a member of the Northern Federation. Now that there is a powerful enemy, our Sima family is willing to work with the governor to resist foreign enemies!"

He first made his position clear and stated that he stood with Yuan Zhi.

The Oil City is coming fiercely, and it may be difficult to quell the anger of the Oil City just by handing over a Sima Xi.

As for the other conditions put forward by Oil City, he was absolutely impossible to agree to them.

Instead of doing this, it is better to join forces with Yuan Zhi to resist Oil City.

Let's see if that oil city can really control zombies as the rumors say!

Yuan Zhi felt happy when he heard what Sima Dong said.

Sure enough, as Ma Song said, this is a crisis, but also an opportunity, an opportunity to annex the Sima family in one fell swoop.

"Yes." Yuan Zhi nodded slightly and continued:

"In this case, if you agree to defend Oil City together, in order to make personnel deployment smoother, your Sima family's guards will return to the federal system together and accept Yin Xi's management uniformly. In addition."

Yuan Zhi took this opportunity to put forward several conditions. These conditions were nothing more than the management rights of combatants, the control of weapons and ammunition, and the determination of nominal ownership relationships.

After Sima Dong heard these requests, he frowned tightly. If he really obeyed Yuan Zhi's conditions, it wouldn't be long before his Sima family would really exist in name only and be completely annexed by Yuan Zhi.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to agree.

So he said: "Governor, there is no need to break up our personnel. The Sima family's team will form a separate team at that time and just follow your command. In addition, weapons, ammunition, food and other supplies do not need to worry about you, we can manage them ourselves. "

Yuan Zhi tried to persuade Sima Dong under the pretext of more efficient coordination against the enemy, but Sima Dong failed to do what he wanted.

Negotiations reached a stalemate.

Sima Dong was not a fool. If he really gave up the command of the team and all the materials, he would be a fish on the chopping block.

Maybe he died because he was unable to resist Yuan Zhi before Oil City was attacked.

This is his bottom line, and it is naturally impossible to lose it.

Yuan Zhi saw that Sima Dong was resolute, so he stopped forcing him.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you have leadership, you can slowly find ways to annex the Sima family later on.

Finally, both parties reached an agreement:

The Sima family is nominally under the leadership of Yuan Zhi.

Similarly, since the Sima family is under Yuan Zhi's command, they must provide protection to the Sima family.

In addition, the Sima family must send out more than 1,000 combatants in the future battle with Oil City. This is already 70% of the Sima family's current strength.

Moreover, during the battle with Oil City, the Sima family provided half of the ammunition consumed by Yuan Zhi's men.

There is no wind tonight.

The north has low humidity and is dry and cold.

Lai County is more than 100 kilometers away from the northern federation.

Haolin Industrial Park, in an abandoned factory.

The heater came in handy. Their trip brought a lot of fuel, enough for their helicopter to fly, and enough for them to generate electricity for warmth.

Except for the night guard, everyone else fell asleep peacefully.

The moonlight is like water.

Li Yu got out of his sleeping bag, took out a pack of cigarettes from the backpack next to him, put on a coat, and carefully avoided Li Tie, who was sleeping on his right.

There are several holes in this room, but they have blocked them with things.

There wasn't even a door, just a thick blanket blocking it off.

Lifting up the blanket, Li Yu tucked it inside to prevent the cold air from outside from entering.

Squatting on the steps outside, lighting a cigarette.

Slow smoke drifted upward in the pale moonlight.

Li Yu looked at the sky with deep eyes.

Tomorrow is the time to fight the powerful Northern Federation in a real sense.

Looking back on the journey since his rebirth, he felt that although it was difficult, it was still smooth.

His initial goal after rebirth has been achieved, but it is not really achieved.

Natural disasters continue, and zombies are mutating.

The places he has traveled, the people he has met, and the things he has learned in this life are far more than those in the previous life when he was struggling at the bottom.

After experiencing so many things, he gradually gained a better understanding of the true face of the end of the world.

In a disaster, it is difficult to be alone.

The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop.

When there are more people in the base, the responsibilities are greater and there are more things to consider.

Everything he faced now was far more complicated than when he was just reborn.

He was a reborn prophet for only five years, now just over a year.

What will happen in five years? he does not know.

But what he knew was that the zombies were adapting to the environment, and a few of them were mutating.

He felt anxious that he had to reach a high enough level at the Da Zhangshu Base within five years to be able to face all the unknown difficulties in the future.

What will happen in more than a year, he doesn't know.


With the end of the world coming, where will the source of change come from?

Inexplicably, he remembered what Madi from the base's scientific research office said in his mind. To deal with the zombies, the source of infection must be found - the extraterrestrial meteorite.

But where is that extraterrestrial meteorite?

But there is no way to know.

Shaking his head, he laughed at himself and thought that he should wait until the situation in the Northern Federation in front of him was settled first.

Stand up and stamp out the cigarette butts.

Turned around and returned to the room.

There were about a dozen people sleeping in the room, and the others were either sleeping in the helicopter or working the night shift.

The heater radiates heat and the temperature in the room can reach around freezing.

Although it's not too high, it's much better than the minus 20 degrees outside.

In addition, lying in a sleeping bag to keep warm will prevent you from catching a cold after sleeping all night.

The night was lonely, and the lack of wind made this dilapidated factory look even more empty.

When the environment becomes quiet, people will always calm down, let their thoughts fly, think about something, and recall something.

The cannon on duty, holding his gun, thought of Song Min.

He remembered what she had said to him in the past.

Song Min's past was tragic. Both of her parents died when she was young, and she only had one younger brother.

The eldest sister is like mother. For the sake of her younger brother, she had to drop out of school and work in a garment factory early.

When she was fourteen years old, Shamat was popular outside. She was dressed in a simple factory uniform and had no consumption except for food. She gave all her money to her younger brother for living expenses and tuition.

She never had a boyfriend and tried every means to make money.

How many times when I passed by the school, I saw those peers laughing and playing carefree, riding bicycles, and their beautiful youth was like the roar of the wind.

But she was burdened with hardships that her age should not have to bear.

She had also envied and imagined in the middle of the night how great it would be to have a family like ordinary people.

But the next day, she still went to work with a smile on her face.

She always thought that as long as she worked hard, she would get better and better in the future.


The hemp rope is only broken at the thinnest part, and the suffering is only for the misfortune.

Once, on her way to deliver living expenses to her younger brother, two young men ran out of the alley and stole all her money.

She chased him for two streets but failed to catch him.

The pedestrians on the road were as cold as ice, and no one came to help her.

She didn't cry, she clenched her fists and watched people coming and going.

When she returned to the factory, she asked her colleagues to borrow money, but no one lent her money.

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

Because she was underage, she was found out by the department and expelled two days later.

On the night when her luggage was thrown outside the factory and she was driven away that winter, she who had never cried before cried very loudly.

No matter how difficult life is, we still have to go on.

She set up a stall, worked as a waiter, moved cement, and worked as a bartender. During the most difficult period, she sold her blood just for the four hundred yuan of nutrition.

Later, by chance, she went to a beauty salon and started as an apprentice. A few years later, she saved a sum of money and set up a small beauty salon with her sisters.

Just when the days were gradually getting better and there was hope, the end of the world came.

The end of the world has come, and humanity has fallen.

The villain was in charge, the bully Zhou Sheng, who humiliated her.

At that moment, she thought about committing suicide, but then Li Yu showed up with the cannon and the others.

Li Yu gave her a knife, and she stabbed Zhou Sheng Lingchi alive.

Later, two people with severely traumatized hearts were attracted to each other, and Pao Pao and Song Min were together.

Cannon has never disliked her past, on the contrary, she feels very sorry for her.

Song Min's gold-like heart can always give Cannon warmth.

The two scarred people warmed each other up and slowly became better and better.

He remembered that Song Min told him last time that he planned to have a child.

The cannon who was on duty in the cold wind had a smile on his ugly face.

Once the matter of the Northern Federation is settled, we will work hard to create children!

Cannon thought to himself.

Nothing happened all night.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Li Yu and others quickly packed up all their things and boarded the helicopter.

They wanted to retreat to Jinggui Mountain, fifty kilometers away.

They had gone to observe that mountain before and it had a good location.

The mountains are high and sparsely populated.

There is a local temple on the top of the mountain called Wu Xiangong.

This is not available in other places, but it is still very famous locally.

The reason why they chose this place is that they are worried that when the potion is used, too many zombies will be attracted. When they stay in Lai County, and the zombie wave passes by them, what if some zombies discover them?

Jinggui Mountain, fifty kilometers away, is sparsely populated, and it is still on the top of the mountain. Even if there are zombies coming, they will be able to detect them in time from a high position, and then have enough time to fly a helicopter and leave here.

After everyone quickly packed up, they immediately boarded the helicopter and flew to Jinggui Mountain.

Ten minutes later.

They arrived at the top of Jinggui Mountain.

Wuxian Temple has long been dilapidated, but at least the beams have not collapsed, so it can be used as a shelter.

Most of the temples are on the top of the mountain.

Moreover, there is usually an open space in front of the temple.

This provides space for Li Yu and his helicopter to dock.

The most important thing is that there are walls in the temple. Although many have collapsed, it is better than nothing.

The helicopter was parked in a clearing.

Li Yu got off the helicopter carrying his backpack and sleeping bag.

Lao Luo and the others moved down the oil drums from their helicopter.

Lao Luo, Sanshu and the others were working together to get within 35 kilometers of the Northern Federation, and they had to hoist heavy artillery to go there together. In order to save fuel and improve the helicopter's sensitivity, it was necessary to reduce the weight of the helicopter.

Anyway, the fuel brought this time was sufficient.

As for the other Lao Bi, Hua Chen, Zhu Xiao and others, they did not remove the fuel from the helicopter.

They want to lure the helicopters from the Northern Federation from three directions. If the helicopters from the Northern Federation chase them, they will definitely try to avoid Uncle San and Li Yu and find a way to lure the helicopters from the Northern Federation. The further away, the longer it takes.

In order to ensure a long battery life, once the fuel is used up, they must find a suitable place to replenish the fuel, otherwise they will not be able to come back.


Lao Luo and others removed the oil drums from the helicopter.

everything's ready.

According to the plan, Li Yu will not go to the front line. This battle will be dominated by Uncle San and Lao Luo. The core goal is to get close to the Northern Federation and then lurk. At night, he will control the drone to drop the medicine, and Lao Luo will be responsible for the heavy artillery cover. .

While Third Uncle and the others were flying within 35 kilometers of the Northern Federation during the day, the three teams of Lao Bi, Hua Chen, and Zhu Xiao were responsible for covering up and distracting the attention of the Northern Federation.

"Xiaoyu, let's go!" Third Uncle said looking at Li Yu who was standing in front of the copper incense burner in front of the temple.

Li Yu nodded and said to his third uncle: "Pay attention to safety!"

The third uncle turned around and got on the helicopter.

"Set off!"

At the same time, Lao Bi, Hua Chen, Zhu Xiao and others also boarded the helicopter.

Yang Tianlong, Li Tie, and Dapao were with Lao Bi and Hua Chen respectively.

"Minister, let's go over first and attract the attention of the Northern Federation, right?" Lao Bi asked using the military radio in the helicopter.

There are only five military radio stations in Da Zhangshu Base. Now there is one in Da Zhangshu Base, one in Oil City, and the remaining three are all with them.

Li Yu has one at his side, Uncle San has one at his side, and the last one is at Lao Bi's side.

"Okay, let me reiterate what I said to you yesterday. Lao Bi, you go around in a circle and fly from the northern part of the Northern Federation. Huachen, you fly from the west. Zhu Xiao, you fly from the southeast. After you attract the Northern Federation, we Then cut in from the southwest." Third uncle picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

Now that they are not far apart, they can communicate.


Lao Bi and the other three helicopters sped up and rushed to the front.

When they were a hundred kilometers away from the Northern Federation, the three helicopters dispersed.

The third uncle and others were flying at a slow speed and low altitude. Zhu Xiao's helicopter was the closest to them. The two helicopters maintained a distance of about 40 kilometers that a walkie-talkie could contact.

In the Northern Federation.

Two helicopters flew out to perform necessary daily patrol missions.

Since the Oil City gave them an ultimatum yesterday, Yuan Zhi did not care about the fuel loss and increased the patrol from one helicopter to two.

This does not mean that Yuan Zhi only has two in his hands, but because it is uncertain when Oil City will come, and daily patrols require a loss of fuel.

The two helicopters that flew out of the Northern Federation carried out a plan to fly around a hundred kilometers in radius of the Northern Federation.

The pilot in the helicopter was bored when he suddenly saw a helicopter flying in front of him.

"Holy shit! Enemy plane! Fire!" Huo Jian, who was driving a helicopter, shouted quickly.

The words just fell.

The helicopter on the opposite side fired two rockets and flew towards them.

"Dodge! Dodge!"

The observer sitting nearby shouted quickly.

Huo Jian quickly raised the helicopter, but two rockets almost missed them.

After Huo Jian flew high, he quickly looked towards the helicopter in the distance.

I saw the helicopter turn around and run away after firing two rockets.

Extremely fast.

To pursue or not to pursue?

Huo Jian hesitated for a second, then bit his tongue and said: "Our two helicopters are still afraid of them, let's chase them!"

So he contacted Abin who was in another helicopter and pursued that helicopter together.

But Zhu Xiao, who was being chased, encountered two helicopters from the Northern Federation not long after he separated from Lao Bi and the others.

The cannon-eyed man sitting in the co-pilot immediately fired two rockets, and then shouted: "Run!"

Zhu Xiao did not hesitate and quickly turned around.

Cannon immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to contact his third uncle who was dozens of kilometers away.

"Minister, we have encountered northern federal helicopters. We need to guide them to the southeast. You should try to stay away from this direction to avoid being discovered by them."


A few seconds later, the third uncle's calm voice came: "I know, be careful, keep a safe distance, don't get hit by the enemy helicopter."


Cannon turned his head and looked at the enemy planes behind him, wishing they could touch each other, but he knew the importance of the mission.

Now is not the time for him to play around, so what if he can shoot down the helicopters of the Northern Federation.

Their mission is to lure the enemy over and cover the actions of Uncle San and others.

This is the most important!

(Please vote for me) (End of this chapter)

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