Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 762 The population of the inner and outer cities exceeds 500! (Want to subscribe and ask for

In the past two days, Li Yu conducted an inventory of the base and told Bai Jie and the others to once again make an enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion.

Kong Shuang also gave Li Yu a list of some raw materials that needed to be used. After Li Yu read it, he copied the list to his second uncle and asked his second uncle to issue tasks for many cooperators and non-staff personnel to search.

One of the main tasks is to collect oil.

It's hard to find this stuff now, most of it has been looted.

Li Yu thought of the people from the oil village who came from the north recently. This was a coincidence.

Seizing oil and resolving key issues can be merged into one thing.

It's noon this day.

Li Yu was in the duty room, looking at Li Yuan who was holding a bag of snacks like a little hamster, and said helplessly: "Yuanzi, look how fat you are. I even heard someone call you little white pig." , still eat."

"Little white pig?" Li Yuan's eyes widened and he said angrily, "Who said that?"

Li Hang, who was watching the excitement from the side, didn't mind the matter and said to Li Yuan: "Hahaha, you are a flexible fat man."

Li Yuan stood up and hit Li Hang with his fist, his eyes bursting with anger.

"Li Hang, you are already a father, why are you still so unruly? Why are you acting like a child? Humph!"

Li Hang curled his lips and said mockingly: "Only children are greedy and eat snacks."

"Ahhh! Big brother, take care of the second brother. He says I am a flexible fat man."

Li Yuan collapsed. He had a round face with baby fat, but now he looked even fatter.

"He's right." Li Yu said with a smile.

Li Yuan stamped her feet, looked at Li Yu and Li Hang and said, "I'm going to tell daddy, you two are bullying me, you don't have the consciousness to be brothers at all!"

After saying that, he was about to walk out the door.

But after taking a few steps, he hurried back, picked up the snacks he had just placed on the table, and ran out.

"Hahaha." Li Yu laughed when he saw this scene.

Inexplicably happy.

In the apocalypse, everyone becomes very realistic and shrewd in the cruel environment, thinking about how to survive every day.

Simple people cannot survive in this apocalypse.

But at the Da Zhangshu base, with the protection of Li Yu and others, Li Yuan was still able to maintain a little innocence, which made Li Yu feel that what he was doing was meaningful.

Li Yuan's innocence is not silly innocence, but her ability to lower her guard in front of family members like Li Yu.

She holds some power in the warehouse and has been doing a very good job.

Nowadays, she is called stingy, and she has very strict control over the entry and exit of many items.

Because Li Yuzheng saw her attitude towards doing things, he felt more confident and left it to her to take charge.

Suddenly, a voice came from the intercom placed on the table: "I am Zhuzi, calling Da Zhangshu Base, Captain Li. They have returned from Guang City and have now arrived in Gan City."

Li Yu looked happy when he heard this.

He quickly replied: "Okay, I understand. I will follow up with them at any time."

Then he picked another channel, contacted the second uncle, the eldest uncle and others, and informed the third uncle that they were coming back soon.

Everyone was happy to know that Uncle San and the others were coming back.

When they came back, it was announced that the steel collection mission was over.

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, with the temperature reaching 37 degrees in May.

At noon, it was approaching 40 degrees.

On the construction site, water mist was also turned on to cool down, otherwise people would easily suffer from heatstroke in the sun.

On the other side of the wall, it has almost been built. All that is left is to put the finishing touches on it and build a watch room.

Li Yu walked out of the cool duty room, basking in the scorching sun, and went to the third outer city to check the gate again.

Sure enough, as Ding Jiu said, he hid all the wiring on the gate in the wall, making it completely invisible from the surface.

And after testing, the door switch is very sensitive.

And it is very strong. The door and the concrete wall fit tightly with almost no gaps.

Li Yu was waiting in the duty room after eating lunch.

I received news from the personnel stationed in Xincheng that Sanshu and the others had already passed through Xincheng and would be able to reach the Da Zhangshu base in a few dozen minutes.

Time flies by like a white horse.

Forty minutes passed quietly.

The second uncle, the uncle, Li's father, Li's mother and others all came to the wall, staring at the road in the middle of the woods, welcoming the third uncle and the others to return.


Along with the roar of cars, trucks came into view.

At the front was the armored RV in which Uncle San and others were riding, followed closely by the oil tanker driven by Xiao Jun and others.

Since they have to transport thousands of tons of steel at a time, they use a lot of vehicles. Therefore, Uncle San has to bring a tanker truck, otherwise just refueling will be a hassle.

The door opens.

The third uncle and others entered through the gate. A car loaded with steel was parked neatly.

Li Yu walked down the wall and saw his third uncle, whom he had not seen for more than 20 days.

"Third uncle." Li Yu said with a smile on his face as he looked at his third uncle getting out of the car.

The third uncle looked up and saw Li Yu and smiled: "Hahaha, I knew that when I came back this time, you must have come back from the Western League. How about it? Has the matter in the Western League been resolved? That potion What is the effect?"

When Uncle San left Da Zhangshu Base for the last time, Li Yu had not come back yet, so he didn't know much about Li Yu's follow-up to the Western League.

Li Yu nodded and said: "It's done. The effect of that medicine is very good. In addition, we brought back a bunch of things that can be used. It's just that there are too few people there. There are still some materials that can be used over there. , did not bring it back."

When the third uncle heard this, he hesitated and asked, "Then shall I make another trip?"

Li Yu quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, third uncle, you have been running here for almost a month, and you haven't had much rest in between. My uncle said he wanted to go. I promised him."

The third uncle glanced at his uncle, then at Li Yu, nodded and said, "Okay."

Then he said with a smile on his face: "That's just right. I can take a rest. This couldn't be better. Hahaha."

Uncle also smiled.

Li Yu then asked: "Third uncle, did you encounter anything on this trip? Is everything going well?"

The third uncle waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, just some timid flies, but it didn't cause any problems. Ignore them."

Although Li Yu was a little curious about the "fly" that the third uncle said, when he heard what the third uncle said, he knew that it was not a powerful force, so he said: "Okay, third uncle, why don't you go and rest first? These things, Just leave it to us to sort it out.”

The third uncle nodded and looked at He Chao who came out of the first outer city.

Behind him, there was a black German Shepherd.

After the German shepherd came out of the first outer city gate, it rushed towards the ants.

As soon as Ant got off the car, he saw Xiao Hei rushing over.

With surprise on his face, he ran towards Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei ran headlong into Ant's arms. The big dog's collision was extremely forceful, but Ant only shook slightly and firmly caught Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei stuck out his tongue vigorously and licked Ant's face. Ant smiled and touched Xiao Hei's dog head.

"Ant, Lao Qin, Xiao Jun, Jackal, please unload your equipment. You are very tired from this journey. Go back and rest quickly." The third uncle shouted to them.

On the other side, Cannon, Li Tie and others came over to collect their weapons and ammunition, label them and put them in a car. These things would be put away later.

He Chao, his second uncle and others inspected the steel materials. After the inspection was completed, they transported the steel materials to the Second Outer City.

"Mr. Li." Several people walked over, including Guo Peng, Zhu Xiao, and Xiao Hu.

Li Yu turned his head to look at them and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your hard work. Let's do this. I haven't stopped these few times. You will exchange the corresponding grains later. The results of the assessment will be replied to you tomorrow. You Get some rest tonight.”

"Okay." After hearing what Li Yu said, Zhu Xiao and others nodded quickly.

Sometimes, I am not afraid of working, but I am afraid that after working, there will be no results.

Even if the result is not as good as what you expected, it is still better than waiting forever.

But Li Yu has always been very direct and straightforward to them, speaking openly.

This made Zhu Xiao and others admire Li Yu even more.

Later, Li Yu watched his second uncle, Li Yuan, Lao Luo and others dealing with the matter of exchanging the points contributed by Zhu Xiao and others for food, and then stopped taking care of it.

He believed that his second uncle and Li Yuan could do these things well.

Li Yuan may have stayed with his second uncle for a long time, and now he is organized and pays great attention to details.

Li Yu watched his second uncle handling the exchange matters there. After Lao Qin, Ant and others said hello to him, they entered the outer city to rest.

Cannon, Li Tie and others were there to inspect the steel, transport it and store it.

After everything here was handled, Li Yu looked at his third uncle.

I saw my third uncle walking towards the inner city, so I took a few steps to follow him.

"Third Uncle."

"Huh? Xiaoyu, is there anything else?" Third Uncle asked curiously.

Li Yu looked at Zhu Xiao and others behind him, and said to his third uncle: "I want to ask you about Zhu Xiao's assessment. Let's go in first and talk about it."

This matter should still be avoided.

The third uncle heard the words and nodded, and then the two of them passed through two gates in the urn city before entering the inner city.


After entering the inner city, the third uncle lit a cigarette, and then said: "These three trips, generally speaking, they are good."

Li Yu listened quietly while walking side by side with his third uncle.

"When Guo Peng was stationed at the Guangshi Steel Plant, he did not conduct careful inspections, which resulted in zombies coming in in the middle of the night. However, he cannot be blamed for this."

"I heard my second uncle say this. It's true. Apart from this, is there anything else?"

The third uncle continued: "At that time, he and Zhu Xiao were asked to follow Lao Qin and others to solve some minor troubles, and the completion was good. In addition, the deployment of personnel along the way was remarkable.

In addition, I see that most of the people in their group are from Jiefang City. This group of people was the first to cooperate with our base, and they have a high degree of recognition of the Da Zhangshu Base. "

"As for Zhu Xiao, this guy is a militant. Last time he asked Ying to go with him to deal with some people, but he was not allowed to go. But how can I put it, I quite like this guy's temper. He has clear grudges. He treats you But I highly recommend him. As for his performance in this mission, he was quite obedient to orders."

"Group 2 Xiao Hu is a more stable person. When we were filling up water on the way, he took the initiative to take on this task. The water was added at the river. He actually came up with a way to fill up all the vehicles with water."

"All in all, judging from these few trips, the people in the three groups have actually been cooperating with our base for a long time. I don't think there is anything wrong with letting them enter the outer city. Of course, the final decision rests with you , after all, you may have other considerations."

After saying that, the third uncle put out the cigarette butt that he had finished smoking.

Li Yu nodded thoughtfully and said, "I have the same idea as you, and I am ready to let them join the outer city."

"Yeah." Third uncle didn't say anything.

After two seconds, he asked: "What are other people's opinions?"

Li Yu said: "I talked with my dad, and he thought we could let the three of them in. My eldest uncle and second uncle also thought so, but my second uncle thought at first that we still need to conduct another assessment and do a few more tasks. "

The third uncle smiled bitterly and said: "Haha, the second brother is more cautious, which is good. But Zhu Xiao and Guo Peng have done so many tasks and have been assessed for so long, so they are almost done."

Li Yu said: "Yes, there is no point in taking another assessment. Now the outer city should also inject some fresh blood."

"By the way, there are a lot of them. Is there any problem with the food pressure?"

Li Yu shook his head and said, "No problem. Even if we don't count the planting area in the third outer city, the current planting is more than enough."

"That's good." Third Uncle nodded.

While the two were talking, they had reached the residential area unknowingly.

Li Yu stopped, thought for a while and said: "A while ago, a group of people came from the north, from Nanyang. They said that a motorcycle gang appeared there. They specialize in plundering materials from other forces. Come here The group of people at the base came here on the run."

The third uncle listened carefully. He suddenly didn't know the purpose of Li Yu's words.

"Then, what do you think?" Third Uncle asked.

Based on his understanding of Li Yu, his nephew has always been very rational and result-oriented.

You won't do something without a reason. If you do something, there must be a reason behind it.

For example, before the natural disaster, Li Yu made various preparations for people. After the natural disaster broke out, because Li Yu made preparations in advance, the loss of the base was minimized.

Therefore, in the third uncle's opinion, there must be some reason why Li Yu raised this matter now.

Li Yu was silent for a few seconds and said: "Oil, we are short of oil. The oil city in Nanyang has a complete set of equipment for refining oil, and it can continuously produce oil far away. We need oil."

The third uncle was a little surprised. He naturally knew the importance of oil, but it was still quite far from the Da Zhangshu Base to Nanyang.

If you have this time, you might as well go to Gan Province to search, you can always find some oil fields.

The third uncle thought about it and couldn't understand it for a while.

So he said, "What do you mean, are you going to deal with the motorcycle gang over there? Put the Oil City in our hands?"

Li Yu said: "It's one thing whether you have it or not, but that motorcycle gang is developing very fast, and I'm a little worried."

"However, this matter is not urgent. Yesterday, some people who fled from the north were also driven away by the motorcycle gangs.

Now, let’s build the third outer city first.

I just want to talk to my third uncle about this matter first. "

"Okay." Third uncle nodded.

The two were silent for a few seconds.

The third uncle said: "Well, I'll go back and eat something first. I almost vomited after eating solid food all the way."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Uncle Third, there are ripe watermelons over there in the underground plantation. Do you want to eat them?"

When the third uncle heard this, his eyes brightened.

On such a hot day, it is simply a pleasure to eat a refreshing watermelon.

So he nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, I'll pick it right now. You go ahead and get busy while I pick the watermelons."

After saying that, the third uncle walked towards the underground plantation.

Li Yu shook his head with a smile.

"Uncle San is still like that, he especially likes to eat fruits."

The next day.

Early in the morning, Zhu Xiao, Guo Peng and others arrived at the Da Zhangshu Base.

You can tell by the dark circles under their eyes that they haven't slept all night.

Behind them, there are many non-staff members and collaborators from other groups.

They had already heard the news that Zhu Xiao and the others might be able to upgrade and become people from outside the city.

Some people who were originally going to the construction site in the Third Outer City simply came over to join in the fun.

Some teams that were originally going to collect supplies outside were no longer in a hurry to go out to perform tasks, but came here to take a look.

Li Yu was a little surprised to see so many people.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems normal.

After all, for many collaborators and non-staff members, it is their expectation to enter the outer city and live a better life.

Moreover, in addition to He Chao and the others, Lao Luo, Ju Tianrui and others who joined later actually accumulated points very quickly because they completed important tasks very well.

Like non-staff members from other groups, this is the first time they have entered the outer city.

This is an exciting time.

Even if it's not them now, as long as you see others succeed, it will seem like you have succeeded too, which will at least generate a certain amount of motivation.

Li Yu is happy to see it succeed.

The second uncle, the third uncle and others are all there.

Because there were too many people, they were allowed to enter the urn city.

Zhu Xiao and others were actually a little nervous when they saw so many people coming. They were also worried. If people from the other two groups entered, but people from their own group couldn't, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Dafa? ?

But with everyone watching, it was hard to dissuade him, so he had no choice but to accept it.

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Li Yu saw Zhu Xiao, Guo Peng, and Xiao Hu looking nervous, and said to them with a smile: "Haha, don't be nervous."

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