When Manager Zhou saw the gun in Li Yu's hand, he was a little dazed for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Brother, who are you scaring?"

Li Yu shot directly to the side.

bang bang bang!

The bullet hit the nearby steel plate, splashing sparks.

Manager Zhou was stunned for a moment, trembling all over, and said: "Brother, you have the final say. You can carry this cement as you please."

The seven or eight men behind also saw Li Yu take out a gun and immediately ran into the factory.

Li Yu said to Li Tie and others behind him: "Go and bring the gun."

Seeing Li Hang holding the gun behind him, he nodded and said, "Come with me."

Pointing the gun at Manager Zhou, he said, "How many of you are there now?"

Manager Zhou said tremblingly: "Yes, yes, there are also some part-time workers. There are about ten people in total."

Hearing this, Li Yu pointed a gun at him and asked him to lead the way in to see these people.

Manager Zhou raised his hand and walked slowly into the factory.

Li Yu was impatient and put a gun to Manager Zhou's head.

"hurry up!"

Li Hang and Li Hongyuan followed behind.

Inside the factory building, in a hall, there were several men standing at the door just now, holding some sticks.

But seeing Li Yu and Li Hang holding guns, they seemed to realize that it was of no use.

So he dropped it on the ground like a hot yam.

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at these people. Although they looked a little embarrassed, he felt that these people should have never been short of food.

Especially this Manager Zhou, who can still maintain such a beer belly and a shiny face.

Li Yu pointed his gun at this group of people, thinking about how to deal with it. Moving it would be a big problem later.

Suddenly at this time, there were some subtle sounds.

Li Yu was attracted, and then pointed a gun at Manager Zhou, asking him to squat on the ground with the group of people, raise his hands and not move.

Li Hang held his gun and looked at these people.

Li Yu and Li Hongyuan walked in the direction of the sound. There was a room next to the hall.

When we arrived at the door of this room, it was a hollow iron door. At first glance, it looked a bit like the iron door of a prison.

There are six people in the room,

The face is somewhat familiar, as if it was when Li Yu and the others built the base.

Some of the people recruited were from their town, and three of them were from the neighboring village.

If these people do not go out to work, they will find some jobs locally, but there are few stable jobs, so they often have to do odd jobs.

After building the base wall for Li Yu and the others, Li Yu paid them the wages and let them go, including some goods that entered the base behind, and did not let them see.

These workers helped build the walls of the base.

Li Yu saw that these few people were completely different from the people outside. Some of them were sallow and thin, and even lying weakly on the bed.

A little curious.

At this time, on a bed, there was a man in his forties who looked up and saw Li Yu and the others. He was a little surprised. After all, it was a town, and he had built a base for Li Yu and the others before.

So I still remember Li Yu and Li Hongyuan.

The man was lying on the bed and asked feebly: "Boss Li, why are you here?"

Li Yu did not answer his question, but asked: "Why are you so hungry? Why don't I think Manager Zhou and the others are very short of food?"

After speaking, Li Yu looked in the direction of Manager Zhou. Manager Zhou seemed to have heard the commotion here, and buried his head down with those squatting men.

"All of us work part-time. We work for one day, eat for one day, and get paid for one day. It's not bad to be alive now. Hey," the man lying on the bed sighed after finishing speaking.

But a younger man next to him said: "They are full-time employees. We are all part-timers. We are not in the same place. They don't count us together. They are all locals from Longhua Town, and they form a group."

The only man standing next to him said, "We had some food, but we've all eaten it up. They've taken away all the food in their cafeteria. They won't distribute it to us."

When Li Yu heard this, he felt that these part-time workers were so honest?

He looked at Manager Zhou's eight strong men.

I just wanted to ask, why don't you grab food?

At this time, the man lying on the bed glanced at Manager Zhou hatefully. Said: "They were afraid that we would steal their food. The night before yesterday, they locked us in this part-time employee dormitory while we were sleeping!"

"Just give us a little water and a little food every day. They want to starve us to death!"

And the only man standing said quietly: "I think they want to keep us, and when they have nothing to eat, they will eat us!"

As soon as the words came out, Li Hongyuan, who was standing outside the door, broke into a cold sweat.

Li Yu looked deeply at the man who spoke and felt that what he said was not impossible.

And there is a very high possibility that it is true.

Li Yu thought that when the base was built, there were about 30 people, but it took a few months to build a wall that was several kilometers long.

Now we need to build an urn city. Although the circumference is less than a hundred meters, there are not that many people. And the original ones were all skilled workers.

Li Yu looked at the six workers in front of him. These were all the people who helped Li Yu build the base wall.

They are relatively skilled.

Looking at the current situation, Manager Zhou and the others were also imprisoned here.

Li Yu thought for a while and decided to rescue them, which would be useful for building a base later!

As for whether they should enter the base, Li Yu hasn't decided yet. Even if you want to enter, you will definitely have to inspect it for a long time and be very cautious.

Li Yu opened the door and said, "I will rescue you."

Then he opened the door. At this moment, Li Tie and others came in with guns.

The workers were a little surprised to see Li Yu and the others holding guns, but the door opened.

Li Yu asked Li Hang to take out several boxes of instant noodles from the car.

When the six workers saw it, their eyes turned red instantly, and they ate it dry. Desperately stuffed it into the mouth.

Seeing this, Li Yu took a few bottles of water and handed them to them, saying, "Eat slowly!"

Several workers quickly thanked them.

Li Yu took Li Tie to look at other rooms, and found that their supplies were not particularly short.

Because it is a factory and there is a public canteen, food for dozens of people is stocked up all year round, including rice and the like.

Right now, there are three bags of fifty catties of rice in one of the rooms.

After Li Yu saw it, he asked the two brothers Li Haoxian to move into the car.

Li Yu saw the workers in the town who were devouring the room, the workers who helped build the base.

A little vigilant, he brought Li Tie and the others to say a few words, and asked them to keep an eye on their movements.

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Manager Zhou and the others.

Looking outside the door, there is a concrete house opposite,

Seeing that my uncle had already parked there with a heavy truck,

Pointing a gun at Manager Zhou and the others,

He said lightly: "Give me a reason not to kill you right now."

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