Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1533: On the edge of a knife, escaping from death

In a trap about two and a half meters high, a huge male black bear fell in a pool of blood.

His abdomen and thighs were pierced by three sharp wooden thorns.


The black bear lying in a pool of blood roared. It was still alive after being seriously injured, and its vitality was extremely tenacious.

"Contact other people and ask them to come and help."

As Zhu Ziming spoke, he raised the compound crossbow in his hand and shot an arrow at the majestic black bear's head.

Phew! !

The sharp arrow feathers pierced the black bear's head and took away its life.

Sun Peng used the walkie-talkie to contact the team members on other hills and asked them to come over quickly to help.

It would be difficult for the two of them to bring such a big black bear back to the temporary shelter before dark.

"Brother Zhu, they will be here soon." Sun Peng put the walkie-talkie back into the package, looked at the black bear in the pit, rubbed his hands, and looked excited.

This black bear alone was worth their trip.

This black bear weighs at least three hundred kilograms. Even if the skin and bones are removed, even if it is only half, it still weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms.

If this pile of meat was returned to the trading market for recycling, it would be worth at least hundreds of points.

A kilogram of fresh meat sold to survivors in the trading bazaar costs 8 points, but they only get 4 points when sold to the Oil City officials. If there is a hand in the middle, the trading bazaar can make half of it.

But they had no choice. Points could only be transferred in the trading market.

In other words, the prey they capture can either be sold to the trading market at a low price, or they can only open a barbecue restaurant like now and process it themselves before selling it.

But opening a barbecue restaurant in a trading market

They have to pay catering tax, which is ridiculously high. With a tax rate of 35% on turnover, plus the cost of rent, their profit can only be left with a little more than half.

But at least it will be more points than directly exchanging it with the Oil City official.

In addition, they have another way, which is to trade with other survivors outside the trading market.

The trading market does not prevent such behavior and has no right to stop them.

But for many people, this is too risky, and they are afraid of being cheated when trading.

Moreover, there is so much fresh meat that ordinary forces cannot eat it.

Since points cannot be used for private transactions, they can only barter.

There is also a problem with barter, and that is the mismatch between supply and demand. Xie Dongming and others sell pork to get what they want, but the buyer may not have it.

Moreover, because it is endorsed by the trading market, they prefer to save points.

With points, you can redeem them for what you want anytime and anywhere in the trading market.

After so many years of unstable environment, they don’t know when a natural disaster will break out.

Therefore, everyone consciously accumulates points so that when natural disasters come, they can use the points in their hands to exchange for food.

The reason why they trust the trading market so much is because the excellent performance of the trading market and Oil City during the last thunderstorm disaster made them believe in the strength of this city.

The sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves.

A ray of sunshine happened to shine on Zhu Ziming's cheek.

He looked around and after making sure there were no zombies, he placed the compound crossbow on the ground.

Take out a small shovel from the back and shovel the soil away from the edge bit by bit.

Slowly shovel out a slight slope to make it easier to drag the bear up later.

After shoveling for more than ten minutes, he wiped his sweat and threw the shovel to Sun Peng.

"You come."

As he spoke, he straightened up, hammered his lower back and looked at the time.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

There were still three and a half hours until dark. They were in the primeval forest, and it would get dark much faster than outside.

It normally gets dark at half past six during the trading market, but in this primeval forest.

It got dark at half past five. The lush tree crowns blocked the sunlight, and it was impossible to see the ground clearly with only the thin moonlight.

It took three and a half hours to transport the black bear back to the temporary shelter, which was quite difficult.

Time is running out.

swish swish——

Zhu Ziming heard a sound from behind and suddenly picked up the compound crossbow on the ground.

Catching animals in the wild is dangerous. Not only do you have to worry about zombies and zombie animals, but you also have to be wary of other groups of survivors.

"Brother Zhu, it's me." Wang Jing and Xie Zihao came over.

Seeing that it was his teammates, Zhu Ziming, who had tense muscles, relaxed.

Scared me to death.

Xie Zihao ran over excitedly, "I heard that I caught a big black bear. Let's take a look."

When he ran to the trap and saw the black bear in a pool of blood, his face was filled with shock.

"Fuck, it's so big! This time we are rich again!"

Wang Jing came over with a smile and cheered everyone:

"Brother Xie told us that we now have more than 1,500 points. The meat of this black bear alone, plus the rabbit and porcupine we just caught, will probably be sold in barbecue restaurants for several days."

Everyone has a happy smile on their face, and the days are getting better and better.

1,500 points, on average each of them has nearly a hundred points.

This is much faster than the workers working on the construction site can earn points!

Those workers only earn 0.5 points a day, but this black bear alone has hundreds of points.

Zhu Ziming glanced at his watch again and told everyone:

"It's getting dark, hurry up and drag the body out to deal with it, otherwise it will easily attract zombies."

Wen Qian and Xie Zihao went down to the pit, used four thick ropes to form a net, and then pulled the ropes up.

"Come on, work hard together." Zhu Ziming said to everyone while pulling the rope.





Everyone worked together to slowly pull the black bear up.

The big black bear weighing 300 kilograms was pulled up.

Wang Jing skillfully took out a bag from her backpack, which was full of extremely crushed dry soil. She evenly sprinkled a layer of dry soil on the wound of the black bear.

The soil has a certain adsorption capacity and can absorb and fix odor molecules.

Sprinkling soil can cover the bloody smell on the black bear.

The leader of their expedition team is Xie Dongming, but since they opened the barbecue restaurant, Xie Dongming has been stationed in the barbecue restaurant with four people.

Others need to come to the mountain to buy "goods" every now and then.

Hunting in the mountains is very risky, but the rewards are also great.

So Zhu Ziming led the team to catch prey and then send it back to the store for use.

In the past month, they have entered the mountain four or five times.

Zhu Ziming looked at the black bear and said to everyone: "Wen Qian, Sun Peng, you two are strong, carry it for a while, and we will go back to the shelter first. It will be dark in three hours."


"Okay, Brother Zhu."

The two stepped forward and lifted up the 300-jin black bear.

It's heavy!

The two were very strong, but it was still a bit difficult.

Zihao and Wang Jing and others were holding it on the side.

Zhu Ziming picked up the tools on the ground and put them in his bag.

"Let's go!"

The Dabie Mountains are very big. They walked for a day to get here after entering.

The temporary shelter is just behind the valley, and it takes about two hours to get there.

It's still three hours before dark, and it's still in time to get there before dark if they set off now.

Just as they stood up and were about to leave, there was a rustling sound from behind.

Zhu Ziming has good hearing and turned his head to look behind him instantly.

He frowned and raised the crossbow in his hand to the direction behind him.

"What's the matter? Brother Zhu?" Wang Jing asked.

Zhu Ziming frowned, "Something's wrong, let's go quickly."

As he retreated, he looked at the bushes behind him vigilantly. With his sense of smell cultivated by many years of wilderness survival, he felt that there was something staring at them from behind.

Although he didn't know what it was, it gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Wen Qian and Sun Peng carried the black bear's body up, and Miao Shi in front of them took a machete to cut off branches and twigs to clear the way for them.

Zihao, Tian Shiming and the other two held the black bear to help relieve the pressure on Sun Peng and the others.

Wang Jing and Zhu Ziming were the rear guards.

After walking for more than ten meters, a black and yellow shadow suddenly jumped down from the tree on the right.

It pounced on the black bear corpse they were carrying,


Sun Peng and Wen Qian could not withstand the collision of external forces, and they immediately lost their strength, and the black bear corpse fell down.

"Golden Leopard!" Zhu Ziming exclaimed after seeing the golden leopard.

He raised his crossbow and was about to shoot.

But at this moment, the golden leopard pounced on Xie Zihao.

Xie Zihao, who was lying on the ground, watched the golden leopard pounce on him and quickly rolled over to escape.

He reacted quickly, but he was still a step slower.


The sharp claws of the golden leopard scratched the clothes on his back, leaving several blood marks.



The arrow flew and hit the leopard's lower back.

The leopard felt the pain and fled quickly, jumping into the dark bushes.

Zhu Ziming followed, but he stopped four or five meters away from the bushes and slowly retreated.

The injured leopard looked at the human in front of him, with fear and a hint of anger in his eyes.

It lowered its hind legs slightly, and was about to jump over and tear the human to pieces.

Suddenly, it seemed to smell something terrible.

It gave up on knocking Zhu Ziming down, and instead ran in the opposite direction, in a panic.


Zhu Ziming watched the branches in front of him sway, and stopped after a few seconds, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The leopard was gone, he was sure.

"Zihao! Zihao!"

A shout came from behind, and he quickly turned his head and ran back.

Xie Zihao fainted on the ground, his clothes were torn, and there were three bloodstains on his back, bloody and blurred.

The fighting power of the golden leopard is very strong, and they are very good at fighting. They are good at using claws and biting, and their attack methods are very rich, and their fighting skills are also very superb.

And they can also climb trees. This animal belongs to the top of the food chain in the Dabie Mountains.

Zhu Ziming ran over and squatted on the ground to check his wound.

Three sharp claws pierced into Xie Zihao's back, and the wound was very deep, at least two centimeters.

And it is still bleeding.


Xie Zihao is the son of their captain Xie Dongming. Now that Xie Zihao is in trouble, how can he explain to Xie Dongming when he goes back!

"First aid kit!" Zhu Zihao said to Wang Jing.

Wang Jing took the first aid kit from the backpack quickly.

Because they often hunted in this dangerous mountain forest, the risk was very high, so after they had a lot of points, they spent a lot of money to buy some rescue supplies.

Zhu Ziming opened the first aid kit and took out a plastic bottle from it.

Unscrewing the bottle cap, the pungent smell of alcohol came from inside.

"Take off his clothes." Zhu Ziming said to Wen Qian and the others.

Wen Qian quickly helped and carefully took off Xie Zihao's clothes.

Zhu Ziming poured a little medical alcohol into his palms without hesitation and scrubbed his hands.

Then he fell towards the wound on Xie Zihao's back.

Watching the alcohol pouring down, Wang Jing and others felt heartbroken.

This medical alcohol is not cheap, and those points just poured out are worth a lot!

Zhu Ziming quickly took out the bandages, asked Wen Qian to help Xie Zihao up, and wrapped several circles of bandages on him.

Then, he took out some anti-inflammatory medicine and forced two pills into Xie Zihao's mouth. After feeding him two mouthfuls of water to make sure he swallowed it, he immediately stood up.

"Lao Meng, Tian Shiming, you two help Zihao go. We will go back to the shelter tonight and go directly to the trading market tomorrow. Zihao's wound is very deep. This alone cannot be treated. He must go to the clinic in the trading market for treatment. !”

Lao Meng and Tian Shiming didn't talk nonsense. They went directly to help Xie Zihao up, one on each side.

Xie Zihao's package was carried by Wang Jing.

At this time, Wang Jing and several others had a lot of packages.

They carried Sun Peng and Wen Qian's packages, because Sun Peng and Wen Qian also had to carry a big black bear.

"Go quickly!" Zhu Ziming said anxiously, his tone full of anxiety and uneasiness.

He was very anxious.

He glanced at his watch and saw that he had just wasted ten minutes in the confrontation with the leopard.

In two hours and forty minutes, it will be dark.

If they can't get back to the shelter before dark, they all have to be blamed here.

It took so many of them a whole day to build that shelter, and it was too late to temporarily build it now.

Everyone packed up their things and were about to continue setting off.




I saw one, two, three, four, or five wild boars running out of the bushes behind.

The wild boars are extremely majestic, almost each weighing more than two hundred kilograms.

Black mane, originally black skin now white.

The fangs, which are nearly 15 centimeters long, look very ferocious and ferocious.

The scarlet eyes seemed to tell everyone that they were infected.


Zhu Ziming gasped, his hands holding the crossbow trembling.

"Zombie Boar."

Fuck fuck fuck!

Generally speaking, wild boars are strong and powerful, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

Domestic pigs are extremely fat animals with little fighting power.

But wild boars are different. They have thick bodies, well-developed muscles, and strong sinews all over their bodies. Their tusks are sharp and long, and can easily break human bones, and can even break an adult's bones. In addition, the wild boar's skin is rough and hard and can resist certain physical attacks.

What's more, it's a zombie wild boar. A zombie wild boar is more reckless and less afraid of death than a wild boar.

What Zhu Ziming and the others were most afraid of encountering in the primeval forest was zombie boars.

Damn it!

Such bad luck!

I actually encountered so many fucking zombie boars today!

Everyone turned around and saw the group of zombie boars behind them.

When they saw these zombie boars, they knew that today was over.

A normal wild boar might dig up the soil before attacking.

But the zombie wild boar has a completely damaged brain and only has one biological instinct: to attack and eat!

These zombie wild boars came out of the bushes, and upon discovering Zhu Ziming and the others, they rushed over without any hesitation.

"Zhu Zhu. Zhu. Brother Zhu, what should we do?" Wang Jing, who was next to Zhu Ziming, had a trembling voice, her whole body was shaking, and there was even a cry in her voice.

Seeing the zombie wild boar rushing towards him, Zhu Ziming's pupils narrowed and he suddenly looked at the black bear corpse behind him, and he instantly had an idea.

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