Zheng Shiwu pondered for a long time and did not immediately agree to his third uncle's invitation.

After thinking for a long time, he nodded, "Okay."

"But I have a question."

"Who was the man who fought with me in the Octagon last time?"

When the third uncle heard this, he thought he was talking about the gangster next door.

So he replied: "Black Hand, in the ward opposite you."

Zheng Shiwu shook his head, "I know him. I'm not talking about him, but the young man who came on stage behind him. Who is he?"

This was the first time that he was beaten so badly. The man on the field claimed to be the referee, but in so many games before, there was only one host, Fat Tiger, who also served as the referee.

Obviously that person appeared suddenly.

When the third uncle heard what he said, he understood who he was talking about.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he decided to tell the truth.

"That's our city lord, the top leader of Oil City."

"City Lord?" Zheng Shiwu looked shocked. Does the City Lord of Oil City have such strong melee combat ability?

The city lord is in a high position, is still so young, and has such strong fighting ability. The combination of these things into one person gives him an unreal feeling.

He fought against the Oil City Lord for less than three minutes, but almost crushed him.

No matter in terms of strength, speed or fighting skills, he is stronger than him.

He took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "The city lord is really ridiculously strong."

He originally wanted to ask this person to see if he could have a chance to fight again.

After being beaten so badly, I felt somewhat dissatisfied.

But now, forget it.

After all, he is the lord of a city, so he may not be willing to play with him.

The third uncle looked at his expression and saw that he was a somewhat aggressive person.

He smiled and said, "If you want to play in close combat, you can play with them."

As he spoke, the third uncle looked at Lao Qin and the others behind him.

The judge looked at Zheng Shiwu and raised the corners of his mouth, "Yes, if you want to be tortured, you can play with us."

Zheng Shiwu's eyes were eager to try. Although he was eliminated initially, he was somewhat unwilling to do so. It was a rare opportunity to fight against them.


The judge looked at him wrapped up like a rice dumpling, waved his hand and said, "Let's wait until you recover from your injuries."

The third uncle suddenly stood up and said, "Zheng Shiwu, it's settled. When you recover from your injuries, you will go to the northwest to perform your mission. When you come back, you will be a third-level employee of the trading bazaar and receive 500 points."

Zheng Shiwu was in a very happy mood. Meeting his third uncle and the others made him feel that this trading market was more interesting.

"Okay, thank you Captain Qinglong, oh no, thank you Minister Li."

With a smile on his face, the third uncle led Lao Qin Jackal and others out of Ward 8.

Zheng Shiwu watched them walk out of the room, supported the bed rails with both hands, and slowly lay down, looking at a tree outside the window, his eyes twinkling.

This apocalypse is getting more and more fun.

After returning to Oil City, the third uncle contacted Li Yu and told Li Yu the conditions he had just met with Black Hand and Zheng Shiwu.

Li Yu had no objection when he heard the conditions given by his third uncle.

Since the third uncle recognized the abilities of these two people, it was a good deal to send them to the northwest to conduct such a difficult reconnaissance mission, giving them 500 points and two non-staff positions.

Big camphor tree base.

On the construction site of the buffer city, cars are flowing like water and horses are like dragons.

There are people coming and going, and vehicles are densely packed.

The height of the buffer city wall has reached 22 meters.

Hundreds of greenhouses have been built inside the wall. A single greenhouse covers an area of ​​10 acres, and hundreds of greenhouses cover thousands of acres.

The buffer city is huge, with an area of ​​more than 20,000 acres, roughly divided into several areas.

Greenhouse production areas, industrial areas, and residential areas, the remaining thousands of acres are temporarily vacant.

Among them, hypermarkets are located in residential areas.

Relying on the houses in the original buffer city, some residential houses were built in the surrounding area to provide housing for cooperative personnel.

Ding Ling clang——

A dark-skinned, burly man, carrying a hammer, hit the pile driver several times.


"Okay, it's broken in. Don't drill too hard when you're drilling. Raise it up occasionally so it won't get stuck." The dark-skinned man wiped his sweat and shouted to the man on the excavator.

"Okay, thank you, Master Shi."

The burly man waved his right hand to indicate that it was okay, and then returned to a mechanical repair center next to the construction site with a hammer.

There are now at least hundreds of vehicles entering and leaving the buffer city every day. If some vehicles break down, it is not easy to get them all to the maintenance factory in the Second Outer City for repair.

In addition, there are various equipment on the construction site, such as cranes, concrete mixers, concrete dump trucks, excavators, bulldozers, pile drivers, static pile drivers, concrete pumps, etc.

So we simply built a factory shed near the construction site and recruited some knowledgeable and professional maintenance technicians from our partners to repair mechanical failures at the construction site.

Shi Jingsheng returned to the maintenance center shirtless and carrying a hammer, sweating profusely.

He sat down on a bamboo chair and said, "Old Liu, you said it's already mid-September, why is it still so hot today?"

Master Liu was repairing the air pressure pump with a screwdriver and a wrench without even raising his head.

"Before the end of the world, the temperature didn't even drop until after October. What's more, natural disasters happen from time to time. It's only 40 degrees, which is already pretty good."

Shi Jingsheng heard this and thought about it carefully. It made sense.

After all, compared with the extremely hot natural disasters that occurred before, the current 40 degrees is too mild.

At this time, a man came out from under an electric truck parked on the right side of the factory shed, "Old Shi, come here, this electric truck has a problem. Don't you know about batteries? Come and help me fix it."

Shi Jingsheng had just sat down to rest, and he was called up again. He sighed and walked over.

He spent the day repairing things from morning to night without stopping.

However, it was not bad to get 1.3 points a day.

He used to follow Le Ziqing, but because of the maintenance workers here, he simply came here.

Since the construction of the buffer city, the current large camphor tree base has a great influence among the cooperative personnel.

Originally, these cooperative personnel were in groups. Later, because people from various professional fields were needed during the construction process, they were all transferred out, and many groups were disbanded.

Just like Shi Jingsheng, he was originally in the 45th group, and now he is in the maintenance center, and there are people from different groups 23, 98, 58, and 56.

And it seems that this maintenance center will continue to be opened.

However, it is not bad to stay in the buffer city for maintenance for a day without going out for risky transportation and get 1.3 points.

In the inner city monitoring room, Li Hang sat on a chair and randomly checked the monitoring screen of the hypermarket and the screen outside the duty room of the wall.

Behind him, there were Dong Zheng, Liu Chi and others, helping to watch.

After the routine weekly spot check was completed and no problems were found, he stood up.

Said to the monitor:

"If you find any abnormalities, report to me at any time."

"Yes." The monitor nodded and replied.

After walking out of the monitoring room, Li Hang suddenly turned his head and said to Dong Zheng, Liu Chi, and Qingyang behind him: "We will go to the Oil City tomorrow. We will monitor there at that time. You are all ready."

Dong Zheng is not very old, and he was excited to hear that he could go to the Oil City.

"Director, I haven't been to Oil City yet. What does it look like there?"

Li Hang was stunned by the question. He hadn't been there for a long time. If it weren't for his supervision work, he might not have been able to go to Oil City.

"You'll know when you get there. Don't ask so many questions."

This time, we went to Oil City to set up a supervision team in Oil City and the trading market. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to run back and forth from the Big Camphor Tree Base to Oil City.

We need to go to the North Border later.

Recently, we have been strictly investigating the Big Camphor Tree Base from top to bottom, and we have found a few small problems.

Since the last meeting of the Big Camphor Tree Base Center, he has served as the director of the Supervision Department, and he has been responsible for the supervision of the entire Big Camphor Tree force.

He can investigate and deal with any behavior that violates the Big Camphor Tree Management Regulations, such as corruption, treason, illegal operations, etc.

The scope of the supervision population is from top to bottom, from the first-level personnel to the fifth-level personnel.

But they can only supervise, not punish.

After the inspection has problems, they will be sorted and reported directly to Li Yu. After Li Yu checks, he will hand them over to his second uncle, eldest uncle or third uncle for punishment.

When Qingyang heard that they were going to the Oil City, he didn't say anything at first. When there were no other inspectors around Li Hang, Qingyang approached and whispered:

"Director, how long will it take to go to the Oil City?"

Li Hang looked around and saw that there was no one else, "Call me second brother."

Qingyang nodded, "Okay, second brother, how long will it take to go to the Oil City? If it takes too long, I have to tell Yuanzi first, otherwise I'm afraid she will be angry."

Li Hang almost laughed when he heard it.

My little sister really eats Qingyang up, and I have to report before going out.

Holding back the smile, he said seriously: "Don't worry, I will help you tell her later, it's not going out to play, we are going out for serious business."

"That's good, thank you second brother." Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

The second outer city.

Most of the factories here have moved to the buffer city.

Only one food processing plant and one machinery maintenance plant remain.

This machinery maintenance plant now mainly repairs some high-end things, such as helicopters, tanks, and armored vehicles.

In addition to these, it also serves as a mechanical technology research institute.

At present, many maintenance tasks are handed over to the maintenance center in the buffer city.

Outside the food processing plant, an electric pickup truck transported two tons of flour into the plant.

Originally, my second uncle was responsible for the food factory, but later, more and more industrial plants were built, and he only managed cement plants, textile plants, and paint plants, but these factories had corresponding responsible factory directors.

After the first Dazhangshu Base Center meeting, the organizational structure was rebuilt.

An industrial production department was set up, and he served as the Minister of Industry.

Food production belongs to light industry, which is equivalent to him taking charge of light and heavy industries.

But after being promoted to the Minister of Industry, he naturally did not have so much energy to manage the food factory.

The person in charge of the food factory had to find someone else to replace him. Among the group of experts and top students who came from the southwest before, there were two masters of food engineering.

One is called Qu Huaxiang and the other is called Xiang Hua.

So they appointed the more stable Qu Huaxiang as the factory director, and the more professional Xiang Hua as the chief technician.

Due to the importance of food safety, the second aunt was appointed as the deputy factory director, mainly to let her supervise the factory and play a check and balance role. Qu Huaxiang and Xiang Hua are responsible for the specific affairs in the factory.

In the factory, Xiang Hua was wearing work clothes and commanding everyone:

"The raw materials are put into the mixer according to the proportion. The second team starts the equipment to preheat. Now the production of other products is suspended and the moon cakes are produced first."

Although Wang Ping is the deputy director of the factory, she is just a layman. After joining the factory, she rarely speaks, but listens and learns more.

Dabie Mountains, deep.

The sun shines through the sparse clouds and onto the lush virgin forest.

The towering trees stand like guardian angels. Their branches and leaves are intricately intertwined, as if fighting for that glimmer of life.

The tree trunks are covered with moss, like the traces of time gently caressing them.

The light shuttles through the forest, forming beams of light that fall on the roots of old trees, or on the intricate root systems on the ground. These root systems are like veins on the ground, tightly wound and supporting the huge living body.

It's autumn, and the leaves are falling all over the ground.

The roots of a towering tree were covered with fallen leaves, and there were two slightly raised hills.

"Brother Zhu, we have been waiting for three hours. Does the trap you set work?"

"Believe me, the black bear excrement and trampling marks found earlier indicate that black bears often pass by here, and the footprints are still fresh, so they must be active nearby."

"Okay, the barbecue restaurant you suggested to Brother Ming before was a great idea. I've earned a lot of points during this period."

"Hush, don't talk, listen carefully, it seems it's coming."

Sun Peng immediately closed his mouth and looked around in horror.

The two of them were wearing homemade camouflage clothes, with a layer of fallen leaves on the surface of the clothes, leaving only their two eyes exposed.

swish swish——

Suddenly, a tall black bear appeared in front of them. This black bear moved forward on all fours and crawled slowly.

Zhu Ziming became extremely excited after seeing the black bear.

This black bear looks like it weighs at least 300 kilograms. Catching a 300 kilogram black bear is enough to catch hundreds of pheasants.

It is better to have more meat from such large animals, and you will get rich if you catch one.

However, this large carnivore is also extremely dangerous to capture, and you may end up eating it if you are not careful.

So they basically catch this large animal through traps.

The two of them watched the black bear step by step closer to the trap they had set, and their hearts almost jumped out of their throats.


The black bear stepped on the dead branches and leaves. The dead branches and leaves could not bear the huge weight of the black bear, and the black bear's huge body suddenly fell.


The black bear fell into a trap that had been dug long ago.

Phew! Phew!

The sharp wooden thorns in the trap instantly pierced the huge black bear.

Seeing the black bear fall, Zhu Ziming jumped up from behind the big tree excitedly.

Leaves fell from his body.

"It's done!"

he yelled, running excitedly towards the trap.

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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