Da Zhangshu Base, Wengcheng.

At this time, the place was full of people, and all of their eyes were on Li Yu in the center.

Li Yu's "Don't be nervous" just now made Zhu Xiao and others even more nervous.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Yu didn't hold back and said directly to everyone: "Perhaps many people have heard the news. Group 1 led by non-staff Guo Peng, Group 2 led by Xiao Hu, and Zhu Xiao Led 9 groups.

After passing the points for entering the city and passing the assessment, I hereby announce that they are now officially members of the outer city. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd below exploded with an explosion, talking and casting envious eyes on Guo Peng and others.

What surprised them even more was that Mr. Li was so courageous that he attracted more than 80 people into the outer city at once.

The collaborators don't feel that strongly, but for other collaborators, the stimulation is greater.

Everyone was non-staff, but the people in these three groups were able to enter the outer city, which gave them a strong motivation to increase their group's points faster.

They also know that there are two ways to enter the outer city. One way is to recruit top talents specially.

Or just honestly enter the outer city by earning points.

Group 1 and Group 2 entered the outer city, but they felt it was okay. After all, the people in these two groups were the first to join the Da Zhangshu Base, and they had accumulated points for a long time.

But Zhu Xiao and his team from Group 9 cooperated with Da Zhangshu Base later than many non-staff members, but now they came from behind, which made them feel a little ashamed.

After all, every time Zhu Xiao's team performs tasks, they go to the most dangerous, farthest, and most troublesome places, so the speed of accumulating points will naturally be faster.

These three groups entered the outer city, and other non-staff personnel were convinced.

They haven't even reached the hard target points for entering the city.

After Guo Peng and others heard Li Yu announce this order, their eyes showed surprise, and they hugged each other excitedly with the team members, and even jumped up to express their happiness.

Li Yu saw them like this, with a faint smile on his face, watching quietly.

Tens of seconds later, Li Yu spoke again: "Guo Peng, Xiao Hu, Zhu Xiao, you will take your team members to pack your luggage and belongings later, and then meet with He Chao, he will take you Entering the outer city, I hope you will continue to work hard."

"In addition, I would like to say a word to the other cooperators and non-staff personnel present, as long as you work hard, the Dazhangshu Base will never treat you badly.

Okay, let’s go. "

Li Yu finished speaking in one breath and ended neatly.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yu left Wengcheng.

He Chao walked up to Guo Peng and others in the crowd and said to the three of them: "Congratulations to you. You can go back and pack your things later, just come to me directly. I'll go to the construction site of the Third Outer City first. While dealing with some things, you are ready to contact me on the walkie-talkie."

Guo Peng and He Chao are very familiar. They knew each other when they were in Jiefang City, but He Chao joined Dazhangshu Base earlier, while Guo Peng came later.

Zhu Xiao and Xiao Hu had also dealt with He Chao before, and they were no strangers to each other, so they clasped their fists and nodded: "Understood, you go ahead and do your work first. We will contact you later."

He Chao smiled, looked at the three of them and said, "Mr. Li asked me to say a word to you. After joining the Outer City, we will become a family. I will introduce to you one by one the treatment and benefits in the Outer City later. "

The three of them nodded repeatedly. Although they had a certain understanding of the benefits and benefits in the city outside the Da Zhangshu Base, the experience was definitely not as strong as entering it in person.

When He Chao left, the people in these three groups seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, walking with wind and vigor.

For them, joining the outer city, in a practical sense, they truly belonged to the Dazhangshu Base.

After He Chao left, non-staff personnel from other teams also ran over to congratulate him.

Zuo Ruxue walked over and said to them, "Congratulations."

After finishing speaking, he jokingly said: "We agreed to share weal and woe together, but you guys left so fast, it turns out that the clown is me."

Zuo Ruxue had a smile on her face. As the only female team leader in the non-staff organization, the non-staff personnel in other groups had a good impression of her.

Guo Peng blushed and said with a smile: "I think your group is getting closer, and the points are only a few points away."

Zuo Ruxue sighed and said: "There is still a few points left, but when you get to the back, it will be harder to rise."

"It's okay, it will be soon." Xiao Hu said.

After announcing the news, all the cooperating staff and non-staff personnel finished eating, and then went about their own affairs.

Many people witnessed Zhu Xiao's promotion with their own eyes, which stimulated them.

Among them, some team members are even more envious and their eyes are red with envy.

Among the dispersed crowd, Dongfeng, who had recently joined the Da Zhangshu base, was somewhat silent.

He remained silent throughout the whole process. Seeing his silence, Wan Bo next to him asked worriedly: "Team leader, what's wrong with you? We should go to work at the construction site."

Dongfeng sighed and said: "I have an idea. Although it is safer to work at the construction site, the points earned are too few. Yesterday I saw some new tasks recently released by the base. These tasks reward points and food. Gao, I think we can give it a try."

When Wan Bo heard this, he said hesitantly: "It's just the team leader. To be honest, our life is already pretty good now. We take care of the food every day and there are points to earn. Why take risks?"

Dongfeng secretly shook his head and sighed: "Sooner or later, the third outer city will be built. When it is built, we still have to go outside to perform tasks. Besides, we are collaborators and can only obtain food by doing tasks. And points are not guaranteed.”

"Even if we can become non-staff, we will not be so nervous if we receive a portion of the food every month. Wanbo, think about it, if the construction of the Third Outer City is completed, how long will we be able to eat just with the food in our hands? ?”

"Uh, half a month." Wan Bo hesitated and said.

"Yes, half a month, I have no food in my hands, and I feel panicked. Think about it, now is actually an opportunity. I have studied the latest missions. To be honest, some of them are not that dangerous, but the distance is A little further.

Doing one mission can equal four or five ordinary missions. I think you can give it a try. "

"The Third Outer City is still under construction. When it is completed, the cooperating personnel on the construction site will be released. In addition, some of the original tasks of collecting construction materials will probably be reduced a lot.

When that time comes, it is estimated that everyone’s attention will be on these new tasks, so we must hurry up and do it, and don’t wait until later to compete with others.

Only in this way can we accumulate enough points faster than others. "

Dongfeng said with a strong voice and seriously.

Wanbo thought for a while and said: "It's just that among the people in our group, some of them are not suitable to go. Dajie has broken a hand, and he is still not good at it. There are also Hutou and others who are so young, Also, Xiaofang had Dr. Liu Pengfei check her out a few days ago and she said she was pregnant. The couple haven't decided whether to have a child yet."

When Dongfeng heard this, his eyes became more determined.

He opened his mouth and said: "That's why we are going to take risks. While the third outer city is still under construction, let the people with weak combat effectiveness go to work here while the rest of us go out to perform tasks. This is the best way. .

As for Xiaofang, let her stay near the Da Zhangshu base. "

When Wan Bo heard this, he didn't say anything more and nodded.

Then they walked out of the urn. Within a few dozen meters of walking out of the urn, team member Liu Youguang ran to Dongfeng and said, "Team leader, wait a minute. Old Dong's daughter ran out and said she wanted to see you."

After saying that, he turned around and waved to Dong Ying, who was ten meters away.

Lao Dong and his family were specially recruited by the Da Zhangshu Base because of his professional ability in electricity, but they have never been in contact.

We left Poyang Lake together, experienced life and death together, and finally arrived at the Zhangshu Base, but they had different fates.

Especially after they understood the four-level system of Da Zhangshu Base, they understood the difference in treatment between cooperative personnel and those from outside the city.

This made them feel a little sad, after all, the gap was too big. Obviously we were all together in the beginning

Although their collaborators can obtain food by performing tasks, which to put it nicely is very free, there is no guarantee.

If they did not perform their mission, or died outside while performing their mission, it essentially had nothing to do with the Da Zhangshu Base.

After all, the relationship between them is just a cooperative relationship, and no one owes anything to the other.

But as someone from outside the city, it's completely different.

Dong Ying was carrying a large sack on his back, and his forehead was covered with sweat. It was obvious that the things on his back were a little heavy.

"Brother Dongfeng, Uncle Wan, and Uncle Youguang. My parents are busy at the base and don't have time to come out to see you. They asked me to come here to give you these things.

He said, you may be short of food now and need these. "

Dong Ying greeted everyone with a smile on his face, and then handed the things in his hands to them.

Two young men, Tietou and Hutou, hurried over to catch it. It was obvious that the sack was a bit heavy, which made Tietou asked in surprise: "Sister Ying, what is in it? Why is it so heavy?"

Just as Dong Ying was about to answer, Dongfeng looked at the sack and had a guess in his mind.

He said, "Lao Dong, your mother, and the others, are you feeling okay in the base?"

Dong Ying nodded and said: "They are all very good, but they are quite busy and stay in the research room all the time. Brother Dongfeng, my parents asked me to say hello to you on their behalf. We all miss you very much."

Tietou and Hutou, who were nearby, opened the sack and saw that it was filled with grain.

Some excitedly shouted: "Wow! It's all grain, and there are even cans!"

Dongfeng's mood is very complicated now. Food is the most important thing in this apocalyptic world. He originally thought that after Lao Dong and the others entered the base, they would no longer have contact with their collaborators.

Unexpectedly, he gave them precious food.

During this time, they also understood that people in outer cities were not actually food-free. They did not have as much food as they wanted.

Instead, the quota is fixed every day and distributed uniformly.

Those foods are many times better than those of non-staff, but with so much food, it is also very difficult.

Wan Bo choked up and shouted towards Tietou: "Give it back to you Sister Ying quickly."

Dong Ying said quickly: "No, no, no, no. My dad said that he really appreciates everyone's care along the way. These grains are a part of our heart, and I hope everyone will accept them. We have no worries about eating and drinking in the base, so don't worry about us.

My father mainly wanted to know, how is everyone doing now? "

Although Dong Ying said so, she knew very well that they had actually tried their best to save food. They took out all the food they had saved during this period, exchanged some of the benefits distributed in the base for food, and even It was just distributed from the base the day before yesterday. Each person had two canned fruit, and the four of them took a total of eight canned fruit.

My father took out six cans. If he hadn't given one to himself and one to his younger brother, he might have given all the cans to Brother Dongfeng and the others.

Hearing what Dong Ying said, Uncle Wan didn't know whether to accept it, so he looked at Dongfeng.

Dongfeng hesitated for a few seconds, and said to Tietou who was holding the sack and wondered if he should return it or not: "Put it away."

Immediately, he said to Dong Ying: "I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of everyone for your thoughts. I will tell your father later that we are all doing well. Now we can take care of the food while working on the construction site, so he doesn't have to worry."

Dong Ying nodded and said: "That's good, Brother Dongfeng, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can contact us and we will definitely find a way to help you. Of course, you also know the rules of the base and we can help. , I can only help you with some food, and I can’t do anything else.”

Dongfeng said quickly: "You're really too polite."

He wanted to refuse, but he hesitated again, so he said: "Thank you very much, we know, this is already very good."

Dong Ying nodded and saw Li Haoran standing on the wall looking at her, so she said to Dongfeng: "Okay, I will go back first. I need to report when I come out. Brother Dongfeng, we will wait for you in the outer city. Get together.”

"Okay." Dongfeng and others watched her leave.

Seeing Dong Ying's leaving figure, everyone fell silent.

half an hour.

Wan Bo said leisurely: "Old Dong is really interesting."

Dongfeng nodded and said: "Since he is so powerful, we can't stretch our legs and hurry up to get points and food."

Liu Youguang was filled with emotions.

Dongfeng opened the sack and glanced at the contents. He had a general idea in his mind and said to Wan Bo: "Give Xiaofang two of the cans inside."

Wanbo nodded without objection.

After walking all the way from Poyang Lake, there were only 27 of them left, but they were very convinced of Dongfeng from top to bottom. This is why Dongfeng pays attention to fairness and at the same time does not abandon its team members, and treats some weak team members. Will be taken care of.

This is very strange in the last days.

Many forces are often extremely realistic. Young adults receive the most food and receive any benefits.

When encountering danger, the old, weak, women and children are always used to deal with it, and then the strong young people.

In Dongfeng and the others, they are full of human touch.

Dongfeng's adventure to save Dajie can be seen from the fact that even after Lao Dong entered the outer city, he still wanted to subsidize Dongfeng and others.

Autumn can be seen in one leaf, and people's hearts can be seen in the details.

Dongfeng watched Dong Ying's leaving figure disappear under the gate.

With emotion in his heart, he said to everyone: "Let's go and work first!"

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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