Big camphor tree base.

At this time, the second uncle raised his head and said to everyone: "Deng Ben has already met Bai Wenyang, and Ju Tianrui is heading to Shaliu Town for investigation."

Li Yu looked at the crowd and said slowly: "That group of strangers are most likely from the Western Alliance. Ju Tianrui went to investigate, but he only brought ten people there, and they were not strong enough. Someone needs to go over to support them." .”

"In addition, it is already four o'clock in the afternoon, and it will get dark in two hours at most. It takes about an hour and a half to travel from the Da Zhangshu Base to Gan City. In the past, it was estimated that it would get dark not long after that. Fighting at night, Not quite right."

"Third uncle, let's do this. You take some people and go there now, find their station, stop them, and don't let them escape. I will come with a large force behind me, what do you think?"

After Li Yu finished speaking, he looked towards his third uncle.

The third uncle did not hesitate and responded directly: "Okay, but I need to bring Ant, Lao Qin, Jackal and the others with me. In addition, I must prepare enough ammunition."

Li Yu heard that the third uncle only said that he would bring the three of them with him, so he added, "How about you bring more people there? I will just follow your command then."

The third uncle hesitated for a moment and said, "No, if there are too many people, it would be troublesome to divide them into different cars. Let's do this. You can just come with a large force from behind. In addition, prepare night vision goggles and other things for me."

Li Yu heard what his third uncle said and nodded.

Then immediately ask Cannon and the others to go to the warehouse to get firearms, bullets, body armor, explosion-proof clothing, flashlights and other items.

The third uncle also left directly from the duty room and came to the first outer city of Da Zhangshu Base.

I found Lao Qin, Ant, and Jackal, and told them what had just happened.

Lao Qin and Ant immediately said that there was no problem and they could leave at any time.

But Jackal was a little confused. He looked at Xiaoyong in the room and said to his third uncle: "Then Xiaoyong?"

Lao Qin waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, if it is placed in the Da Zhangshu base, its safety will definitely be guaranteed."

The third uncle saw Jackal's worry, so he said to Jackal: "Don't worry, I have already told my wife that I will take him to the inner city later and let her take care of him. You can put your heart in your stomach."

The jackal was naturally relieved when he heard what the captain said.

After returning to the room and talking to Xiaoyong, Xiaoyong was obviously a little scared, but he also knew that this place was safer than any place they had ever been.

It was at this time that the third aunt came to the residential building in the first outer city.

Jackal personally handed Xiaoyong to his third aunt, who took Xiaoyong's hand and took him back to the inner city.

At the same time, Cannon and the others had loaded all the weapons and ammunition that Uncle San needed into the armored RV.

Lao Qin opened the car door and got into the driving position.

The third uncle and others were also unambiguous and checked the weapons and equipment they had prepared: four rocket launchers, four assault rifles, four sniper rifles with night vision function, 10,000 rounds of bullets, 100 grenades, body armor, and explosion-proof clothing. Four sets, four explosion-proof helmets.

The third uncle looked through it and found that everything he wanted was ready, so he said to Lao Qin: "Drive away!"

At this time, it was only five minutes before Uncle San and the others set off, having decided to let them pass.

The door burst open.

The armored RV sped out quickly.

In the car, Ant, Uncle San and others began to put on body armor and explosion-proof clothing.

Jackal looked at these somewhat familiar equipment, and the long-lost blood suddenly surged throughout his body.

He was very fast and put on his body armor, then sat in the car and pressed bullets into the magazine.

The third uncle pressed the bullet while holding a cigarette in his mouth, and said to everyone: "Brothers, we have two main things to do when we go there this time: first, find where they are, and second, bite them to death and don't let them go. Leave and wait until Li Yu and others come."

After saying that, he put the magazine pressed in his hand into the magazine bag on his body.


Jackal fiddled with the assault rifle in his hand, tried the feel, and said with some emotion: "To be honest, a week ago, I couldn't imagine that we could still fight side by side. It's amazing."

Lao Qin, who was driving in the front, said to Ant behind him: "Ant, have you put on your explosion-proof suit? Come and help me."

Ant tied the dagger to his thigh and walked away from the co-pilot calmly.

His hands slowly moved towards the steering wheel.

"Okay, go ahead and let go, I'm holding the steering wheel." Ant said to Lao Qin.

Lao Qin let go of his hand, then left his seat, went to the back and put on his body armor and explosion-proof clothing.

Then he saw the gun left behind and said with some joy: "Hey, Cannon, they were considerate and gave me the gun I have been using."

After saying that, he picked up the gun and adjusted it.

They started to press the bullets. Their movements were very skillful, and they quickly pressed several boxes of bullets.

On average, each person can equip 500 rounds of ammunition, and the speed slows down.

Lao Qin was also hanging a cigarette, with the cigarette butt in his mouth. He seemed to have an indescribable sense of calmness that only veterans could have.

It was clear that a battle might break out soon, but the four of them seemed to be on a sightseeing trip, and no one was nervous.

There were even jokes in the car.

at the same time.

In the base of the big camphor tree.

Li Yu and others are also refitting. Since they have to bring many people over, their speed is much slower than that of Uncle San and others.

The key is that since he didn't know the number of enemies or their specific strength, Li Yu decided to let Lao Lu and his uncle guard the base with 150 people. Apart from these 150 Although there are dozens of people who can fight, they are not as systematically trained as Lao Lu and others.

However, if there is an emergency, these people can also go up the wall to stop the enemy.

All the other outer city personnel who are able to fight have left.

Lao Luo, Lao Bi, Lao Zhou, Lao Yi, Xiao Jun, Zhou Tian, ​​Huang Zheng, they all went out together.

In the base, the second uncle, uncle, Lao Lu, Lao Xie, Ding Jiu, He Bing and others remained, as did all the teammates that Lao Lu had led before.

At this time, all mortars in the base have been placed in the walls.

The Da Zhangshu base has entered the second highest alert level.

Uncle Lu and the others could not get down from the fence and were always on guard duty on the fence.

He Bing took six people and divided them into two groups. They patrolled the sky with drones 24 hours a day to ensure that there would be no problems within a five-kilometer range.


The Third Outer City, which is under construction, is completely suspended.

All cooperative personnel and non-staff personnel entered the first outer city.

In addition, some people who know how to use firearms were selected from these non-staff and cooperative personnel and divided into ten groups of five people each. They were given a gun and patrolled ten kilometers around the Da Zhangshu base.

Their family members all stayed in the first outer city of Da Zhangshu Base and were not allowed to go out.

To avoid being caught, or even killed.

All of this was formulated and executed by my uncle himself.

Li Yu and the others were busy preparing to go out, so their uncle and Lao Lu and Lao Xie had to do all this.

At this point, with the Da Zhangshu base as the center and ten kilometers away from the north and south of the national highway, there are personnel on duty who can check it at any time.

Leading to the Da Zhangshu base, if a large-scale enemy comes, only this national road can reach it.

They can be found in time at the station.

The drones hovering in the sky, combined with the temporary formation of extra-staff and cooperative personnel escorts, can ensure that once a small force of enemies arrives near the Da Zhangshu base, they will be discovered immediately.

In addition, the mortars set up on the wall can reach up to several kilometers away. As long as the enemy is found, it can be killed from a long distance.

Because we don’t know how many enemies are coming, we can only resist with the most cautious and conservative attitude.

With these measures, cameras in the sky, on land, on walls, as far away as ten kilometers away, and as close as hundreds of meters away, will have the absolute strength to resist foreign enemies.

It can even be said that the current Da Zhangshu base is impregnable!

In the urn city.

After emergency mobilization.

Lao Luo and his men filled up the two tanks and two armored vehicles in the base, loaded them with artillery shells, and then drove them out.

The long and thick tank gun exudes a cold aura, which makes people feel intimidated when they see it.

There is also a tank and an armored vehicle left in the base.

Li Yu was still sitting on the Unimog. This Unimog had undergone countless modifications. After modifications by veteran modification expert Lao Zhou, He Bing and the others, this equipped touring car had changed beyond recognition.

Even the engine has been replaced.

Compared with tanks and armored vehicles, although the thickness of the steel plates of the vehicles is not as good, they are not much weaker.

Ordinary machine guns cannot be broken at all.

The cannon even opened up the giant loader. After this giant loader underwent explosive modifications, its combat effectiveness was also extremely amazing.

A three-meter-high tire is as tall as a floor.

A giant pointed cone-shaped steel plate is installed in front of the loader. No, it can no longer be described as a steel plate, it is just a pointed cone.

Able to use the giant loader's big arm to move up and down.

It's trivial to use this thing to break through a wall or even break through a building.

You must know that this loader is five or six meters high, close to the height of a two-story building.

The bucket of this loader was originally designed before the end of the world. It can scoop up 30 to 40 tons of cargo with one shovel!

Amazing power!

The interior and exterior of the vehicle have also been modified. A heavy machine gun firing port is installed behind the butt of the vehicle, and a heavy machine gun is also installed on the roof.

There are two light machine guns installed on the left and right sides of the front of the car.

This thing, once the chainsaw is turned on, is even more amazing.

The chainsaws on the left and right are simply the most efficient machines for killing zombies.

Eight chainsaws, once turned on, will transform into meat grinders.

The car glass is made of bulletproof glass, and iron railings are installed on the outer layer.

Cannons have to go under the car to get on and off the car.

The car can carry a dozen people.

But for the time being, only eight people are seated.

The moving speed of this car is only forty or fifty kilometers per hour.

But on the current broken road, driving is even slower.

When the loader rumbled out, it happened to be notified that many cooperators who came to the gate from the construction site of the Third Outer City to enter were shocked.

A war machine transformed from a giant loader.

Two tanks.

Two armored vehicles.

An armored RV.

When they saw this iconic armored RV, they knew that it was Li Yu who was sitting inside. Usually Li Yu would make this car when he went out.

There are many reasons for this. The exterior of this car is modified to be strong enough, and the interior is also very comfortable.

After these vehicles, Lao Bi, Lao Luo, Lao Yi and others all set off in modified pickup trucks or off-road vehicles.

Among them was a bus that had been modified.

In addition to the entire body being covered with steel plates, shooting ports were also installed at the original windows.

More than thirty cars headed towards Gan City against the setting sun.

The second uncle held a gun on the wall and watched Li Yu and the others leaving.

I remembered the conversation I had with Li Yu just now:

"It's almost dark now, why don't you go there early tomorrow morning?"

However, Li Yu's answer was: "Bai Wenyang said that three people fell into their hands, whether dead or alive. If that person informed the enemy of the situation in the base, then we would be very passive.

These people must not be allowed to escape.

Since you want to take action, you must do it as soon as possible.

Soldiers are valuable and quick.

What's more, if they don't take revenge overnight, I will kill them now. "

Hearing what Li Yu said, the second uncle didn't know why, but he always felt that Li Yu suddenly became extremely violent.

If you disagree, you will kill someone.

The fact was exactly as the second uncle felt. The five years before his rebirth had kept him in the middle of killing.

Because only by continuing to kill can he survive.

But after his rebirth, with the help of his family and friends, he felt much better.

Only occasionally, the violence in his heart would flash out and affect him.

Later, the Da Zhangshu Base entered a period of stable development, and there was no need for him to go out and take risks himself.

Although it was relaxing to stay in the base all day, it was a bit unaccustomed to him.

So he went to exercise, meditate, and appreciate the beauty of life.

It’s all about cultivating the mind.

Deep in his heart, he still remembers the former "good brother" who betrayed him and caused his death, Guan Zhongjin!

Li Yu even had a desire to kill.

The madness inside him has been cultivated a lot through various methods.

Recently, there have been almost no fluctuations and my mood has become extremely stable.

However, whenever I hear an enemy appears.

Or when someone causes trouble, the little devil will be released.

This time, the enemy was so bold that they dared to come directly to Gan City, so he would definitely let those people go without ever returning!

On the Unimog.

Li Yu said nothing.

Li Tie did not control the drone, but Zhou Tian and Huang Zheng were controlling it, hovering in the sky.

"Brother, according to our current speed, it will be almost 6 o'clock when we reach that place. It may be dark in twenty minutes!" Li Tie looked at Li Yu and said.

Li Yu played with the knife and flower in his hand and said calmly: "It's okay. Let's talk about it over there first. Then, you can ask the third uncle where they are."

Uncle San and his small team set off half an hour early.

Besides, they only have one car and can go there at full speed.

"Okay, let me ask." Li Tie replied.

There is still 12 o'clock.

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