Gan City.

Xing County.

Dongfeng and the others kept going all the way to the rumored camphor tree base.

In the past few days, Dajie's injury has not improved, but it has not worsened, but at least he has survived, which is something to be thankful for.

After several days of running around, they battled wits and courage with zombies along the way. They walked hard all the way, their faces covered with dust.

Wan Bo watched the sun set in the west and the sky became dark. He saw Jingxiu Driving School written on a fallen sign beside the national highway. He said to Dongfeng: "Boss Dongfeng, we have to find a place to spend the night. This sign says The driving school should be one kilometer ahead, shall we go there and have a look?"

Dongfeng walked to the signboard, cleaned up the mud on it, nodded and said, "Okay, the driving school has a wall. If you are lucky, you can still find a car inside, let's go and have a look."

Wan Bo shook his head slightly and did not pour cold water on him.

Both sides of the national highway have been flooded. Generally, the place where the driving school is located is a relatively flat land, so it is very likely that it has also been flooded.

It has been so long since the end of the world, and it has been soaked in water for so long. The hope of finding a car that can start is too slim.

Everyone continued walking along the national highway, but after walking only one kilometer, they still did not find the location of the driving school.

"The sign clearly says one kilometer, why haven't we arrived yet?" Dongfeng asked with a somewhat unsightly expression on his face.

Wan Bo was also a little confused, but he suddenly remembered the heavy rain and flood that broke out some time ago, so he said with some annoyance: "That sign fell to the ground, maybe it was washed over by the water."

"Hey!" Dongfeng's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this.

"Forget it, keep walking forward and take a look. If we can't find the driving school on the road, we can just find a private house to stay for one night." Dongfeng said helplessly.

At this time, the time has come to 5:45 in the evening.

The sun on the mountain is only a little away from the mountain peak.

They looked at the dazzling sunset and continued walking.

They walked another kilometer and suddenly saw another sign at a small fork in the road.


Jingxiu Driving School, turn left for 200 meters.

After Dongfeng saw it, he looked at the much smaller cement road on the left and his face lit up.

He turned around and said to Wan Bo and others: "Let's go, there should be nothing wrong. Let's go in and have a look."

Wan Bo looked at the number of private houses on both sides of the national highway.

The white skin on the walls of private houses fell off, perhaps because they were soaked in water, and many ferns grew on them. There was even a vine surrounding the door of a private house.

Wan Bo nodded and went in to take a look.

If the driving school is not inside, they can go out and find a private house to stay for one night.

Everyone walked there carrying bags and pushing trolleys.

Xu Chengcai, who was 500 meters away from them, looked at the sky.

Decisively, I took Xiaoyong to find an inconspicuous private house on the side of the national road and entered.

Tonight, they will stay here for one night.

These days, he has also figured out the walking pattern of those in front of him. Twenty minutes before dark, he will look for a station.

In the morning, we set off about an hour after the sun comes up.

Every hour, there would be a break.

When he saw the sky getting dark, he knew that those in front of him would definitely be looking for a place to hide from the zombies.

Xu Chengcai took Xiaoyong to a private house next to the national highway, but did not enter the private house on the edge of the national highway and only 20 meters away from the national highway.

Instead, we walked along a path to the private house diagonally behind this private house.

This private house does not directly face the national highway, but it can still see the national highway.

It looks inconspicuous, but it is also hidden.

The two of them carried the package on their backs, and Xu Chengcai asked Xiaoyong to stand behind him. Xu Chengcai did not enter through the gate.

Instead, he went around in a circle and entered from the back of this private house.

Going around to the back door of the house, there is a small courtyard of more than 30 square meters. However, the fence of the courtyard is very low, only more than one meter high, and it is made of a single hollow brick. Xu Chengcai can knock it down with a kick.

Looking at the door to the yard behind, there was still some dust and grass on the door handle.

Xu Chengcai did not unscrew the door directly, but threw the package on his back inside and then flipped it inside.

Because it is hollow, you can climb in by stepping on the gap in the middle. This is not difficult for Xiaoyong. He did not climb over like Xu Chengcai did, but stepped on the hollow bricks and climbed slowly. Got in.

"Jump down. I'll catch you." Xu Chengcai whispered to Xiaoyong on the wall.


"It's okay dad, I can do it myself." Xiaoyong jumped down and said to his father with a smile.

Seeing him like this, Xu Chengcai gave him a thumbs up and praised: "Yes, Xiaoyong is great."

But he immediately said: "But we must be careful. If we sprain our feet, it will not be good. We can't get hurt now."

In the apocalypse, being injured is a fatal thing. Once injured, if you encounter zombies and cannot run fast, you may have to explain.

Xiaoyong was happy when he heard his father's praise, but later he heard his father's instructions, so he listened carefully and took notes.

Xu Chengcai then picked up the package and slowly opened the back door.

Slowly and cautiously.

Although judging from the appearance of this private house, there are no signs of zombies breaking in at the back door or the front door, but there are signs that it has been ransacked.

The setting sun shines on this house, and the glass is covered with a thick layer of dust, making the sunlight unclear.

There was some darkness in the house.

This is a two-and-a-half-story small private house.

Xu Chengcai searched upstairs and downstairs, but found no zombies.

So he breathed a sigh of relief and closed the back door.

I took Xiaoyong to a room at the corner of the second floor. This room can see the location of the national highway at any time, but due to the obstruction of the front row of houses, it is difficult to see clearly from the national highway.

The beige curtains above were now black, and a large amount of dust fell down at the slightest movement.

They found a wooden bed in this room, tidied it up, and it was usable.

On the other side, Dongfeng and the others had already arrived at the gate of Jingxiu Driving School. They looked at the open gate and their hearts skipped a beat.

Generally, there is a high probability that some zombies will hide in places where the door is open.

But they didn't retreat because of this, and everyone slowly entered the gate.

Dongfeng said to a dozen or so grown men: "Take your weapons, let's go in and check, the others are waiting outside."

Without hesitation, those people put down the packages in their hands, just carrying a cold weapon, and followed Dongfeng towards the house.

Wan Bo, Tietou and the others were waiting near the gate.


Dongfeng looked at the gate outside the driving school hall and kicked it open.

Taking advantage of the setting sun, they searched in various places to find and kill the zombies.

Wan Bo, who was at the gate, stood on the edge of the door and looked at the rusty iron door. It shook left and right and made a creaking sound.

"Tie Tou, come here." Wan Bo said to Tie Tou who was standing next to the package.

"Oh, here we come." When Tietou heard Grandpa Wan calling him, he trotted over quickly.

"Come on, help lift this iron door up together, the clasp on it has fallen off." Wan Bo said to the iron head.

The two of them lifted up the iron door on the right together.


The iron ring caught one of the snap rings.

After the lock was correct, Wanbo tested the sturdiness of the iron door again. He closed the iron door and pushed it hard. It didn't push. He nodded and found an iron wire nearby. If there is no iron wire inside later, Question, then you can lock the door.

ten minutes later.

Dongfeng came over with a dozen adults. Their spears were still dripping with some red and black mucus. From this look, they knew they had just killed zombies.

"It's okay. There are not many zombies, just a few. They have been dealt with. Let's go in together." Seeing that the sun had set in the sky and only the afterglow was left, Dongfeng waved to everyone and said.

Everyone carried the packages on the ground and walked towards the house.

Later, Dongfeng and Wanbo made simple repairs to the iron door, and piled some heavy objects next to the iron door behind the door to resist the midnight attack, in case zombies came over, they could resist it.

After finishing all this, Dongfeng took two people to search the driving school's driving range. There were only seven or eight cars in the training range and parking lot.

The spray paint on the surface of these seven or eight cars has fallen off, exposing the steel frames inside, which are also rusty.

After a search, none of the cars were usable.

Even diesel and gasoline were not found.

Wan Bo and others who entered the house also searched around the cafeteria, but found nothing.

In fact, this place is close to Xincheng. Many collaborators working with the Da Zhangshu Base have already searched it more than once. If there is anything useful in it, it has been emptied out long ago.

Dongfeng and the others are not discouraged. Now, the chance of finding food in these dilapidated houses is about the same as winning the lottery.

Get used to it.

In the driving school at night, a tense and depressing atmosphere filled the silent air.

Gray light spilled onto the ground through the broken windows, casting the room into a hazy shadow. The cracks and graffiti on the walls reveal the ruthless erosion of time, as if they are integrated with this zombie apocalypse world.

They did not spread out, but chose a slightly larger room, where Dongfeng and about twenty other people hid compactly.

They were sitting on seats in the corner or curled up on the bed, feeling increasingly sleepy. Fatigue and fear intertwined in everyone's eyes, and they were used to this uneasy atmosphere.

Suddenly, a shrill roar came from outside. It was the roar of a zombie, instantly breaking the tranquility in the room.

Dongfeng quickly opened his eyes and motioned to the person next to him to check. The man stood up quietly, holding an old hammer in his hand, and cautiously approached the door.

Outside the door, the national highway under the moonlight was shrouded in deathly silence.

From time to time there was slight movement in the grass, as if some creature was quietly approaching. The roars of the zombies gradually became more frequent and fierce, as if a group of hungry beasts were surrounding this small shelter.

The people in the room felt the threat approaching, their breathing became rapid and rhythmic, and they silently exchanged worried looks with each other.

There was a silent fear in the silence, as if an imminent crisis would come at any time.

There was a sense of oppression in the air, as if invisible gravity was suffocating everyone. They didn't dare to make a sound for fear of alarming the terrifying beings outside.

The atmosphere in the room became heavy and uneasy, and everyone silently prayed that the night would pass safely.

In this dark night of the zombie apocalypse, time seems to have been stretched many times, and every second becomes long and torturous.

Dongfeng stood by the door, staring intently at the darkness outside, with a firm and fearless expression on his face.

He knew that this driving school was only a temporary refuge, and they must find a safe enough place.

As a small team, isolated and helpless, they rely on each other's strength and courage to resist the unforgiving world.

However, this depressing atmosphere makes them feel their own insignificance and vulnerability.

Others in the room turned restlessly in their sleep or secretly wiped sweat from their foreheads.

Fear and threats linger in their subconscious, and all peace is just a fragile surface that may be broken at any time.

As time passed, the roars outside gradually faded away, as if the zombies were looking for other targets.

Dongfeng breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he escaped the disaster temporarily this time.

They have to go through this every night. Sometimes there may not be that many zombies nearby, and they can sleep peacefully; but sometimes, in places where they didn't feel any zombies nearby during the day, many appear at night. They had to take up weapons and rely on temporary shelters to fight against the zombies.

The feeling of depression in the driving school has not completely dissipated, it is like a heavy cloud, hanging over everyone's heart.

However, they supported each other and firmly believed in the existence of hope.

In the darkness of this zombie apocalypse, Dongfeng and others watched silently, hoping to reach the big camphor tree base, and hoping that the place would be as good as they thought.

Their eyes revealed determination and firmness. They did not want to become victims of the zombie world. They wanted to live for their own lives and for that glimmer of warm hope.

The night is dark.

Big camphor tree base.

Li Yu stood on the wall and looked at the heavy trucks in Weng City and the First Outer City. He said to his third uncle beside him: "Third Uncle, you are going out tomorrow. Is there anything else you want to bring?"

The third uncle shook his head and said: "Everything you need to bring is already prepared, just go directly. It should be faster than the first time."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, third uncle." Li Yu said to his third uncle.

The third uncle didn't say anything, waved his hand, and went down from the fence. He would go to bed early tonight, and he would have to get up early tomorrow and set off on his way.

Li Yu looked at the back of his third uncle leaving, feeling filled with emotion.

Now in the base, more and more people are able to shoulder some tasks, and I feel much more relaxed.

After thinking about it, he chatted with the cannon on duty tonight and returned to the inner city.

The next day, the morning light dewed slightly.

A group of people appeared outside the Da Zhangshu Base. It was Zhu Xiao and the others. They remembered that today they were going to Guang City with Uncle San and the others, and they would continue to carry steel there.

They brought all the vehicles they could drive over.

Under the wall of Da Zhangshu base, Guo Peng and Zhu Xiao waited for the people above to open the door.

Suddenly, there was another roar of cars behind him.

Guo Peng turned around and looked, it was Xiao Hu from Team 2. If Guo Peng had the best relationship with any team, it would be Xiao Hu.

They are non-staff members of Group 1 and Group 2 respectively. They became non-staff members at a similar time, so they communicate a lot.

Guo Peng shouted to Xiao Hu who stopped the car: "You've hidden it well enough. Are we going to go to Guangzhou together today?"

Xiao Hu had a smile on his face. He was a little envious when he saw Guo Peng and the others being able to carry out such a mission.

The third uncle personally led the team and moved so much steel. The points earned were much higher than those for daily tasks.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu came to him yesterday and asked him to come with him tomorrow.

Xiao Hu smiled and said: "Oh, it's too late. I forgot to tell you. Besides, don't you already know it now?"

"Brother Hu, this big truck of yours can handle it." Zhu Xiao, who was in the other car, stuck his head out and looked at Xiao Hu's semi-trailer and said.

"It's okay, I picked it up before." Xiao Hu's face turned into wrinkles with a smile.

I'm just happy. If I behave better, I might be able to enter the outer city.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, nothing more than this.


The gate was opened by Li Haoran and Yang Tianlong. Zhu Xiao and others did not drive the vehicle in, but got out of the car and walked towards the gate.

There are too many vehicles, and they will be leaving here soon, so there is no need to drive in.

And at this time, there were many trucks parked in Wengcheng.

The third uncle came out of the inner city fully armed.

Ant, Lao Qin, Xiao Jun and other thirteen people also came to Wengcheng from the first outer city.

Li Yu took Li Gang, Li Tie and others out in a pickup truck, which contained some weapons and bullets.

After Li Yuan registered these firearms and bullets, he asked Li Gang to distribute these registered firearms to Lao Qin, Xiao Jun and others.

The gun that Ant had handed over to him before was also returned to him.

This time he went to Guangshi, Sanshu, Lao Qin, Ant, Xiao Jun and the ten people who were originally following him.

Each person comes standard with an automatic rifle, a pistol, 500 rounds of bullets, and five magazines.

In addition, three rifles were issued to non-staff personnel Zhu Xiao, Guo Peng, and Xiao Hu, equipped with 100 rounds of ammunition and two magazines.

Excluding the 35 heavy trucks brought over from the base, there were also 30 vehicles brought by Zhu Xiaoguo Peng, Xiao Hu and the others.

Some of their vehicles are borrowed from other non-staff teams. In fact, they are not so many vehicles, but some vehicles are not loaded.

In the last days, the roads are full of cars, but many of them are broken down.

Fuel is the most precious thing.

Li Tie drove out a small oil truck. There were too many vehicles passing by this time, so an oil truck had to be equipped. He handed the oil truck to Xiao Jun and asked him to drive it and keep it.

In the last days, when traveling long distances, especially for a team with a large number of people who need to transport goods, oil trucks are indispensable, and they are also the most important in the team.

Once there is a problem with the oil truck, the entire fleet will have to stop work.

How can the car run without oil?

After all, it was the second time we went there, so no time was wasted.

After giving them everything they need on the road, including equipment, diesel, and food for ten days.

Li Yu spoke a few words to everyone to boost their morale, and then the third uncle got into the armored RV and drove out of the gate.

There are three explosion-proof vehicles, three armored vehicles, and three tanks in the base.

As for the armored RV, there are three. Among them, Li Yu's fixed vehicle Unimog has the strongest defensive and offensive power after modification.

The third uncle drove out another car. Although its defense was not as good as the Unimog, it was not bad either.

Li Yu and others watched them leave from the wall.

The convoy snakes hundreds of meters long.

Almost every vehicle is equipped with an intercom to ensure that no vehicle is left behind.

After Li Yu and others watched them leave, the construction of the third outer city of Dazhangshu Base continued.

The steel that Uncle San sent over last time can be used now.

Just as Uncle San and the others were heading towards Guangshi facing the rising sun.

In the north, Xing County is only a few dozen kilometers away from Xincheng.

At this time, Dongfeng and the others started a new day of walking, aiming at the Da Zhangshu base in Xincheng.

"If we walk fast today, maybe we can reach the big camphor tree base today." Wan Bo said to Dongfeng while carrying the heavy objects next to the gate.

"I hope we won't be disappointed." There was an inexplicable look in Dongfeng's eyes, filled with expectation, fear of disappointment, and some worry. The mixed emotions made him say something incomprehensible.

Not far away from them, Xu Chengcai and his son also woke up and packed their things.

What they didn't know was that the place they were going to follow would actually become the place of their dreams.

OS: Just in case, there will be more updates later.

Before 12 o'clock~~

In addition, in Chapter 707, I changed the part about Yishi. It was mixed up before, but now I have changed it.

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