Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 725 A stranger is here [6200 chapters in one, please vote]

Big camphor tree base.

Outer city, residential buildings.

Uncle San, Ant and others were having a great time eating pig head meat and drinking home-brewed rice wine.

They clinked glasses and laughed while reminiscing about the past.

After Xiaoyong finished eating, he sat obediently and listened to their chat.

But as the night progressed, Xiaoyong dozed off a little, his head nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, and he fell into the jackal's arms.

Jackal saw Xiaoyong sleeping, so he put him to sleep on the bed next to him.

This long-awaited meeting allowed them to say a lot of things they wanted to say at once.

We talked about our respective experiences over the years, as well as some things we encountered after the end of the world.

The drinking lasted until two in the morning.

It looked like the food had been finished and the wine had been drunk.

The third uncle then stood up and said to everyone: "Okay, that's it for today. It's time for me to go back and rest. You should go to bed early. Let's drink again when we are free later."

Lao Qin and others all agreed.

The third uncle looked at Xiaoyong who was still sleeping, a smile appeared on his lips, and then left the residential building.

When walking out of the residential building, a gust of night wind blew, which shocked the third uncle. He only had half a kilogram of rice wine, and he was a little tipsy at first, but he basically didn't feel anything after that.

At this time, the third uncle's consciousness was also very clear. He was walking on the way back to the inner city, and the street lights on the road illuminated the road.

The third uncle looked at the two mountains in the dark inner city, looked at the searchlights in the watchtowers above, and patrolled back and forth.

He slowly let out a breath of alcohol.

He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

It can be regarded as an explanation.

Returning to the inner city, he entered the villa area. After a brief cleaning in the bathroom, he fell asleep.

At dawn the next day.

At Da Zhangshu Base, the entire base seemed to be waking up from a deep sleep.

Smoke curled up from cooking stoves, and people were walking in twos and threes on the sidewalks inside and outside the city.

Anya gets up very early, and almost every morning, she goes to check the crops in the greenhouse as soon as possible.

The new first quarter crops have been planted and we just need to wait. However, some of the vegetables have a short growth cycle, so a batch of vegetables will be harvested almost every few days.

Li Tie, who was on duty at the wall yesterday, also took a rest at this time and returned to the base to catch up on his sleep.

Li Yu still got up early and ran around the mountains and forests to exercise.

People in the inner city were used to seeing him get up early and run, rain or shine, except in extreme weather or after a mission.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, Li Yu would get up and exercise in the morning.

His strong self-discipline also impressed everyone in the inner city.

Next door to Xincheng is Chen City in Hunan Province.

After a night's rest, Qianlong and others began to prepare to set off.

According to the plan they discussed last night, they headed to Gan City together at this time.

Qianlong looked at Yao Zuo and Wayne and said to them, "Let's go!"

As the order was issued, they drove dozens of vehicles, more than 200 people, towards Gan City slowly.

At this time, in the Dazhangshu base, Ju Tianrui, who had had breakfast, led ten people to drive an electric car out of the Dazhangshu base.

This week, Ju Tianrui was on patrol duty outside. The patrol route was centered around several garrison points outside the base.

From Gan City in the south to the garrison point more than ten kilometers north of the Dazhangshu base.

According to the route map that had been drawn up, they first rushed to the station in the north of the Dazhangshu Base.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly.

The weather is getting hotter every day, and it hasn't rained since the end of the torrential rain and flood.

It was a little cooler in the morning, but once it was eleven o'clock at noon, the air became a little stuffy.

Entering April.

Seeing that Qingming Festival will be in two days, I don't know if it will rain or not.

In addition to Ju Tianrui and others who went out from the base, there were also many cooperating personnel, like birds and beasts, who dispersed at eight or nine o'clock.

They all went out to look for building materials, and some people went out to look for some raw materials according to the latest missions released in the base.

For example, there is a task released now, looking for some high-power motors and rare earth mines outside.

Originally, Gan City was rich in rare earth minerals, so there were also some mines around here.

In the Dazhangshu base, there is no stationed in the center of Gan City.

After all, Gan City is the second largest city in Gan Province, and its population is relatively large. In the last days, the number of zombies in the center of Gan City is also relatively large.

Therefore, the station where Deng Ben and the others are located is on the side of a highway leading to Xincheng Road in the north of Gan City, next to an unknown town.

Deng Ben got up early as usual.

He stood on the top of the tenth floor and looked around with a telescope, focusing on the situation on the highway.

After the inspection, he controlled the drone to patrol in the sky.

Deng Ben didn't start eating breakfast until the routine inspection was finished.

A non-staff member who was on duty with him said, "Brother Deng, tell us what the inner city is like."

Several other people beside Deng Ben also said: "Yes, yes, Brother Deng, we have only been in the outer city, and we don't know what the inner city is like."

Deng Ben smiled and shook his head, and said to them: "Do it well, you will know it when you go in. There are many things that you can only understand after you go in.

I think back then, like you guys, I started working as a non-staff member step by step.

From non-staff, to the outer city, and finally to the inner city. In fact, as long as you work hard, there is hope. "

The existence of Deng Ben is a typical example, giving many non-staff and collaborators expectations for the Da Zhangshu Base.

As long as they keep working hard, one day they will no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat.

In the apocalypse, as soon as you open your eyes, you have to solve the problem of eating.

This is a very real problem.

The sun rises slowly.

The time came to one o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Qianlong and others who left Chenzhou finally saw the sign on the highway. Gan City was ten kilometers ahead.

Qianlong rolled down the window and shouted to Yao Zuo in the car next to him: "Let's find a stop first and then disperse and set off tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Yao Zuo nodded, and then they began to search for a suitable station near Gan City tonight.

According to their original plan, they would first find a station near Gan City today, then divide into three groups early tomorrow morning, and then go out to collect information.

Regardless of whether they discover or capture some local people, they will return to the camp they are looking for tomorrow evening.

Soon, they found a station nearby.

It is an orchard that produces navel oranges in southern Gansu.

This orchard mainly grows navel oranges, but many of the fruit trees there died in the previous extreme weather.

But at least there is still a small half, but it is not yet the mature season.

These fruit trees are blooming with tiny flowers.

After they entered the orchard, they began to inspect the condition of the fence.

After the inspection, Wayne said to Qianlong: "Young Master, it's only half past two, and there's still some time before dark. I'll take people to search outside. We won't enter Gan City, but just walk around. Let’s see if we can catch some people.”

Qianlong looked at the sky and thought it was okay.

So he nodded and said to Wayne: "Okay, don't miss the time, and be sure to return before dark."

Wayne nodded, then got in the car and drove towards Gan City with dozens of people.

Gan Hu was eager to give it a try, but he was monitored by Qian Long at all times and could only watch Wayne and the others leave.

After Wayne left the orchard, he opened the sunroof on the roof of the car, sat on the roof of the car, and looked around with a telescope.

At this moment, I suddenly saw several trucks passing the intersection in front of me.

Wayne trembled and quickly said to little Martin who was driving: "Martin, drive faster and catch up quickly. I found a survivor at the corner of the intersection ahead. Chase him quickly!"

Martin stepped on the gas.

Boom boom boom——

The vehicle sped off.

The team of collaborators, Bai Wenyang, who were turning the corner to the intersection, suddenly heard a huge roar from behind.

He couldn't see clearly in the rearview mirror, so he stuck his head out and looked behind.

They saw about a dozen vehicles driving toward them two hundred meters away from their convoy.

For a long time, in Gan City, the world was basically dominated by their Da Zhangshu Base.

As cooperators of the Da Zhangshu Base, they often encounter cooperators from other groups who come out to perform tasks when performing tasks.

But there are too many collaborators, and although we have met some of them, we have not had much contact with them.

In addition, in Gan City, except for zombies, there are basically no dangers from humans, which makes many collaborators not too worried.

At this time, Bai Wenyang was a little confused after seeing the vehicle behind him.

I couldn't see the people in those vehicles, so I thought they were collaborators from other groups.

In addition, the truck was full of construction materials and was not traveling very fast.

However, the recent news issued by Da Zhangshu Base to be more vigilant and prevent the appearance of strangers still made Bai Wenyang a little wary.

"Have you heard today that there is another group of people coming here to transport?" Bai Wenyang said to the driver.

"I've never heard of them. The vehicles behind them look a bit strange."

After Bai Wenyang heard this, he took out his walkie-talkie, turned on the public channel and said: "Gan City, here in Shaliu Town, which brother's team is behind? If it's one of your own, please blow the horn to signal."

After a few seconds.

Bai Wenyang watched the vehicles driving faster and faster, less than a hundred meters away from them.

I felt suddenly nervous.

So he shouted to the convoy: "Run! Those people behind are strangers from outside!"

The speed of the car increased suddenly.

Bai Wenyang's hands were shaking a little. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Bang bang bang——

Wayne, who was behind him, saw the vehicle in front of him suddenly speeding up, with cruel eyes in his eyes.

Just let people shoot and blow out the tires of the truck closest to them.

"Chasing, be sure to keep all of them, and don't leave any hidden dangers. Otherwise, if the news is leaked, we will be in trouble." Wayne said to everyone.

Most of the vehicles they drove were off-road vehicles, which were raised to the highest speed at this time, but the road surface was not very smooth, so that the people in their vehicles were shaken by the jolts.

On the other side, after hearing the gunshots, Bai Wenyang looked at the truck behind him in horror as it swerved into the big tree next to it.


The car was originally loaded with construction materials. At this time, there was a sudden impact at high speed. The front of the car was knocked into a strange shape. The building materials behind it directly submerged the front of the car under the action of inertia.

"Kuizi!" When Bai Wenyang saw the scene behind him, anger burst out in his eyes.

In that car, one of his best brothers, Kuizi, and two other brothers were in the car.

Life or death is unknown now.


Bai Wenyang hammered the car door hard and yelled.

Looking at the vehicles chasing after them, they were about to catch up.

"Drive as far as possible, by the way, unload, unload." Bai Wenyang suddenly remembered the construction materials loaded in the car.

It's all limestone.

When the driver Shanzi heard this, he shivered and directly pulled up the unloading pole.

The car body is crooked, and when driving at high speed, the body of the truck is raised to unload cargo, which makes the center of gravity of the vehicle unstable.


Limestone loaded with seven or eight tons flew down with a crash.

Bang bang bang——

The limestone hit the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle was buried directly.

Several other small trucks saw Bai Wenyang doing this, so they took turns to do the same.

They had no guns and were loaded with cargo, so they couldn't outrun the pursuers behind them.

This is the only way to block the pursuers behind you.


The entire national highway, large and small, has several piles of limestone.


Wayne looked at the limestone hill in front of him with an ugly expression, and felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, the car he was in just now was not at the front, otherwise.

A few meters away from his car, an SUV was completely submerged in limestone.

When driving at high speed, tons of limestone hit the vehicle. Under the acceleration of the two, the front glass may shatter, and the people inside may not know whether they are dead or alive.

"Captain, are we still chasing? These dozens of tons of limestone are blocking the road, making it difficult for us to move."

Wayne's face was gloomy as he looked at several trucks and vans driving away in the distance, hammering heavily on the car windows.

The car glass shattered instantly.

"Damn, it's hard to explain now."

"Clean out that car. Also, go to the truck whose tire was punctured just now to see if there is anyone alive, and take it back for careful interrogation."


Bai Wenyang, who had escaped from hell, was gasping for air. Thinking of Kuizi and the others who were being overtaken, he became furious for a moment.

"Damn it, there are still people in Gan City who dare to mess with our people at Da Zhangshu Base, they must report it!"

So I took out the walkie-talkie and opened a specific channel directly: "I am Bai Wenyang, the leader of the 23rd team of collaborators. Just now, we were transporting limestone and were returning to the base. In Shaliu Town, five kilometers away from Gan City, we encountered a man. A group of strangers arrived and opened fire on us for no reason. As a result, three of us and three people in our car fell into their hands.

I don't know whether I am dead or alive now.

We stopped their pursuit by unloading the cargo. All the transported limestone was dumped on the roadside. Ask for support first. Request support! "

Bai Wenyang spoke into the intercom three times in a row.

Because he was too excited, his saliva flew everywhere.


After Bai Wenyang finished speaking, he pressed the intercom with some excitement and made an unpleasant electric sound.

He quickly let go, the next second.

Various voices came from the walkie-talkie. These people were all speaking from collaborators within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

"Damn it, it's true. I'm also near Gan City, only seven or eight kilometers away from Shaliu Town. When you say that, I'm a little scared."

"Hurry up and report it. A stranger is here. Mr. Li specifically emphasized this."

"I haven't seen anything like this for a long time. There are really people who are so brave and dare to ignore the regulations of the Da Zhangshu Base."

"It's also stipulated that these people are definitely not from Gan City. If you ask me, please report it as soon as possible."

Gan City-Xincheng garrison point.

Deng Ben also accepted the news and quickly contacted Bai Wenyang.

"I am Deng Ben. Is what you just said true? Also, where are you now?" Deng Ben asked directly.

After Bai Wenyang heard Deng Ben's voice, he immediately said: "It's true, it's true. I happen to be on the Ganshi Expressway now and I'm on my way to you."

"How many cars and people did you see? Did you clearly see the appearance of the people among them?" Deng Ben spoke quickly and asked key questions.

Bai Wenyang recalled for a while and said: "Probably, there were about ten cars, and I don't know the number of them. They were all off-road vehicles. I couldn't see the people behind them clearly, but those people must be people coming from outside."

Deng Ben thought for a while, off-road vehicles usually only seat five people, so there must be at least fifty people.

So he said to Bai Wenyang: "You can come here, but you can come to the garrison first."

Afterwards, he began to contact the personnel stationed in Xincheng.

With repeaters, radio signals are amplified a lot.

The stationed personnel in Xincheng were also shocked after hearing the news about Deng Ben.

Carefully record what Deng Ben said, and then quickly send it to the garrison points in Xincheng and Dazhangshu Base.

Transmitted one by one.

ten minutes later.

The second uncle received the news from Dengben.

After the second uncle heard the news, his face was serious and he immediately sounded the alarm at the base.

Li Yu heard the alarm coming from the intercom.

He ran towards the duty room at a flying speed.

Apart from him, the third uncle who was teasing the little orange cat in the base had a tense look on his face.

He picked up the assault rifle and ran towards the duty room.

Apart from him, Yang Tianlong, who was flirting with Shang Xueer on the wall, immediately got up and ran towards the duty room at the main entrance.

Shang Xueer was left a little anxious, and she naturally knew the meaning of this voice.

Hearing this voice had a meaning that they had already agreed on.

In emergencies, urgent meetings are held.


Third uncle, Li Yu, Li Hang, Yang Tianlong, Dabao, Li Tie, Li Gang, uncle, Lao Lu, He Chao and others all came to the wall duty room.

The second uncle saw that people had almost arrived.

So he said to everyone: "Four minutes ago, news came from Deng Ben that the cooperation team 23, Bai Wenyang's group, encountered strangers in Shaliu Town, Gan City. The strangers chased and shot Bai Wenyang. Three of them probably fell into the hands of those strangers."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was filled with indignation.

This is the first time in a long time that I have been attacked by outsiders.

Li Yu's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his face was expressionless. Anyone familiar with him would know that Li Yu was angry.

He got through the intercom and asked, "Send a message. Confirm the current location of Bai Wenyang, and ask Deng Ben to talk to him in person."

Second, Ju Tianrui, who is currently patrolling outside, asked him to report his current location and go directly to the garrison in Gan City.

Third, let all cooperating personnel currently in Shaliu Town, Gan City, no, as long as they are cooperating personnel and non-staff personnel who are performing tasks within 30 kilometers of Gan City, leave immediately. "

The personnel at the No. 2 station recorded Li Yu's orders one by one.

Then execute immediately.

In the duty room, the second uncle suddenly asked: "Will Bai Wenyang tell lies? Is it possible that he has been controlled by the enemy?"

The third uncle shook his head and said: "If I were an enemy, I would not leak the news in this way. Besides, Bai Wenyang is not going to Deng Ben now. If he doesn't go, his lie will be broken."

Everyone was chatting.

Five minutes later, Ju Tianrui's message was transmitted back.

Ju Tianrui left the garrison in Gan City at this time, less than fifteen kilometers away. After receiving the news, he drove directly to Dengben without waiting for Li Yu's order.

The staff at the second garrison point said: "Ju Tianrui is already heading to the fifth garrison point, and he has also applied to personally take people there to investigate the enemy's situation."

Li Yu frowned when he heard this.

But thinking of Ju Tianrui's own identity, the elite in the team.

After all, he was also a battalion commander, and now he brought ten people with him, driving an electric car over there.

These electric vehicles, after adding batteries, can have a cruising range of seven to eight hundred kilometers.

Li Yu hesitated for a moment and said: "Approval of Ju Tianrui, and tell him to pay attention to safety, not to act rashly, and not to expose the enemy after discovering it. Send us a message immediately, and wait until the large force is available before taking action."

Soon, the news spread again.

At the same time, at this time.

Bai Wenyang and others arrived at Deng Ben's station almost at the same time as Ju Tianrui and others.

After Ju Tianrui got off the car, he rushed directly to Bai Wenyang and said to him: "Tell me everything you just encountered in detail."

Ju Tianrui's imposing manner was astonishing, and he rushed to Bai Wenyang all of a sudden, startling him.

After seeing that it was Ju Tianrui, he slowed down and told Ju Tianrui what happened just now dry-mouthed.

At this time, Deng Ben also saw them from upstairs, came down from upstairs, and listened carefully to what Bai Wenyang said.

It's pretty much the same as what he just said on the walkie-talkie, just a little more detailed.

After hearing the news, Ju Tianrui said to Deng Ben: "Mr. Li, I told you that I will go over to investigate the enemy. You should maintain communication at all times and pay attention to see if there are other enemies. Once discovered, , report it immediately.”

After saying that, he got in the car and clicked on the map.

Checked out Shaliu Town.

And that road just mentioned.

The direction this road leads to, if you look back, there is actually another road interspersed.


Have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~~

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