Manager Zhou raised his head when he heard this and said quickly: "We can help you carry the cement!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he still seemed to feel that it was not safe, so he said again: "Don't worry, we are professionals."

Li Yu looked at him funny, pointed to a few workers next to him, and then said: "They may be professional, can you do it? Besides, do you need to be professional to move cement?"


"Okay, then you guys move."

Manager Zhou and others stood up immediately after hearing this. Li Yu saw this and asked them to take Li Tie and others to the cement factory.

And the people at the corner also drove over in a car.

Manager Zhou opened the warehouse door, and several full-time workers behind him also stepped forward to prepare for the move.

When several part-time workers met Manager Zhou and the others, they immediately became tense and filled with smoke.

Preparing to fight, Li Yu saw this and shot into the sky.

"Move things first!" Li Yu shouted!

The part-time workers looked at Manager Zhou and the others with hatred. They were locked in a small room a few days ago, but they didn't suffer a lot.

Although he was full of hatred for Manager Zhou and others, he did not dare to resist in the face of the strong Li Yu.

I could only let go of my resentment and start moving the cement obediently.

Li Yu asked Li Haoran to bring the forklift in. The transportation would be much faster with a forklift.

The part-time worker who was devouring the instant noodles swallowed the food in his mouth and hurriedly drank a sip of water, but also wanted to step forward to help. After Li Yu saw it, he didn't stop him.

He rescued them and gave them food and drink. It was normal to put in some effort.

At this time, one of the middle-aged men with some white temples came over and looked at Manager Zhou and others.

He said to Li Yu: "Boss Xiao Li, Manager Zhou and the others are not good people. Boss Hua and his family were shut out by them before, and finally bitten by zombies."

Li Yu turned around, looked at him deeply, and said, "I understand."

After that, there is nothing more to say.

The man seemed to be hesitant to speak, but when he saw that Li Yu looked like he no longer wanted to speak, he stopped talking.

Li Yu beckoned to the other part-time workers and asked them to come over. After some inquiries, he was sure that what the man said just now was right, that it was indeed Manager Zhou and others who shut Boss Hua out of the door.

Li Yu's grandfather, Li Yushi, got off the car,

Seeing Manager Zhou and others inside the factory, he asked curiously: "Xiaoyu, who are these people?"

Li Yu replied: "These are enthusiastic workers, and they are helping us move things now."

A joyful smile appeared on Li Yushi's face and he said: "Then you can't treat others badly. You can give them something when the time comes."

Li Yu nodded, and answered in his heart: He was greedy and uttered wild words. If it wasn't for the guns, they might have done something. Boss Hua was also killed by them. Give them some bullets then.

Li Yu walked over and explained the situation with his uncle and others. Li Yu looked at Manager Zhou and others with obscure eyes, and said: "These people killed Boss Hua. When I was in the factory dormitory just now, I found out that the previous help The people who built the base wall were people from our side who did odd jobs. When I went there, I was also imprisoned by Manager Zhou and the others."

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong said: "They are not good people, or else." After saying this, he made a gesture of scratching his neck.

After hearing this, Li Hongyuan sighed and said, "Boss Hua is a nice guy, why are his people so cruel?"

Li Yu glanced at his father and said, "People seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, not to mention the end of the world. Dad, you can't use the old thinking to measure the current people's hearts."

Li Hongyuan raised his head and looked at Li Yu, with a sad look on his face, but he still nodded and said, "Xiaoyu, anyway, you are in charge now, and you can do whatever you want."

Li Yu looked at his uncle and said, "I think what Tianlong said is correct. Later."

After briefly chatting with everyone, Li Tie and Li Gang were asked to pay attention to these people at any time and shoot at any time if there was any abnormal movement.

6 large trucks can carry 180 tons of cement, and a bag of cement weighs almost 100 kilograms.

That’s about 3,600 bags. Because trucks can drive into the factory, transportation is easy.

With the help of a forklift, the speed is even faster.

Manager Zhou and other eight people, as well as those who originally helped Li Yu build the base, totaled 14 people. Move the cement out from the innermost part.

Yang Tianlong and his uncle drove a forklift for transportation.

During the moving period, perhaps it was because Manager Zhou seldom did such hard work.

After working for a while, I was covered in sweat and panting, squatting on the ground to rest.

But seeing Li Yu watching him from the side, he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

And those part-time workers, because they have been doing hard work all year round, endure hardships and stand hard work,

After eating and drinking, we moved for an hour without stopping.

The transportation started at nine o'clock in the morning and continued until one o'clock in the afternoon. Finally, all the cement was loaded onto the truck.

Li Yu originally thought that it would take a long time to move these things, but he didn't expect that there would be helpers so that the transportation would be so fast.

After the transportation was completed, Li Yu looked at the people in front of him and automatically divided into two groups.

Manager Zhou looked at Li Yu with sweat on his face and said flatteringly, "Boss Xiao Li, you think you are satisfied now."

Li Yu nodded and then ignored Manager Zhou.

Instead, he looked at the workers who had helped build the base before and said, "I give you two options. One is to help me build the wall like before, and I will give you food. I will build it for one day and give you food for the other day." One, you are free, I won’t care about you wherever you go.”

The part-time workers were a little happy when they heard this. It's the end of the world now. Although they have to work, having something to eat is the greatest luck.

But among the 6 people, not all of them seemed to want to go.

One of them was the first person to tell Li Yu that Manager Zhou killed Boss Hua. He was a little tangled, and said with a hint of embarrassment on his face: "I don't think I can go. I want to go home and have a look."

As soon as he said this, several part-time workers next to him also said they wanted to go home and have a look.

Li Yu pondered for a while, and it was only human nature to go home and take a look. It is also reasonable.

I asked several people for their home addresses and found that they were not far away. Two of them were in the town, and several others were in the next village. Without wasting time, we can let them go back and take a look.

So he said: "Okay, I can take you back to have a look. I will make a decision then."

Several part-timers were overjoyed and praised Li Yu one after another.

After that, Li Yu called Li Tie and asked these workers to sit in the heavy truck.

The heavy truck has not yet been filled with cement, and there are still many gaps inside.

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