Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1100 The prologue begins, please close your eyes when it gets dark

"Call the headquarters. We encountered an Oil City helicopter eighty kilometers outside the Federation. We are now pursuing it. Please ask for support!" The observer used a military radio to urgently contact the Northern Federation.

In the Northern Federation.

Yuan Liming from the Communications Department was shocked when he received the news.

Stumbled to Governor Yuan Zhi's office.

"Cousin, there is news from Huo Jian who is on a flight patrol outside today. They have discovered an enemy plane in Oil City eighty kilometers away. They are now chasing them. They are asking for support!" Yuan Liming said breathlessly after coming in.

"What?" Yuan Zhi put down the towel in his hand and his expression changed drastically.

He frowned tightly and immediately said to Yuan Liming: "Notify Han Li and ask him to send half of the helicopters to pursue him."

"Okay!" Yuan Liming immediately turned around and left after hearing this.

"Wait!" Yuan Zhi suddenly shouted.

"You just said that Huo Jian and the others discovered how many helicopters from Oil City?"

"Um, one." Yuan Liming replied after thinking for a while.

Rumors were flying all over the Northern Federation, and Yuan Liming naturally heard some of them.

He had a sense of fear about the mysterious oil city. In this anxious state, he suddenly received news from Huo Jian, which made him a little confused.

After hearing Yuan Liming say there was only one helicopter, Yuan Zhi thought for a while and asked: "The one we sent out was not a helicopter, right?"

"It seems to be two patrol planes. Cousin, you just gave the order yesterday." Yuan Liming said.

Yuan Zhi did not answer immediately.

He held the hot towel and walked back and forth in front of the table.

After pacing for about two minutes, his eyes narrowed and he said: "Don't let Han Li reinforce us, and let Huo Jian and the others come back!"

"Ah? Why?" Yuan Liming was a little confused about Yuan Zhi.

Yuan Zhi said angrily: "When you hear the order, execute it immediately. How many times do you have to ask me to say it again!"

Yuan Liming saw his cousin angry, so he shrugged his head and said quickly: "I understand, I will inform you right away."

After that, he left the office.

After he left, Ma Song's eyes flickered, and he approached and asked, "Governor, are you worried about an ambush?"

Yuan Zhi nodded and said, "Well, Fan Haiyang said that there are at least four helicopters in Oil City. Even if not all of them are sent, there is definitely more than one."

"Since there is more than one helicopter, but only one helicopter flew over rashly, it means that the people in Oil City must have other purposes. Maybe this is just a bait. Their real purpose is to lure all our helicopters out. Take the opportunity to attack us from other directions!”

Just at this time.

Chao Yuan, the commander of the outpost, rushed in.

"Governor, helicopters have been spotted north and west of the post! They seem to know where our post is and are specifically bombing our post. If we don't stop them, they will blow up all the outposts near the Federation!"


Yuan Zhi thought to himself!

It turns out that the purpose of Oil City is here!

Their northern federal outpost is like their eyes.

The alert range of the Northern Federation can be extended to dozens of kilometers away.

If all their outposts are blown up, it will be difficult for them to understand the surrounding situation.

The artillery attack range in the Northern Federation is limited and cannot hit dozens of kilometers away.

Moreover, the helicopter is too sensitive. Even if the artillery can hit it at such a long distance, the probability of hitting it is astonishingly low.

There is only one solution to this problem, and that is to send helicopters to fight them in the air.

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhi threw away the towel and said to Chaoyuan:

"Go and notify Han Li and ask him to send two helicopters to immediately intercept the helicopters in Oil City."

"I remember that Sima Dong still has two helicopters in his hands. Now follow Han Li's command! Let them pass quickly!"

"In addition, let Wang An from the patrol team go out with the patrol team and cooperate with Han Li and others to attack on the ground."

Yuan Zhi issued several orders without hesitation.

Upon hearing this, Chaoyuan nodded quickly and said, "I understand, I'll inform you right away!"

Leave in a hurry.

at the same time.

About twenty kilometers away from the northern federal fence.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


A guard tower was hit by two rockets.


Before the people on the guard tower could react, the tower collapsed and buried them, crushing them to death.

Along the way, they bombed the sentry towers they saw. This was the third sentry tower they bombed.

Free and free, the Northern Federation has no power to fight back.

Yang Tianlong in the helicopter shouted: "It's great! The map of the Northern Federation drawn by this minister is really useful, the sentry towers are marked so clearly!"

Lao Bi looked as usual and was not happy about blowing up several northern federal sentry towers. He always remembered his mission, covered the third uncle and the others' infiltration, and tried to make as much noise as possible here.

As long as they make more noise here, the possibility of Third Uncle and the others being discovered becomes lower.

They wantonly bombed every sentry tower they could see in the northern part of the Northern Federation.

Air versus ground already has a huge advantage.

What's more, these sentry towers deployed by the Northern Federation are not equipped with anti-aircraft guns or anti-aircraft machine guns. It is difficult to hit helicopters at a height of one thousand meters with automatic rifles alone.

They also don't get close to the Northern Federation, because they know that there are anti-aircraft guns in the Northern Federation, and they will be shot down if they get too close.

Just keep bombing within a range of about ten to twenty kilometers from the Northern Federation!

Just as they bombed the fifth guard tower, Lao Bi suddenly saw a helicopter flying from the Northern Federation in the distance.

So he immediately pulled the helicopter up, quickly changed its direction, and flew rapidly to the north.

Han Li, who was following behind and piloting the helicopter himself, looked at the escaping Oil City helicopter with a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

Run away!

Let me see where you can run!

So he drove the helicopter and quickly pursued it.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't catch up with these people in Oil City!

The helicopter configurations of both parties are similar, but the firepower configuration of the helicopters is different.

The firepower configuration of the Da Zhangshu base is obviously better than that of the Northern Federation, but not much better.

There are also weapons experts in the Northern Federation, who have installed rapid-fire machine guns and rockets on helicopters.

When Lao Bi saw the helicopter chasing after him, instead of being frightened, he was very happy.

Chase me, chase me quickly, I'm afraid you won't catch me.

The other side.

After receiving the news from Zhu Xiao and the others, the third uncle did not choose a place to stop.

Instead, it accelerated its speed and maintained a low-altitude flying attitude.

When Third Uncle and the others explored the Northern Federation before, they had already figured out most of the sentry towers around the Northern Federation, especially the road they were flying over at this time.

In addition, they had found a suitable location for their helicopter a few days ago.

They stepped through the point in advance. As long as they flew over without being discovered, their mission would be more than half completed.

Twenty minutes later.

They finally arrived at a village about thirty kilometers away southwest of the Northern Federation.

They had researched the area and found that there were no sentry towers for several kilometers around, so they chose this place.

The places where the Northern Federation has the most guard towers are in the southeast and due south directions.

Southwest happens to be a relatively safe route.

This village has long been abandoned, with tall and short houses scattered here and there.

But these houses are basically dilapidated, and the walls are also covered with a thin layer of ice, which reflects light in the sun.

Before the end of the world, this village should have been a large village with relatively dense buildings. These buildings could also cover up Uncle San and his helicopters.

Buzz buzz——

The helicopter landed.

They immediately got out of the helicopter and parked it in front of a building.

The entire fuselage of the helicopter that Uncle San and the others were flying was spray-painted with white paint, and even the rotors were spray-painted.

The entire body appears white.

On the white snow and ice ground, as long as it doesn't move, the helicopter is almost integrated with the ground.

It is difficult to distinguish clearly from a high altitude view.

Only when you get to the ground and look straight can you realize that it is a helicopter.

Lao Qin stayed in the helicopter and watched, while Uncle San, Ant, Lao Luo and others quickly pushed the heavy artillery into the building.

Ant and Jackal installed self-exploding bombs on the drone.

The third uncle walked into the building and saw Lao Luo, Xiao Liu and others assembling some accessories of the heavy artillery.

So he said to everyone: "When you are ready, go to bed early. There are big things to do tonight!"

After saying that, he returned to the helicopter and sat in front of the military radio.

After pondering for a few seconds, he said:

"Xiaoyu, we have arrived at the designated location, everything is ready, just wait until dark!"

More than a hundred kilometers away, Li Yu on Jinggui Mountain heard the news about his third uncle.

Suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they persist until night without being discovered by people from the north, they will basically succeed.

So he quickly said: "Can Lao Bi and the others be asked to withdraw?"

The third uncle replied: "We can withdraw."


Li Yu immediately informed Lao Bi, "Lao Bi, you can withdraw!"

"Lao Bi, the city lord allows us to withdraw!" Yang Tianlong said after hearing the voice on the military radio.

Lao Bi looked at the helicopter that was still chasing behind him, and couldn't help but cursed: "Idiot, that guy from the Northern Federation is still chasing him!"

He has been flying for more than an hour. Compared with the helicopter that flew out of the Northern Federation, the helicopter driven by Lao Bi definitely does not have as much fuel left as the one in the Northern Federation.

If the Northern Federation helicopter keeps chasing them and they don't fight back, they may run out of fuel and have to make an emergency landing.

At that time, the helicopters of the Northern Federation still had fuel, and they could bomb them from high altitude when they made an emergency landing.

Lao Bi told Li Yu about this situation.

Li Yu thought of two ways.

One is a head-to-head fight. Damn it, if you keep chasing me, I might as well fight you before the fuel runs out.

The second one was a bet, asking Lao Bi to divert and fly south, and let the helicopters pursuing him from the north follow him.

We flew hundreds of kilometers away to see if they had any fuel for the return trip. If not, they would have to return to the north sooner or later after flying for an hour and a half. At least there should be enough fuel on the way back.

On the other hand, it puts pressure on them. After all, if they fly south, they may face an ambush arranged by Oil City on the road.

So Li Yu gave Lao Bi and the others a second suggestion.

After hearing this, Lao Bi felt that it made sense and immediately flew south in a roundabout way.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Xiao circled around and returned to Jinggui Mountain without finding the tracking enemy plane.

Twenty minutes later, Hua Chen also made a circle and returned to Jinggui Mountain.

None of them encountered the federal enemies in the north who had been chasing them, so it was relatively smooth.

But on Lao Bi's side, it had been two hours since Lao Bi took off, and the helicopter behind him had been pursuing him for an hour and twenty minutes.

In a Northern Federation helicopter.

"Captain, if we don't return, we won't have enough fuel to go back!" the co-pilot's observer said.

Han Li controlled the helicopter and said through gritted teeth: "The helicopter in front has been flying longer than us and must have less fuel than us. I can't catch up!"

The observer hesitated and said, "But... we are too far away from the headquarters now, and we have been flying south in case there is an ambush."

Han Li frowned and said:

"Give me another five minutes."

After saying that, he pressed the weapon button and two shells flew over.

But because the distance was too far, it still failed to hit Lao Bi and the others.

Two minutes later, the observer said: "Sima Dong and his helicopter have returned. We"

Han Li ignored it.

Another two minutes passed.

The observer added: "Captain, if we don't return, it will be too late. If we return now, we won't have enough fuel to get back!"

"Fuck! You really know how to run away, these people from Oil City are really a bunch of cowards!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and flew towards the Northern Federation.

The co-pilot's observer saw Han Li doing this and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to end up running out of fuel and die outside.

And flying all the way here, he was terrified, fearing that two more helicopters from Oil City would suddenly fly out and ambush them.

Lao Bi saw that the helicopter behind him finally returned.

He, who had always been calm, shouted happily at this time: "Finally, I'm not going to chase you anymore! Damn it!"

"Kill them tonight! Damn it! It's so uncomfortable to be chased away all the time!" Yang Tianlong cursed.

"Kill them!" Old Bi said.

Yang Tianlong looked at the fuel tank dashboard and said, "Lao Bi, do we have to find a place to land and refuel the helicopter? I think we will not have enough fuel when we fly back to Jinggui Mountain."

After thinking for a while, Lao Bi said: "Don't worry, those people in the north haven't completely left yet. Wait until you can no longer see them before finding a place to fly down. The helicopter can stay dark for at least forty minutes."


Twenty minutes later, they found a place to refuel the helicopter.

Fifty minutes later, Lao Bi and others returned to Jinggui Mountain.

"You are finally back!" Li Yu said after seeing Lao Bi.

Lao Bi shook his head and said, "When we met a bastard, he kept chasing us away."

After hearing this, Li Yu smiled and patted Lao Bi on the shoulder.

He smiled and said:

"I have just contacted Third Uncle and the others, and they are ready."

"Everything is ready now, just waiting for dark."

Li Yu glanced at his watch and continued:

"There are still six hours until dark. When it gets dark, the game officially begins!"

Hearing this, Lao Bi, Zhu Xiao and others nodded heavily, with expectations in their eyes.

They wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of power the Type III potion was!

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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